Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2052: Special investigation

When everyone was busy, she asked Ning Liang to let him investigate the reason why 纭 er gave birth in advance.

所有人 At that time everyone's attention was focused on this matter, and it was the perfect time to destroy the evidence.

Yuning Liang is not an ordinary person.

If he is interested, he can investigate the whole house and everyone's every move clearly.

This is also his greatest strength.

If it wasn't for his ability, how could he make a decision that was entirely beneficial to the owner?

Now, Lin Mengya secretly gave him a part of the dry stock.

Everyone is glorious and glorious. Ning Liang really treats them as a family.

"If you go home, there are really no problems with the girls used by the girl. The only thing that is wrong is that when the girl went out shopping half a month ago, she bought a pair of tiger shoes. But Mr. Baili has also checked that there are no problems with this pair of tiger-head shoes. But in addition, everything that the girl is in contact with is our own, and there will never be such a big leak.

Although there is no absolute thing in the world, Lin Mengya believes in Ning Liang's words.

The Xiong Palace family is so big, and there are so many people. How can you carelessly eat it?

Whether it was at home or Long Tianyu, someone sent someone to watch it in the field.

Even so, they change suppliers every other month.

But other families also pull empty cars to pretend to be transported.

As for whether there is anything in it, only the mind of the shopkeeper is clear.

Moreover, Xuan Er is not high-profile, very few people know that she is a person in the palace's old house.

Well, it's not realistic to give her medicine through these things.

到底 So what went wrong?

呢 "What about those tiger shoes?"

"it's here."

Since it is possible, how could Ning Liang not put it away in person.

A pair of delicate little shoes can be held in the palm of your hand.

Gao Linmengya and Xiaoyao studied for a long time. Although they did not remove their shoes, they were almost the same.

"Sure enough."

Since it is not a problem with shoes, is it a problem for others?

She thought about it and suddenly let Xiaoyao adjust her olfactory sensitivity to the highest level.

Lin Mengya asked Ning Liang to exit first.

In the case of the highest olfactory sensitivity, everyone except her own is like a taste bomb in her nose, so she will not easily try.

The sensitivity was suddenly increased, Lin Mengya felt that she had fallen into a clearer and sharper odor space.

的 The scorching smell of charcoal fire in the kitchen, the smell of feces in the stable, even if she was so far away, she could smell a faint hint.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't think about it, immediately smelled the small shoes, then the sensitivity suddenly dropped.

Oh my god, she almost didn't smoke her!

Alas, on the little shoes, she still smelled a residue of fragrance.

The aroma is very faint and faint, and it is not noticeable in itself.

But probably because shoes have been soaked in that taste for too long, so there will be residues for half a month.

With this taste, Lin Mengya couldn't be more familiar.

At the beginning, 纭 儿 was recruited, thanks to the "help" of this thing.

Alas, at this time she looked more dignified.

Until now, she hasn't found that dark 纭 child


Is it necessary to let the man escape again from his own hands?

"You bring someone to bring me the man who sells shoes, and I will ask for it myself."


Since the shoe was sold by that person, whether it was behind the scenes or not, it was related.

She weighed the shoes in her hand and half-sounded before calling Bai 芨.

"Do you follow this example and make exactly the same one, and give it to your child?"

Bai Yan took a look, and it was not difficult, and he smiled immediately and said, "If you want to send the baby of your son's family, you don't need to send a pair of the same. I would look otherwise, and be sure to sell better than outside. However, this is also really good. This is the material. Children may not be comfortable to wear it. It is not as good as selling it on the street. "

Her words, but what Lin Mengya thought of, pulled Bai 芨 and asked: "A lot of people choose to buy things for babies outside?"

But Bai 笑 smiled.

"My lady, what's the matter with you. Although the clothes and shoes of the two young masters are made by me, but the cloth and needlework are all sold from outside. Besides, I can still use these On the other hand, if there are toys, books, or anything else, then I really have nothing to do. "

There was a flash of light in my mind.

Since the problem is not at home, it must be outside.

"Small medicine, help me calculate, our palace family does not need to exchange with the outside, it can be produced and sold by itself."

所有 All the books she has seen are stored in the system, and it is even more convenient now.

Previously, Bai Yan said that children died in many places, but the palace family did not.

So the palace family must have something different from the outside.

Bai 芨 also said just now that there is no baby and he won't touch outside things.

So, it is very likely that there is something that can cause the baby to have an accident, but because their house is self-produced and sold, there is no way to be tampered with!

"Master, I have counted it."

Xiao Yao's real-time data is fast, and instantly, a very clear and detailed form appears in front of her.

Lin Mengya ruled out some things first, such as wine and metal.

Next, there are things that are unique to some palace families, and they cannot be guaranteed elsewhere.

排除 As a result of this exclusion, there are still a lot left.

But how do you ensure that most children can use it?

Finally, she set her sights on cloth and grain.

Whether it is an adult or a child, it must be clothed to sleep, right?

看着 She looked at the cloth and food pushed in front of her, feeling that she might be the key to catching things.

芨 "Baiyu, is there any custom for our children to eat and dress here?"

Bai 芨 has also inquired before, naturally it is like a few treasures.

"Of course there is something like this. Let ’s dress here, here at our house, a special kind of fine cloth. This cloth is soft, light, strong, and bright in color. It is most suitable for children. Whether it is poor or rich, children will wear clothes made of this kind of cloth. Haven't you seen it a few days ago? The clothes I made for two little boys are just this kind of material. "

Yes, it's clothes!

If it is food, everyone eats rice and flour as the staple food. What makes it different?

Except in the palace enclosure, this fine cloth is used as a cloth for children's clothing.

She called up the details of this fine cloth, and found that the origin of this fine cloth is the palace

The Qiang family closed the land, and a long time ago, the owner of the palace also personally improved the fine cloth.

So, in addition to being really comfortable, using this fabric has a kind of memorial significance to the palace family.

In the past few years, the palace family has really done a lot of practical things, and the people in the fiefdom are thinking of their goodness.

It is for this reason that the children avoided this disaster.

In the end, it is also a blessing to all of them!

"You're right, since there are better options, why should we use this kind of bad?"

She smiled and looked at Bai Yan who was always in the face.

The latter also said that she really felt that the shoes were not good, and busy explained: "Miss, I'm not saying that the shoes are bad, but"

"I know what you mean, but I think that since our family has this kind of good cloth, then we better use this best thing for children."

Bai 芨 also felt the same, happily ran to make shoes look.

Zhe Lin Mengya sat alone in the flower hall, thinking about the next solution.

Moreover, she felt that the true murderer of Poison might have something to do with it, maybe it was just her guess.

Now, she just needs to verify her idea step by step.

Wu Ningliang quickly brought people over, but Lin Mengya was only able to ask the next day because she had to take care of the baby.

The man thought that the palace family wanted to buy his things, and he was so happy that he made an appointment for the next day and came to visit again.

"Find someone to keep him on."

Across the door, she replied softly, but never looked away from the crib.

The mother-in-law's son was killed last time, which has made her depressed enough.

This time, she must be in front of the enemy.

After she sent the child to his parents again, the merchant said that he could not come for the time being.

When Ning Liang brought back the news, her pretty face was already covered with chills, and a bright face, even the occasional smile, seemed like the bones of winter.

"Dare to run in front of me, I see, is he trying to find his way?"

"Homeowner, he said that he wrote to him at home last night, saying that he had received a large amount of goods and was waiting for him to go home to dispose of it. You said, is this true or false?"

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but she seriously thought about it.

"When he talks to you today, how is it different?"

Su Ningliang shook his head.

"It looks very happy, I don't think it's pretending."

Although it is a coincidence, if the opponent wants to run, this excuse is too obvious.

"Well, can he escape my palm from the left and right. Then as he goes, I will send someone to follow him, so that he can't escape!"

She just said, "Instead, I have one more thing, and I need you to do it for me."

"Please say it."

"Isn't this a birth for 纭 儿, I, who was born and raised clearly, still feels confused, either this forgotten or that forgotten. Alas, it is really hard work."

Yun Ningliang also had children, and he happened to be at home when his wife was giving birth.

I was also reminded of her words, and nodded in sympathy.

"You're right. The boss of my family made a noise at first, and this one was busy in and out, and I couldn't find the child's quilt for a long time. At that time, the second child was even more troubled, and now I think of it, I have a headache."

"Yeah, so I thought, can I think of a way to prepare the big guys in advance."

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