Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2118: Into the haze mountain

She sorted out her clothes a little, and out of this door, she was the master of the poison door.

Outside, the enemies were already staring.

"House owner."

He decided to come and wear a golden suit and greet her with a stern face.

Gao Linmengya nodded stubbornly, then said, "You should call me the palace master more than the palace master."

The man's face was a little hesitant.

"House master, according to the information I currently know, the poison door is not all under your control. Therefore, I think it is better to be careful about the door master"

Gao Lin Mengya glanced at each other, and saw him not intentionally, but nodded after explaining the facts objectively.

"Yes, it needs to be rigorous."

No matter which side this person belongs to, at least from the present point of view, he has done fairly and rigorously.

进 The reason for entering the mountain this time is to find out the situation first.

I just have an advantage that others can't match. When she was in the mountains before, she did not wander with Xiaobai Xiaohu.

It is said that although there are poisonous insects in the Yanxia Mountains, they are not many.

She also didn't know why this place would become a venue for the match.

Or did she say that after she left, some changes took place here, causing more poisonous insects here?

In my opinion, everything will not be known until the site visit.

Outside the town of Ping'an, at the foot of Yanxia Mountain, the two parties gathered.

She looked around and found that Jiang Ting didn't come.

But the medical practitioners on the opposite side stood on each side, mocking them with eyes.

"I think these prideful guys are owed!"

Beside him, the young man Xiong Ang that thundered the other day by thunder, said coldly.

Lin Lin Mengya stopped him and touched the boy's head with his backhand.

"Don't worry."

The young boy immediately opened his eyes and smiled, and there was no gloom in his eyes.

He looked at his host in admiration, very well-behaved.

There are not only this one, but seven people.

He waited until both of them were in place, then the one standing in the middle cleared his throat and yelled out, "Are the two personnel in place?

Immediately there was a stable middle-aged man on the side of Yiyimen, saying, "My medical practitioners, a total of 200 people have arrived."

After saying so, she smiled unclearly towards her.

人 The man nodded and looked at the poison door.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and said, "The nature that should come will come, and the nature that it shouldn't come is useless."

After listening to the doctors, they immediately laughed at them and said, "You are torn apart and you can't blame others. No wonder your poison door is going to fall, and the internal conflict is really amazing."

On the side of the poisonous door, many people have already clenched their fists.

But Lin Mengya was calm.

He only glanced at the people over there and said, "Our poison door is so good, and the intestines are also inwardly upright. This point, you are afraid you can't catch up with the horse."

For the rest, they didn't dare what the other side's reaction was, and their poisonous gate was as stable as Mount Tai.

She was so angry that she almost choked to death.

Wu Mingming is the problem of poisonous gates, how can it seem that they have nothing at all.

The middle-aged man, also one of the elders in the medical department, waved his hand and suppressed the discussion of the disciples.

He squinted at the woman.

In my opinion, the head of the palace family was more calm than he thought.

I ca n’t help but urge at the ruling

At the moment, the group of Jiang Ting finally appeared.

In addition to him, there is a moustache that claims to be the law enforcement elder.

Guo Qingyuan and the young man did not come.

Jiang Ting thought that he was very imposing and led people to Lin Mengya.

The latter glanced at him, so angry that Jiang Ting didn't scold him.

"That's how you treat your elders?"

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and looked very confused.

"Elder? Who, you?"

She's "hehe", she doesn't give Jiang Ting any face.

The latter took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, a little more dissatisfaction.

"Anyway, we are always a poison door outside!"

既然 "Now that you know, you should come early. Why? Do you think that the face of the last appearance will be great?"

Seeing the purpose was taken apart by her without hesitation, Jiang Ting's thick face was also a little bit strange.

He really thinks so, and he wants to give the other party a kick.

What a pity, how did he feel ashamed of himself?

"Okay, people are here. Next, please go up the mountain. You have three days in total. In these three days, you better understand the situation and find out how to cope. From the tenth day to the tenth day, you must send the poisonous insects you catch every day to count. "

Both sides nodded each other, it was clear.

The people at the ruling then signaled that they could arrange it on their own.

The Yeyimen did not move, but stayed in place to arrange their tasks.

Zhe Lin Mengya had already prepared, but she needed to make some small adjustments and arrangements.

But Jiang Ting them, they are ready to leave directly.

"You're going up now?"

She didn't want to care about these people's life and death, but now it's not time to completely tear her face.

I didn't expect the moustache to listen to this and actually sneered and said, "The housekeeper is too wide, you don't really think that you are the real poison doorkeeper?"

With this remark, Jiang Ting's face, which was originally kind, immediately became iron-blue.

"let's go."

He didn't look at Lin Mengya and left with his own people.

Xi Xiuzi Ang Leng looked at their backs and said Shen Shen: "It's just trying to die."

Lin Mengya glanced at the teenager. The latter apparently had some thoughts in front of the idols, and continued: "Yimen originally thought about killing us. Now that the task is to kill poisonous insects, we know It will certainly carry weapons or other things. Isn't it enough to deal with us? And here is the mountain, even if everyone disappears, no one knows. "


He knows all this, but unfortunately those people don't.

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little strange, so she looked at the opposite side a few times.

I suppose that the doctor should not know the topography here, so she should have some advantages in the arrangement.

But there are some things that cannot be revealed yet.

"Cai Ru, Bai Su, do what you planned."


A total of 180 people came from them.

Twenty-six people are in a group, and one group is to stay outside and support and wait at any time.

There are a lot of merchants coming and going in Yanxia Mountain, and this time the noise is a little big, which has led to a lot of people turning to come and watch the fun.

Under these circumstances, these sixty people can be said to be the safest.

The remaining one hundred and twenty people, she took a group, Bai Su and Cai Ru took a group.

Besides the two of them, she is not assured to tell anyone about everything here.

Bai Su is cautious and cautious.

With them both, there should be no major problems.

As for the sixty people she brought in, after entering the forest, she had to hide and pay attention to each other's course of action at any time.

The haze mountain in the late twilight looks extraordinarily charming.

Everyone is here for the first time, and even if they are nervous, they have a lot of thoughts on spring.

One of them went to the mountain, but the path that Lin Mengya chose was a secret passage that only she and the two little ones knew.

I didn't stop until it was getting late.

Gao Linmengya looked around and ordered everyone to spray insect repellent so as not to attack by poisonous insects.

Suddenly, she used some medicines that were prepared in advance to cover up her own breath.

All poisonous insects will have instinctive fear for her. If she has been like this for three days, they will not see any poisonous insects.

"Master, this mountain is really big. But we don't seem to see any poisonous insects, will they be ours?"

Everyone stops to rest and can't help but utter a few words.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled with a guilty conscience, then closed her eyes and leaned on a tree branch.

主人 "Master, Xiaoyao has already scanned the records. Compared with the past, there are indeed a lot of poisonous insects. Moreover, the toxicity is very strong, and a little carelessness can endanger life."

Because when I chose this place to be a stronghold, I was afraid that there might be unknown dangers. Lin Mengya once visited the mountains.

多 It is true that there are more poisonous insects than elsewhere, but it is only because it is a deep mountain and not for other reasons.

"What about vegetation changes?"

"Within five kilometers, there has not been much change, except that the number of poisonous plants has increased, but they are already there, and there are no alien species."

Increased poisonous insects and poisons.

This result is both reasonable and unexpected.

Tadpoles and poisons have their own laws of multiplication and reproduction. Unless some kind of balance is broken, it is unlikely that there will be flooding.

"Did the whereabouts of the turbinate beast be detected?"

The nasal beetle is similar to a modern pangolin, but it is larger in size and much more irritable.

虽然 Although they are herbivorous, their favorite is the sap of poisonous plants.

And the breeding conditions of turbinate are very special, Yanxia Mountain is one of the few places with sufficient conditions.

So she wondered, was it because of this amazing little animal that someone had been killed?

"It has been detected. The density distribution is three per square kilometer, which has doubled."

She opened her eyes and looked at the dense forest.

In this way, it is not because of the lack of natural enemies that it has increased.

It is quantity, it really has increased.

"Continue monitoring, and alert me whenever something goes wrong."

"Yes Master."

Xiaoyao rarely encountered such a thing, even his voice seemed more serious.

Lin Lin Mengya thought for a while and asked, "Are there any traces of Xiaobai and Xiaohu around?"

Xiao Xiaoyao also said with some concern: "There is no trace of smell, master, are Xiaobai and Xiaohu hiding in the forest?"

Sting her heart, sinking.

Xiao Xiaobai and Xiao Hu are the kings of this forest.

Alas, the special smell of her was familiar to both little guys.

She has been here for a day, but there are no signs of two little guys.

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