Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2072: Giant cocoon

I was always by her side, seemingly a lively animal husbandry animal, and suddenly stopped.

The purple beast pupil stared at the big cocoon in front of her eyes, her whole body tense.

This is a sign before the herd beast is ready to attack.

However, Lin Mengya found that it was not the vines, but the cocoon that had been corroded.

The Shepherd Shepherd Beast is born with the She, but she is born with the enemy.

Is it also 这里?

In the system, the small medicine is a tangled face

"It's not a tadpole but a special creature."

嗯 "Huh? What do you mean? Could it be an alien?"

Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed.

But Xiao Yao explained quickly.

"It's not an alien. You master, you do n’t have to use the space-time that I was born here. Therefore, my current reserves are not enough to fully process all the information here. For example, the thing in front of me may be theoretically speaking. , It should be the same thing as we know, but it is something I have never seen before, and there is no information about it in the system. "

Lin Lin Mengya just came to understand a little bit.


It is not surprising that the animal husbandry is native, and it is not difficult to recognize what is inside the cocoon.

What's more, she thought the cocoon was too weird.

"Can we get closer?"

Means she and herd of beasts.

Pu Xiaoyao gave an affirmative answer, and said that the "pupa" in the cocoon was immature, and there was no sign of waking.

Just be careful, there won't be much problem.

Lin Lin Mengya walked slowly to the cocoon, and carefully observed the condition of the cocoon.


The animal husbandry yelled, and its small body jumped to the cocoon.

"Be careful!"

She couldn't help but worry, for fear of any harm to herd animal.

I reached out and touched it carefully.

When the palm of her hand slipped over the giant cocoon, suddenly, she felt something seemed to shake her hand.

I quickly retracted my hand, Lin Mengya stepped back a few steps.

His eyes were staring at the cocoon tightly, and even the animal husbandry followed her, but the beast pupil kept staring at the cocoon.

"What was going on just now?"

In the system, the small medicine is also a little surprised.

好像 "It seems that the contents are alive. But now, it has returned to its original state."

She was a little worried, wondering if she could handle this thing.

Perhaps the best way now is to take Xiao Hei out first.

But those vines are really nothing good.

I ask, what good can be fed in such **** and cruel methods?

"Master, did you feel anything special just now?"

She thought about it and replied, "It seems like something shocked, a little numb."

Other than that, it's nothing special.

"Well, you might as well touch it."


"Well, because I found that when you touched the cocoon just now, the things in it started to become active. After you stepped back, you just returned to sleep."

She swallowed unconsciously.

No way? She didn't do anything.

However, she did not feel any danger.

For her now, her intuition is sometimes acutely scary.

Ke from her to now, everything here does not give her scalp numbness.

It also gave her a little more confidence and curiosity.


She approached again.


Reached out to touch the giant cocoon.

A moment, twice.

Every time she swipes her palm, a giant cocoon will shake her palms.

From the beginning hesitation to the accustomed to later, she only took a short time.

小 "Small medicine, I feel what's inside, it seems to be responding to me."

When she said this, her palm was completely attached to the giant cocoon.

This is a very strange feeling.

I was like Ning Er kicking her belly for the first time when she was pregnant in October.

In the hard giant cocoon, an unknown life is also responding to her.

For a moment, she seemed to be able to feel that what was inside was desperately trying to escape.

"I have to help it."

She seemed to murmur, but she was very determined.

If the contents inside are harmful to her, she will never feel this closeness.

Yes, as the content inside became more active, she was faint and had a feeling of being close to the content inside.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

Within the system, small medicine monitors the condition of cocoons at any time.

As it expected.

As the owner approached, the contents inside became more active.

It was as if the master had awakened it.

"I don't know how to help it, but I can feel it, it seems to want to come out."

However, there is no exit for cocoons.

Although the surrounding area was pitted with rattan, it was impossible to see inside.

小 The small medicine has also been tested before. This cocoon can't be opened by ordinary people.

When she kept looking out of her mouth, suddenly, she heard a "click".

The vines around are also active more frequently.

The sound of rustling is endless.

It's a pity that she was suppressed by her blood poison.

From the first sound, she stopped all movements.

After a while, there was some noise.

Then she saw a gap cracked in the cocoon, and there were signs of enlargement.

"It's about to open."

She returned to her previous position, but Xiao Hei looked very excited.

I swayed the slender tail and kept beside her, walking around.

From time to time, he yelled at "Meow Meow" inside.

I feel like I'm calling, companion?

Alas, this guy didn't look like a tit.

The coat of the giant cocoon began to fall off, and the debris was covered with ground.

The contents of the puppet only revealed its beginnings.

Lin Lin Mengya held her breath.

Curious, grows wild in my heart.

What is it like? She is also looking forward to it.

Finally, the giant cocoon revealed the internal appearance.

But it is similar to amber, transparent things, with two shadows sealed inside.

The light was a bit dim, and she could only see the outline inside.

"Amber", also began to crack.

Then she suddenly heard a "squeak".

Stood by the foot, the animal husbandry beast also looked like an arrow off the string, jumping up.

"Meow 嗷"

That's howl when it launched the attack.

Before she could see clearly, Xiao Hei started to make a ball with the contents.

Around, Fujiwara waved the rattan to approach, but did not dare to move at all.

Zhe Lin Mengya ignored her surroundings and stared at a small group in front of her eyes.

I was just now, she could see clearly.

Xiao Xiaohe jumped in and caught a thing like a silkworm.

And now

Alas, it was dragging the head and tail of a silkworm with a little guy about the same size as it.

"what is this?"

Xiaoyao was stunned.

But the two in front of it quickly completed the battle.

The two are very tacit, and pull to each side.

She just looked at the two like this, about half a meter away.

韧性 This toughness is comparable to cowhide.

But how long can it be pulled?

The pupa is always better than two. Finally, under their continuous efforts, the "silkworm" broke from the middle.

Suddenly, a strong body got the ultimate toxin, which quickly filled the entire space.

I even poisoned those vines.

But for Lin Mengya, it's just an appetizer.

"Little Black, come here."

She screamed, and Xiao Hei jumped over at once, and darted her calf in affection.

Lin Mengya also saw a half of the thing in her mouth.

Before He asked, Xiao Hei swallowed and swallowed everything.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little speechless.

She's not trying to grab it. Why is this so impatient?

"You, you, eat everything, aren't you afraid of eating a bad stomach?"

蹲 She squatted down and nodded the little beast's head gently.

Xiao Xiaohei yelled loudly and coquettishly with her.

At this time, there was another little thing, slowly came over.

She looked slowly and clearly.

That is an adult ferret.

Tong Honghong's small eyes, round head, and hair were covered with furryness.

It came to her and spit a little thing out of her mouth.

I gave it to her with a short claw.

"This is, for me?"

She was a little flattered and reached out her hand subconsciously.

Ferret raised his claws slightly and put something in her hand.

At this time, she saw that it was a bug that was similar to a silkworm, but several times larger than a silkworm.

Although it was only half-length, it was covered with barbs.

But it may be because she died, so it was not as soft as she imagined, but rather a bit hard.

She looked at it, and Xiaoyao also recorded this mysterious thing in the system.

Although I don't know if this thing is set, I will know it someday.

谢谢 "Thank you, but you should also need it right?"

Judging from Xiao Hei ’s reaction just now, this thing may be a good thing for herds of animal breeding like it.

The little ferret in front of his eyes, although it does not belong to a herd of beasts like Xiaohei, but Lin Mengya can feel its extraordinaryness.

Alas, the little guy seemed to be close to her.

"Give it back to you, I'm finished."

Instead, she gave things to each other.

First Ferret did not respond, and then, using her small head, she kept holding her hand.

谁 Who can refuse furry in this world?

When Lin Mengya suddenly loved her, she gave it back to the ferret, and tentatively touched it.

The little guy eats the worm and starts to keep intimate with her.

Zhe Lin Mengya was almost going to be killed by it, and quickly hugged it in her arms.

"Will I take you out? If I can, I hope to be your **** officer."

She is going to be crazy.

到底 Where the **** is this cute on earth?

Ferret turned her belly and lay in her arms, quiet and well-behaved.

He was a little black. Looking at his owner, when he was holding other beasts, the whole cat was bad.

It wants to run away from home, hum, because the **** shovel changed his heart!

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