Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1979: Tit-for-tat

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't even look at it, she bowed her head and drank tea.

To the enemy, she is a hateful and tricky opponent.

I watched the banquet almost turned into her commendation meeting. Jin Yao sneered in her heart, but the jealousy in her heart couldn't hold back.

I was just an empty and beautiful vase, otherwise I would not leave that long, and gave away my rich family business and man to another woman.

Qi Jinyao's eyes grew colder and colder, and he rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I think everyone is very interested. It just so happened that I have something good and want to give you a taste."

As Pei Yan, the master, she suddenly remembered the incident and followed up.

"Yes, I know that the master of the palace is well-informed. If you want to come, you must know the origin of this thing. Miss Jin, you can pick it up and show it to everyone."

Tong Jinyao's lips were hooked, and even if she tried to hide it, Lin Mengya still felt the maliciousness in the other's eyes.

I put down the tea cup, and leaned lazily on the chair, showing an interest.

Until, Jin Yao's maid brought up a wedding dress.

Xun Jinyao got up, his eyes never left Lin Mengya.

"I bought this wedding dress at a high price. It is said that it was from the prince's house in a country overseas."

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was a little surprised, she suspected that Jin Yao knew her previous experience.

Now, she is almost certain that Jin Yao must want to make a fuss about the past.

At the moment, he just smiled and said, "Oh?"

"Although the country overseas is far less powerful than my country, these things are also very rough. But the embroidery lady is intentional. Look at it, there are ninety-nine peony embroidered on the palace. And the phoenix, It's really exquisite. "

Xi Jinyao had a playful smile in his mouth and ordered people to unfold the wedding dress.

The bright red and bright red peony is different, and the peony blossoms on it are different. They are decorated with clothes and they seem to carry the intoxicating fragrance.

The phoenix pattern is all embroidered with the finest gold thread, no matter it is near or high, it seems to be able to bring out a different kind of brilliance.

The young girl who was present all admired, if she could wear this exquisite wedding dress when she was married, she might be stunning all the time left by the husband.

"It's so clever, but how could that princess be willing to cut love?"

Pei Yan also saw it for the first time, and could not help but feel a little sorry.

She Jinyao took a deep look at Lin Mengya and said, "I heard that the princess was out of order, so she has been retired by the husband. Is this wedding dress prepared for the remarry?"

All of a sudden, the expressions of Miss Family's family were a little bad.

Some of the rules of etiquette are extremely strict, and they have changed their faces.

"I don't know how to be ashamed! The dad's wife dare to be so pretentious, no wonder the husband's family has been suspended!"

Everything like that went into Lin Mengya's ears.

She Jinyao was so proud that she looked at the woman in front of her with scorn, only feeling that she could step on her feet without comparing.

怎么 How can a woman who has been rejected be able to compete with her?

"House owner, what do you think?"

Her bad intentions, kicked the problem to Lin Mengya.

She just wants to make herself feel filthy, and never dare to argue with her again!

But Lin Mengya was holding her chin, without any shame on her face.

"I think this wedding dress is good."

The noble ladies in the hall looked at her with a little disapproval in their eyes.

This wedding dress is good, but it is proof that the princess does not know shame.

At the moment, someone couldn't hold his breath and said sadly: "Why is the housekeeper so short-sighted? The next cousin doesn't know to repent of herself, but is so pretentious, so she can be seen as an unscrupulous woman at all! I can't stand to throw this thing! "

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the woman lightly, and the latter suddenly felt the back spine cold.

"What about the next cousin? It ’s going to rain, and the mother is going to marry. This is a matter of righteousness. How can a man divorce his wife after he divorces his wife?"

I looked at her with enthusiasm, as if she didn't feel that the matter was disgraceful, and some of the women present were somewhat disapproved.

Originally, they had some criticisms about the woman's palm, but now it seems that it is more appropriate to think that this woman really has to be educated in deep boudoirs.

Tong Jinyao looked at the reaction of the crowd, but felt that his heart was very happy.

She just wanted to see that Gong Ya was even more embarrassed, and she said, "No wonder the housekeeper was so open-minded, and when you heard that you were training outside, you had married and had children. It seems that the housekeeper and the princess, It's really similar. "

As soon as this word came out, it shocked the noblewoman in the whole house.

They have never heard of Gong Ya marrying a son, everyone admired her good birth and good husband, but did not want her to be a second marriage!

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes were cold, she could not care what anyone said about her, but she would definitely not step on her baby!

"How can it be similar? Like the princess, I was married by a man who had lifted a limousine and went through the family tree, and my whole life was a fair wife who sat on par with Xiang Xiang."

She looked at Jin Yao with a little provocation in her eyes.

"Even though I had married and had a son, my Highness knew it. We were frank and innocent, and naturally nothing was too bad."

Looking at her guilty conscience, the girls present felt that their long-term cognition was shocked and crushed.

"But, if you have had a husband before, you are already a scumbag and a willow. How can you be worthy of your highness?"

She glanced at the righteous lady and got up step by step towards the wedding dress.

"As a human being, the physical body is just a skin. If a skin can break a person's high and low, what's the difference with a wild animal?"

She looked at everyone without fear, and she still had pride in her eyes.

"Everyone who is inferior can be degraded, and those who take self-respect are the most important. Although I am a woman, how is it different from a man?"

She is not impassioned, and even her tone is volatile.

But when these words were heard, they were deafening.


Yan Pei Yan looked at Gongya in front of her with a good eye. She knew that Gongya was right, but she couldn't hold back anything to refute her.

Isn't it natural for women to be inferior to men?

"You, you are a strong word! Men are yang, women are yin. This is the ethics of the world. How can you tolerate them?"

Lin Mengya fixedly looked at the talking woman and said relentlessly: "If you want to be a man of three virtues and be a slave to a man, that is your own business. My palace family has always been like this, and the emperor cannot control I do n’t have to worry about it. ”

The other side gave her a pretty face and flushed, only to feel that the woman in front of her was so outrageous that it was really rotten wood and could not be carved.

Ji Jinyao narrowed her eyes, she didn't care how those people treated Gong Ya.

What she wants is a person's attitude.

Pei Yan is also a **** of six gods. When he doesn't know how to end, he looks outside and walks in a few people.

"The fiancee in this temple is really the first-class woman in the world, good!"

The man's black brocade was even brighter.

He was cold, but a pair of black eyes fell on the woman's body, shining brightly.

He stepped closer to his hot sun step by step, at last, only smiled tenderly at her.

"I'm here to pick you up. The children are clamoring for their mother."

Lin Lin Mengya hooked her lips, actively holding the man's arm.

"What is it, but your" daddy "is not worthy of duty. How can you be so accustomed to children?"

I was spurred by the word "after father".

There was a dangerous light flashing in the eyes of Chen Longtianyu.

"Mrs. is right, not for her husband."

Backhand, holding her little hand.

Gao Linmengya blushed, and maybe she was far less thick than this man than her skin.

I tried to break free a little bit, Lin Mengya didn't want to make people here blind again.

"I still have something to do with you."

She took a few steps forward, then suddenly stopped, and turned back to look at Jin Yao with a strong complexion and Miss Pan's shameful face.

对 "Well, thanks to Miss Jin for reminding me today. I should prepare this wedding dress, thank you Miss Jin for giving me new inspiration."

Wu Jinyao never thought that after she had pierced the true face of Gong Ya, Murong Xi could still indulge her so much.

She desperately restrained her impulse, but she uttered an ugly smile, but she was still unwilling.

"The owner of the palace naturally wants to prepare early, but the fish head is the fish head, and it can never become a pearl!"

Lin Mengya nodded and agreed.

"You're right, you have to be what it is. People, you still have to recognize reality well."

After saying that, she went out with Long Tianyu.

With a "Bang Dang" sound, Jin Yao severely overturned her wedding dress.

Why? What kind of trick did the lowly woman use to confuse him!

But Jin Yao didn't know that someone had deliberately concealed the fact that Murong Xi was Long Tianyu in order to provoke her relationship with Lin Mengya.

"Miss King, don't worry."

At the critical moment, it was Miss Pan who stopped Jin Yao who was almost jealous.

"What kind of thing are you, dare to control me!"

Jin Yao pushed away Miss Pan, who slumped and fell to the ground, but still gritted her teeth and said, "Her Royal Highness is still obsessed, but she has seen what she should see. We haven't lost yet! "

A word from Miss Pan instantly woke Jin Yao.

I'm right, as long as Gong Ya is dead, then His Highness will naturally not be deceived by that **** again.

Xu took a deep breath, and Jin Yao suppressed the wrath of his chest.

She stepped forward and pulled Miss Pan up.

"It's still my sister's cleverness, it's me, I'm almost stunned by that bitch, don't blame me for my sister."

Miss Pan softly smiled: "How can I blame my sister? After all, compared to that Gongya, I think my sister is a sweetheart and gets along better."

Ji Jinyao looked at the direction they were leaving and sneered.

Yu Gongya, she waited to see how miserable her end!

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