Nautilus bone meal she has seen before.

Since the Baili family can use it, it is not unusual to be drunk for ten thousand days.

I just listened to Long Tianyu's tone, but it was very unexpected.

"This thing works so powerfully, if you want to come to Baili and use it, you will definitely do less evil."

Long Tianyu lifted his thin lips and sneered. "Some time ago, my people went to a place called Bliss Town, and they did not check for a while. They were conspired by the enemy. At that time, they were trapped in the illusion and almost the entire army was obliterated. They said it was a hex, and now I know that it turned out to be artificial. "

She knows that most of Long Tianyu's people are blocking the enemy of Xiancheng.

In my opinion, the Baili family indeed colluded with Xiancheng.

"However, there is a gap between Yimen and Xiancheng. Baili's family has a long look at Shu, and they don't know if they can reach the source."

I seem to think something, Long Tianyu said coldly.

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but also raised her lips.

"Say yes. But if you let the world know that the Baili family has so many invisible people, how do you say they will react?"

Xun Long Tianyu looked at her and saw the continued smirk in her eyebrows, only to feel itching.

I reached out and squeezed her little nose.

"Then there is a Laogong owner."

"Hi Royal Highness."

Now, one of them is in the bright, and the other is in the dark, and they are collecting the power of the world.

The day when I was so bright and dark was the time to truly shake the Quartet.

The next day, she was served by Bai Su and Cairu to wash and change clothes.

Today she is still a purple robe, but it is more solemn than yesterday.

When she arrived in the main hall, the teacher and uncle arrived early.

When I saw her, both of them were shining.

"I didn't expect that after a few decades, I can still see this purple gold nebula reappear."

With the grand occasion of the poisonous gate, the creations are extremely luxurious.

The one who originally designed it is elegant and uses the most mysterious purple.

She is suitable for this intense and extreme color.

I now put on my body again, and immediately stood out the pride of the poisonous gate.

"The teacher and the uncle are also handsome."

She said with a narrow smile.

衣服 This dress should be her grandmother.

But her grandmother never put it on, but she didn't want to be right with her figure.

The texture of the Purple Venus Nebula robe is particularly special, and it is absolutely no problem to wear one for seven or eighty years.

Yesterday they were just going to make an appearance, naturally they don't need to wear real guys.

But today, they represent the face of Tomon.

This one on Teachers and Uncles was also from their youth.

It seems that no matter what the teacher says, the heart of reviving the poison gate has never been wiped out.

"Ghost girl, it's sweet."

Bali Rui touched his clothesline with emotion.

After many years, he thought he would never have the chance to put on this dress again.

His good apprentice also fulfilled his dream for many years.

By contrast, Wu Yan looks more proud.

"Brother, let them take a good look now, we are arrogant and poisonous"

中 The nickname of the middle two exited, and the teacher immediately gave his silly teacher a blank look.


Billy, dare you say one more thing, I will be poisonous and you will shut up forever "

Wu Yan shut up immediately, counseling quickly.

But still looked at her, it was clearly Yang Fengyin.

"Okay, teacher, uncle is not in a hurry. Not at this time. Let's go, we should go to the doctor's office."

The three of them stepped out of the main hall.

Outside the courtyard, a purple-gold spirit stood in front of her.

不 There are a lot of middle-aged people here who have white spots but are full of energy.

More, it is the young man with a look of dynamism and a winking determination in his eyes.


I don't know who called her first, Lin Mengya stunned, and then more people were ignited the heat in her eyes.

"We are all ready for the master"

"Yes, today is a good time for us to be ashamed"

Such a scene was unexpected to her.

To be honest, she came here more because she wanted to save her father and the family was reunited.

现在 But now, after experiencing life and death, these people are sincere and call her the doorkeeper.

"Everyone listen to me first."

She cleared her throat, and was moved.

"The master of the gate is a matter of great importance, and Gong Ya is incompetent and incompetent. He also dares not to be a ruler for the poisonous gatekeeper. Gongya, as a poisoned gatekeeper, dares not make exceptions."

The burden on her shoulders was already heavy enough, there was no need to take a big one for herself.

Unfortunately, everyone in the poison door is very upright. Some people say that "the owner of the poison door has always been able to live in it. Looking at the entire poison door, only you have such a qualification. Others, we don't recognize it"

"Furthermore, there is no housekeeper in the door of the poison door, and there is no one who can be the doorkeeper of the door. If you ca n’t be the doorkeeper, then we do n’t want to be the doorkeeper."

Lin Mengya was scared by the enthusiasm of the big guy.

No wonder it is impossible to cultivate eclectic talents such as teachers and uncles. Compared to those families with strict hierarchies, the poison door is simply astounding.

"This teacher, what do you say"

She tilted her head and turned to her teacher for help.

Bali Rui touched his beard, and just when he wanted to speak, he heard Wu Yan muttering beside him.

"Hey, the debts owed by the teacher are paid, so this is also the father's debt."

Lin Mengya immediately glanced at her teacher, who was a little embarrassed by her. Unnaturally, don't overdo it and say, "Cough, this, the token given to you by the teacher, is the token of the poison door master. You still come next. "


Lin Lin Mengya felt that her family had been pitted by the teacher again.

Leng Yi glanced at the teacher, motioned to the other party to settle accounts after the autumn, and then smiled and said, "I thanked everyone for your kindness, but I still have to be cautious about the doorkeeper. Instead, I will act as the doorkeeper temporarily. Wait until After the fight, let's discuss this matter again, how? "

This is no other way.

It's not easy for everyone to force her too tightly, lest the doorkeeper who can only find it will run out of money.

I wondered, everyone nodded quickly, as long as she was willing to take over, on behalf of the host.

Sooner or later, they will make her real and true

In the years that followed, Lin Mengya, who has countless titles, has become a living legend, and is often troubled by the inexplicably many subordinates in her family.

Catch the ducks on the shelf, and if you do too much, you will probably be familiar with it.

He walked out of the house


Even if there are not too many pedestrians on the street, the eyes of those people are focused on this group of people.

By the time they reached the square in the center of the main city, there were already a lot of people there.

Xi Bailijian was of course with those in the family, but he did not see Elder Lu.

"Well, the owner of Baili, so diligent, obviously he cherishes his chance at office."

Don't look at the presence of her, but she can irritate a person when she speaks.

Bian Baili gave her a cold glance. He regretted his death last night and punished Bai Xing on the spot.

As for the little beast that did the wrong thing, he almost was kicked to death.

If it wasn't for the preciousness of knowing incense beasts, he would have slaughtered the useless things.

For the three of Gong Ya, Bai Lirui, and Wu Yan, he was hated.

"Without you being so yin and yang, Gongya, you and I are just the same."

"Oh, the owner of Baili, I ca n’t understand you. I and you, how can they be the same person, should I call you Aunt Baili?"

Suddenly, people around him sprayed.

Bali Jian took a deep breath for three seconds before he could barely suppress the urge to kill.

He raised the corner of his eyes and gave her a cold glance.

"Do you think the poison is in your control?"

She smiled and said, "No one can completely control the things in the world. Rather than thinking about controlling everything, it is better to let it go."

Bian Baili snorted sternly, "I hope you can be so indifferent for a while."

The two are not pleasing to each other, and they are not speculative.

Zhe Lin Mengya sat on the poison door, and people around him constantly cast doubts, or looked at them.

But Bai Lijian's words just made her feel a little bit unpleasant.

Next to me, there is the teacher.

"Teacher, is there any force in the poison door?"

Xu Wenyan said that Bai Lirui's face looked a little unsightly.

"There is one more, but they were the doorkeepers at the time, the same as my uncle's pulse. But they have not heard from for many years, and your uncle sent many people to find, I wonder if they can find it."

Wu Yan also heard the conversation between their apprentice and apprentice, and then looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "In fact, there are still some old monsters in the poison gate, but they will not appear until the moment of death and death of the poison gate. This time I I have an old face, but I said that I moved a few of them. Hey, little niece, the water here is too deep. You don't want to take over the poison gate, maybe it is right. "

The rest of the words, because the occasion did not say everything to the uncle.

But looking at their posture, Lin Mengya felt more and more that she seemed to be on the thief ship.

I do n’t know now thinking about getting off the boat.

Finally, the long overdue Elder Lu finally appeared.

让 "Let everyone wait long."

Everyone in the family, including Lin Mengya, nodded to him.

The latter was wearing a white robe, which seemed even more inhumane.

Smiles and kindness make it easy to make people feel good, and what you say is also heard very well.

"Today, our two contests were fortunate to have witnessed by the world ’s heroes. Lu was grateful on behalf of the medical department. But for the sake of fairness, our decision this time is not in the hands of medical department or poison door, It was decided by nine people of high moral standing. "

Gao Linmengya knew that the medical practitioners wanted to play with these thoughts, but they also wanted to remove them publicly in front of the people in the world.

But when she saw the nine people, she was still surprised.

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