Alas, the most updated Princess Poison Doctor!

"what happened again?"

As soon as the two teachers and students entered, they were surrounded by a group of people.

"The house owner, I heard that the real murderer of Song Da was caught?"

"Who did it in the end? The method is so cruel, it must be severely punished!"

"Yeah, killing lives, righteousness!"

She was shocked.

Uncle Xun had just admitted that he had murdered. There was news here. Who was the one who leaked the wind?

大家 "Everyone calm down, we are still investigating the real murderer. Rest assured, I will give you an account."

In the crowd, a boy came out, staring at her coldly.

"Afraid of being the owner of the palace, you already know who the real murder is?"

The young man had a bad tone. Immediately, someone who had made friends with her said dissatisfied, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean, the owner of the palace knows best. I ask you, where have you closed Ruan Ying?"

At this time, she also recognized that the young man was the one who tried to escape with the girl that night.

Listening to the girl's family, the teenager who accompanied her was one of her cousins.

The young girl got on the ship sneakily, and her family didn't know it before.

"Girl Ruan was just a guest with me, and it has nothing to do with it."

"You nonsense! Ruan Ying saw the real murder that night! It must be you who deliberately shielded the real murder before hiding her! If you don't have a ghost in your heart, you can bring Ruan Ying out of confrontation!"

The words of the juvenile made the crowd explode.

The death of Wu Songda brought great pressure on everyone.

They desperately hope to find the news of the killer, one is to comfort the dead, and the other is to ensure their own safety.

The juvenile was pressing hard, seemingly confident, but Lin Mengya noticed the anxiety of the juvenile.

"It doesn't matter whether or not Girl Ruan is here or not. I know everything she knows, as much as I do. I will certainly give you an account of what is really murderous. Instead of letting you talk nonsense here! "

The juvenile looked even more anxious.

你 "You, you are hiding the true murderer! Everyone has seen it, since she knows the clues of the true murderer, why not tell us! I think it is clear that there is a ghost in my heart!"

When the teenager was so surprised, some people in the crowd looked at her with a strange look.

Gao Linmengya's eyes were cold. In recent years, she has developed a copper skin and iron bone.

I want to force her to submit in this way, don't even think about it.

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it. Besides, I'm responsible to everyone, not to explain it to you alone. You're blind here, you're inciting everyone's panic. I want to know, you detain me What ’s the purpose after this count? Is it difficult, you want everyone to listen to you? Or, do you know what you know, so you did n’t say it on purpose? ”

She did things like rake and rake.

The young man was young, and he really shouted when he heard it.

"I don't have it! I just heard Ruan Ying say that her Royal Highness came out of Uncle Song's room."

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

Zhe Lin Mengya's attitude was no longer so indifferent as before, and instead she looked at the teenager.

"You mean, Your Royal Highness came from Song Da's room?"

The young man nodded reluctantly.

She knows that the teenager is lying, but she wants to know what the purpose of the teenager is.

"So, Ruan Ying told you personally that she saw His Royal Highness come out of Song Da's room, or did he kill Song Da?"

With her powerful questioning

Alas, the boy shrank his neck uncomfortably.

"She, she just said that she saw His Royal Highness, and she didn't seem to see him kill."

"In that case, do you dare to swear by your grandfather and say that you have heard Ruan Ying say that you saw His Royal Highness coming out of Song Da's room. If you said it was false, you will be killed by poisonous hair ! "

The people next to you knew the viciousness of this oath.

The most important thing to study poison is to be familiar with the toxicity of various poisons.

Sometimes you are lucky to find an observer who is poisoned.

But more, it is verified by its own method.

Unlike those poisoned doctors who have gone awry, serious poisonous gates do not promote the practice of poisonous people and slaves.

At most, it is to raise more animals to test the poison, but the animals do not speak, and sometimes they will fight.

In the process of observing the reaction of poisons, some of them are unlucky and may die when they can't detoxify.

Hitting them is also trying their luck.

Therefore, they attach more importance to their piety to Grandpa, and in this way, Grandpa can only bless them and luck will be good.

If He made this poisonous oath, he would be abandoned by his ancestor.

I do n’t know if the next poison test will happen or when it will happen, how can I say that a shadow will fall in my heart.

So the boy hesitated.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered in her heart.

Xiao Xiaojun, still want to fight with her?

Everyone saw this scene and understood it.

I want to come, no matter what the girl named Ruan Ying knows, she will never look like the boy said.

"Don't you dare?"

She teased, and the boy immediately flushed, and gave her a stern glance, then pushed the people next to him away and ran away.

外面 Outside the crowd, those who own her follow up.

"You, just now, it was my negligence that caused these misunderstandings. Ruan Ying in his mouth was indeed with me, but I asked her to come to me as a guest because of something else. If everyone If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. "

Everyone was late, and there were those who asked cautiously.

"Although the thing he was just about was not credible, did the girl named Ruan Ying really not see anything?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

Now, she can't say yet.

Ruan Ying has already been followed. If she admits it, she will be more eager to get rid of Ruan Ying.

"What can a little girl know, but because she ran out secretly and was afraid of punishment from her family, she asked me to ask for a favor."

The Nguyen family naturally believed her words.

I also stepped forward to prove that she was telling the truth.

Mi gradually, everyone apparently believed her words.

I finally coaxed everyone away, Lin Mengya took the teacher back to the cabin.

"Miss, the subordinate followed the person and saw that he had reached the bottom of the cabin. I didn't know who I met, but when I came out, I looked very angry. And the subordinates also saw that there were a lot of people there, I don't know where One."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, letting people keep staring.

At the bottom of the ship was the warehouse, and most of the crew and their servants were also below.

It's really not that easy to find out who to meet with the teenager.

Bai Lirui, who stood aside, also got a little reputation.

"Girl, is it that we are here, is there a spy?"

Although I do not want to admit it, it is true.

But with so many people, she can't look away from everyone's heart to see, there are a few who have an eccentricity and it is normal.

"Is your uncle and him secretly used?"

"It's very likely. You should know more about Uncle Shi than I do. Don't say it's killing fellow students. Even the juniors he often scolds, he doesn't even remember it. But I'm afraid he is too uncle. It is inevitable that they will be fooled by others. "

Upon hearing this, Teacher Biao frowned.

"You're right, no, I have to go and see that old bastard. In case he really can't figure it out, I won't let him die with me."

The relationship between teacher and uncle is actually very good.

Otherwise, he would not be so worried.

Lin Lin Mengya sent away the anxious teacher, and later went to Bai Su them.

Knocked at the door with the agreed secret code, and found an alert head inside.



I was sure it was her, and Bai Su was released.

I have been with her for a long time these years, and Bai Su also trained her eyes.

I can't do anything else, but I can identify her with a certain look.

"Where is Ruan Ying?"

"Sleep. I tossed half-night last night, now it's gone."

Xun Cairu got up and saluted her but she was stopped.

"How is your injury?"

Xi Cairu smiled and shook her head.

"No big deal. I had the poison given by the master, and I hurt the other side. His Highness arrived in time, and I have no problem at all.

Lin Lin Mengya was not assured, and she checked it herself.

As Cai Ru said, it was just some skin trauma.

Nevertheless, she brought some trauma medicines, among them the secret medicine that Zhenlongtang is in short supply.

Xun Cairu naturally recognizes this good thing that is hard to find, and immediately accepts it without twisting.

I was convinced to her.

After all, not everyone can casually take out a bottle of medicine with a market price of over two hundred to give it away.

And their lady is fine, the one with the best medicinal effect!

Ruan Ying Heyi lay on another bed.

After sleeping, the girl still frowned, even in her sleep, she still looked uneasy.

Lin Lin Mengya's voice was not loud, but she glanced at Ruan Ying and felt a little strange.

"How long has she slept like this?"

Wu Cairu thought about it and answered, "It's been about half an hour. When she came back from the outside, she shouted sleepy, and fell asleep without eating."

Zhe Lin Mengya reached out and explored the temperature on her forehead, but found that it was a little bit cold.

"Ruan Ying, Ruan Ying, wake up, are you hungry, do you want to eat?"

She gently pushed Ruan Ying's arm with her hand, but the other side did not respond.

Lin Lin Mengya's volume was also a bit louder, but Ruan Ying still closed her eyes.

"What's up with her?"

"do not know."

Ruan Ying's situation is somewhat wrong.

According to her degree of fright, let alone sleeping so dead, she should be startled by knocking on the door herself.

At first Lin Mengya thought that Ruan Ying was pretending to sleep, but now it seems that it is not the case.

"Keep the doors and windows!"

Xi Baisu and Cairu acted in harmony, and Lin Mengya also took out her silver purse.

With a single shot, Ruan Ying woke up with a "wow" cry.

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