Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2084: What do you mean

Chen Long Tianyu carefully observed for a while, then shook her head to deny her statement.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt that this idea was a bit whimsical.

But ferret must be conveying some news to her.

The two men and Xiao Ferret stared at Miss Gong, and Xiao Hei also climbed onto the ice planting tree.

After sniffing left and right, he took out a small claw and pulled it a few times.

Suddenly, a special strange fragrance appeared.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at Xiao Hei in surprise. This is the taste that the herd of beasts encounter when she encounters the species.

Except for her master, almost no one could smell it.

But now, where are there?

Ain't it

Lin Lin Mengya felt instantly that the idea she had sprung up now was even more unreliable than the previous one.

"Yu, can ice be a tree?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu froze.

He doesn't know much about such wonders.

"I don't know that either."

She doesn't know much about Lianhua.

Although there is a record of the chanting scriptures in the cymbals of the Qing zi, there is no mention of this stubble.

I can say that there are so many strange ways to make pupa, and there are so many different kinds of pupa.

I thought for a moment, she reached out her hand.

The next moment, the iced sapling that had been bald, leaned back slightly, as if to avoid her hand.

For now, she was almost sure.

蛊 She almost avoided her blood.

她 And the only thing she was puzzled about now was whether the ice planting tree was originally 蛊, or it was because of being ferreted by two ferrets that it became 蛊.

The look in Ferret's eyes was a little more complicated.

I knew that the one who could withstand her torture must not be the ordinary pet.

"Hey, here you are."

She touched Xiao Hei's head.

Since the ice planting tree is 蛊, his own little black can come in handy.

I hugged the ferret, and the small thing naturally got into her arms, and after a while he actually started to fall asleep.

I touched the soft fur, and Lin Mengya knew that it was better not to show such a distinctive side to Xiaoli or Ferret this time at the Baili House.

Perhaps, they are both her hole cards!

With a bang, she just felt the mountain shaking.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu's eyes were fast, and she grabbed her waist.

暗 The dark guards came only one step behind, but were repelled by Long Tianyu.

Because at this moment, behind the two of them, a tree with a foot full of people suddenly rose up.

Countless pieces of gravel and sand were knocked open. In a short time, just a small sapling was just there, and a complete big tree actually appeared.

This scene, although they can be regarded as well-informed, but still stunned.

Noisy movement is not small, but after the tree grows, the surrounding area also stabilizes.

Lin Lin Mengya was overwhelmed and suddenly heard a meow.

"Woo Meow--"

A half-sized black cat, a spirited herd of beasts, stood on a tree branch, meowing towards the owner with his head raised.

Sting the black lines in her head.

Aren't these all ghosts of this product?

Wu Xiaohei was very proud of Wu Wu on the tree, and then jumped smartly to her shoulder.

Lin Lin Mengya touched the fur of the beast, but her eyes did not leave the tree in front of her.

He said it was a tree, but the branches and trunk of this tree were bare.

A quick look at the trees outside seemed as if there was no difference.

But the temperature in the cave dropped a lot in an instant.

The ticking and melting ice has frozen again.

She murmured.

这 "This is the ice planting tree?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu also met for the first time.

However, judging from Xiao Hei's reaction and temperature changes, I'm afraid it can't be wrong.

"I did not expect that the ice planting tree was actually hidden under the soil."

也是 He was also the first time to see such a "sly" tree.

Gao Linmengya looked down the trunk and found that the roots of the ice planting tree could not be found.

"I think this may be only part of its torso."

Xiaolong Tianyu was also suspicious, but he still took out his weapon and dug down along the position of the root of the tree.

As a result, as she guessed, there was no root at all!

The two looked at each other and had to lament the magic of this thing in their hearts.


It's such a greedy character to plant trees on ice.

Since you can grow comfortably here, of course, the stronger you are, the better.

She touched Little Black's head.

The little guy is always like this and will play a very important role at the most critical time.


She thanked her gently.

Xiao Xiaohe didn't know or didn't understand, but the little purring in his throat was more and more cheerful.

Now, she can be sure that the ice planting tree is also a rare plant 蛊.

Fortunately, she has a herd of beasts in her hands.

In this way, many things are within the control.

The source of radon will continue to be blocked by ice planting trees.

At least for a short time, it will not come out and rag.

I waited until she freed her hands, and it was completely resolved.

The temperature in Laoshan Cave is already very low.

The two did not hesitate any more, and left with them.

I looked at the low-temperature charcoal piled up on the hill outside, Lin Mengya smiled silently and narrowed her eyes.

Yun Shan's work naturally came from Long Tianyu's people.

The closest to here is the villagers of Liuhe Town.

Coupled with the so-called Goddess Temple, Lin Mengya felt like she knew something.

"You said, is it possible that the villagers in Liuhe Town exist to protect this place?"

She lowered her voice and whispered with Long Tianyu.

The latter nodded gently.


Such a huge source of poison, as well as those strange things, are definitely arranged here artificially.

This place is also the temple of the goddess that Liuhe Town once used to be full of incense.

If you are from Liuhe Town, it has nothing to do with here.

So why did they happen to such strange things?

She felt that there was a mysterious and powerful force behind it.

What is their purpose?

At this time, in Liuhe Town, the villagers who have lived in it for more than 20 years, accompanied by the poisonous people, took the first step to explore the strange world outside.

In particular, after hearing that there is a Liuhe Town not far away, these villagers have almost been unable to hold back their feelings and want to go and see.

That almost trapped them all their lives in the cage, and there are not many people at the moment.

Lin Lin Mengya found the teacher and gave the rare low-temperature charcoal to the teacher.

Teacher Yun also knows the wonderful use of this thing, and now he and the uncle are both happy to dance.

Suddenly, the two poisonous masters in the eyes saw the extraordinaryness of charcoal at a glance. This time, even if the sky is falling

Slumped, it is difficult to draw back their attention.

She and Long Tianyu took Xiao Hei and Ferret to a more secluded place.

She took out the thing that was swallowed in the stomach by the master.

东西 The thing has been cleaned, and the surface is covered with a black leather case.

Nine Dragons Tianyu took the weapon and cut it open, but didn't want to go inside, and rolled out something that made her familiar.

"Isn't this a silver seed!"

Although the skin of this one is already mottled, and even the nature of the shell is unclear, she will never recognize the wrong shape.

Yes, that is the silver seed she found in the ancestral tomb of the palace family!

Xiaolong Tianyu's brow also slightly raised.

The silver seed in the ancestral tomb of the palace palace is very important, but no one of them expected that there is one here.

Lin Lin Mengya picked up the things, but heard the sound of objects shaking and hitting inside.

"There is something!"

Chen Long Tianyu took it over and placed it cautiously on the table.

Lin Lin Mengya stood behind him, watching him take out the long sword, one sword went down, and split the shell.

The two stood still for a while, and after they were sure that there were no problems, they came back together again.

Ji Yu mastered it very well.

Wu Jianfeng just split the shell, and the contents inside were not damaged at all.

There is only one thing in the urn like a dried seed.

Blowing her nose, she moved, then said, "It looks like it was dug out of a corpse."

Chen Long Tianyu tore off a piece of clothing and took out the dried seeds from the middle.

奇怪 "Strange, what do they want this thing for?"

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it has completely lost its vitality.

And she also saw that the inside of the seed was almost hollow.

虽然 Although she doesn't know what it is for, but Baili's family has lost so much effort to get it, it must be useful.

"Take it away, and wait for us to reach Baili's house before asking."

Lin Lin Mengya has this intention.

He cleaned up the dried seeds, carefully inserted them into a pill, and put them in a small wooden box.

She was unobtrusive in her medicine box.

Outside, those townspeople are moving wildly.

It is said that when they got there, their memories that had been deliberately disturbed also changed a bit.

At least they can recognize that it is their real home.

But here, no matter how imitated it is, it is just a cage.

Lin Lin Mengya asked the guards to help.

When other poison doormen saw this, they also joined in.

For a while, everyone got along like never before.

Even on the second day, the poisonous family and the palace family who had some ambivalence started to call their brothers and brothers up.

For this situation, Lin Mengya held a tacit attitude.

After all, in front of them, but Longtan Tigers.

After two days of busy work, the big guy has moved most of the things back to the original Liuhe Town.

Compared to the past few days, the townspeople in Liuhe Town now look more energetic, and they don't look like puppets like before.

Yan Liubo smoked dry smoke and stood at the entrance of the village, on the deserted land.

They used to eat on the ground, but now they are at ease.

I was delayed for two days, Lin Mengya and they also decided to leave today.

But before leaving, she found Liu Bo alone and asked him how much his memory had recovered after two days.

I can't remember what happened 20 years ago.

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