But the ones picked out from the basket are neither particularly good nor bad.

Everyone is a connoisseur, and no one knows exactly what is going on.

Until Lin Mengya found out that there was no longer what she wanted here, this was not enough, and she stood up with a small basket.

"Master, what are you picking?"

Ruan Ying curiously sat beside her and asked questions that big guys wanted to know.

Gao Lin Mengya first sold a pass, and then told the big guys to finish the work.

With this matter, the speed of the big guy's hand followed a lot faster.

After a while, everything was packed up.

The crowd gathered in the open space of the camp, forming a large circle.

And Lin Mengya is here, carefully dropping the contents of the basket to the ground.

"Everyone has seen something here today, do you have any experience?"

The big guy looked at each other, and finally summed it up.

I have said that the poisonous insects here are particularly large, such as a poisonous spider.

The largest outside is not the size of a thumb, but the smallest one they encounter here can be as large as half a palm, let alone other?

Gao Lin Mengya nodded, "Everyone knows that after adapting to the environment, these things will change accordingly. But some poisonous insects and poisons have remained the same.

She pointed to the contents of the basket and continued: "But they still survived. Do you know why?"

With this in mind, most people can guess a bit.

But they don't know why she just raised this.

"Although changing one's own characteristics in order to adapt to it is to survive, but it still keeps its original form and can still live well in the past, it means that such changes are useless to them."

Saying this, let the big guy Moseton start.

The wise man looked at the basket in her hand with a little envy.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya is not a digger, and she puts these things into different categories and said, "Compared with poisons that have been assimilated, these things are more useful. So when you are killing, don't forget To pick them all out. Everyone has a share, but it must be kept secret. "

Suddenly everyone smiled.

In the face of this distribution, they have no opinion at all.

I came to joke, if it was not the wise master, how could they know such a thing?

Zhelin Mengya is not coaxing them. If they are tested by small medicines, these poisons are more toxic, and they have a composition similar to antibodies to the toxicity of poison mist.

I used these things, they definitely do more with less.

Everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized again. Early the next morning, everyone had their own actions after having breakfast.

Lin Mengya is responsible for making the same herbs in person.

It was almost noon, but the group who did not see the harm came back.

"Go and find out and tell them that the work is not done in one day, and you should rest if you are happy."

Zhe Lin Mengya commanded people to look for her, Ruan Ying volunteered to go down the mountain to find someone.

But after waiting for more than an hour, she still didn't see anyone coming back, her heart was gradually agitated.

Never, did you meet the doctor again?

"Master, master, they are back!"

Fortunately, a voice came from outside the camp.

She was relieved and greeted out.

I didn't expect that some of them were limped, and some were brought back by their companions.

"Who did it?"

The moment she saw her injury, she was angry.

That's not a fall at all, but a trace of being injured.

"Master, the doctors are too unreasonable. They said that we took their poisonous insects when we were killing. Brother Wu just distinguished a few words from them, and they could not help but beat them up."

The young man who was carried back was a junior of the Wu family.

Gao Lin Mengya glanced and found that his arms were broken at the same time.

Mind your heart, suffocate.

哪里 Where is the fight, it is clearly venting anger!

好 "Okay, I hate it. You all feel relieved and wounded. I will treat his arm personally to ensure that there will be no sequelae."

Doctor Xi's hands are extremely important, and even the feel of some people takes decades to develop.

I wasted his hands in this way, what's the difference between breaking people's future?

She is rarely as angry as she is today, very good, and the medical department challenged her bottom line again today.

I settled the injured person, Lin Mengya first returned to her camp.

"Bai Su, you stay here to take care of the wounded, Cairu, you will avenge them with me."

Bai Su was not quite assured, but Cai Ru handed her a look that made her feel at ease.

"The Lord commanded it."

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes looked stunned, huh, huh, doctors, she really regarded herself as a character!

In the afternoon, she led the team in person and still went to that place in the morning.

I just have the medical people here to guard. When I saw them, the medical people seemed to be very proud.

"Oh, can't we just go back and tell the host?"

"Master of the palace, don't blame us. Whoever lets your disciples in the door, can't help but fight."

I was probably because of the food I had eaten before, so now they are so extraordinarily surprised.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't afford to talk nonsense with them, she only said in a deep voice: "He who hit my poisonous disciples, get out of me!"

No one expected that she, a beautiful woman who looked lovely, was so rude.

The disciples of Yeyimen showed a scornful look, and a few stood out in the crowd.

She also knows that she is the one who was carried out by Lin Zi.

"I hit it. However, it was her first move. I was just defending. It had nothing to do with me."

But Lin Mengya sneered, "Very well, he can't beat you, he is not as good as anyone. If I kill you, I can only blame you for being too thin, right?"

Her cheeky and shameless face, the face of the opposite person sank immediately.

"Gongmen master, wouldn't you disregard the relationship between the two gates?"

"Yes, of course I have to take care, so as long as you kill you, others will not know, will they?"

There was a slight chill, rising from the man's spine.

But the man was holding on, always feeling that she didn't have the guts to kill herself.

Who knows, Lin Mengya slid out some medicine powder in her left hand.

The other poisonous people also acted like her.

When the people in the medicine door had not responded, they quickly spread the medicine powder into a circle.

"It is indeed a person in the poison door, even if it is a victim, it is inseparable from its own industry."

The man was not nervous, but continued to sneer at her.

But where did Lin Mengya get such an idiot's radical trick, he just ticked his lips and said, "Ready, are you going to die?"

声音 Her voice was soft, but like a wicked lotus blooming in hell.

The doctors of Yiyimen could hear from the forest before they could react.

"簌簌" sound.

After a while, the sound of Soso soared more and more.

"Ah! Snake!"

Someone exclaimed at the doctor's gate.

I saw not only a few nearby poisonous snakes with thin wrists, quickly swimming towards them.

Everyone was so stingy and poisonous that they stood in the poison.

But those **** things, they all walked around naturally.

Soon, apart from that circle, there is no place to stand.

"The owner of the palace door is really brave. It seems that this is the gift?"

The man was not nervous.

After all, they did the same thing before.

These things are not unseen.

I just happen to add a little more chips to them.

I did not want to, Lin Mengya just smiled slightly.

"Yeah, I won't have to pay you a decapitation in the future, start!"

She whispered, and the poisonous people acted again.

I saw that they had taken out a small bottle from their arms, and they did not know what was in it, anyway, it fell to the ground and it smelled stinky.

The reddish brown liquid was robbed by those poisons.

After 异, the abnormal changes occur suddenly.

Those poisons who took reddish brown liquid suddenly became crazy and wanted to get into the circle.

The people in the Yijiamen department responded quickly, and immediately took out some medicines to repel insects and snakes, so that these things did not dare to come forward.

The tadpoles followed, not just poisonous snakes, but almost all kinds of poisonous insects on the mountain had expired.

The reddish brown liquid is not enough at all, but the taste stays here.

These poisonous insects have been smoked for a long time, and they have started to go crazy.

"Brother Song, think of a way, we can't hold it up!"

The people at the Yeyimen finally broke the calm appearance.

With so many poisonous insects, they felt pressured at first glance.

Song Nian, headed by Ji, was also pale.

Alas, he still insisted that the poison door did not dare to strike at them.

Until, there was a scream.


Wu Songnian looked subconsciously and saw a young fellow who was biting his ankle.

Almost instantly, there were several poisonous scorpions, and because of his inconvenience, he bit them up together.

The man was so stupid that he jumped and shook his leg.

After a short while, the toxins were all over the body.

His body is swollen, and his lips have become purplish purple.

"help me"

The dying companions reached out their hands.

此时 But at this moment, because of dodging, he had already stepped into the siege of poisonous insects.

None of them reached out and looked at their colleagues, and finally died after being tortured.

From this time on, they only knew that Death had already been staring at them.

"Stop, stop! Palace owner, do you have to get things out of hand?"

Fear, so that young people no longer have the pride they had before.

He shouted and pinned the hope of life on the sympathy of the enemy.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered.

"Why didn't you think when you broke my poisonous disciple's hands? Today, if it's not my means better than you, I'm afraid that this end will be my poisonous disciple!"

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