Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2138: Dive into the sky pit

That night, the thing that could lead to the serpent was actually the poison she put around the camp to deal with those people in the medical department.

I just need to use an incense burner if I want to reach that concentration, otherwise it may affect other people.

The smell of the incense burner began to become strong, Lin Mengya's keen hearing caught the movement inside the tiankeng.

She patted Xiaobai next to her, and the latter immediately noticed, holding the rope she gave in her mouth, and plunged into the forest.

At this moment, the incense burner given by the teacher showed another outstanding and strong!

I saw that the incense burner was dragged by Xiaobai like a ball, rolling on the ground.

But there is no trace of trip, but the medicine fragrance inside is exuding a stronger flavor because of upside down.

He heard hissing in the sky, and a giant snake crawled out of the pit.

She stood not far away, watching the snake's long body swim quickly and entered the forest.

According to the speed estimation, it should be another ten minutes later, Xiaobai and Changshe will arrive at the designated place one after the other.

Even though she is still worried about whether the fifty people can trap the snake, but now she obviously has more important things to do.

I patted Xiaohu's head, and they walked to the side of the tiankeng.

Looking down from above, it was dark inside, as if there was no place to stay at all.

Fortunately, when she was ready, she took out a strong twine from her back basket and was about to tie it to a tree next to her. Someone suddenly came out of the forest.


"it's me."

The two spoke at almost the same time, and then Lin Mengya was relieved immediately.

The man's face gradually became clear, who is not her man?

"You are here."

She was obviously not surprised at all, but Long Tianyu, she did not expect that she would show this already-predicted look.

I beckoned, and she threw the twine at him.

"Just here, help me find the right place."

Almost subconsciously, Long Tianyu acted, but turned back and asked, "Why aren't you surprised?"

He heard that Lin Mengya almost wanted to roll her eyes.

"You will know by listening to your tone. Do you think that I really think you will let me do it alone?"

They have been together for so long. Every move of this man is familiar to her.

What's more, if she needs a helper, then Yu must be the most suitable person.

After hearing this, Nine Dragon Tianyu was in a better mood.

But instead of being tied to the tree, he took out a black broken blade, but a few holes were dug in the hard stone wall to dig a deep hole.

Lin Lin Mengya looked curiously at the knife in his hand, and she quietly took out her defensive dagger. Unfortunately, no matter how she ran out, there was only one seal on the wall.

Long Tianyu saw her little movement long ago, but because of his wife's face, he did not reveal it thoughtfully, but introduced it by himself: "I got this knife by chance. But it can cut the hardest walls. "

Alas, it turns out not that she can't, but that the tools aren't good enough.

Gao Linmengya deceived her and put away her own little dagger, and said curiously, "If it is bigger, can you just cut off the giant snake just now?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu thought about it and nodded, but there was some regret in his tone.

"It's a pity that there is one in the world, and it's still a broken knife."

He just dug the hole and passed the rope

Stuck it tightly, then put the black knife into the scabbard and threw it to his wife.

Curious baby Lin Mengya pulled it out immediately to see, and she found a polished trace on the knife.

The position of the blade is not smooth enough.

Obviously, it is a processed broken blade.

"You closed it, so don't let others see it."

She was only sour for a while, after all, it was her man ’s thing, that was her own thing.

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "If you like it, take it."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded politely.

"You are all mine, and your things are mine."

He said this very well.

After confirming that the rope can withstand the weight of the two, Lin Mengya let Xiaohu be responsible for vigilance around her, and she followed Long Tianyu down the rope into the hole.

At the beginning, she was a little worried, for fear that Yu could not stand the concentration of toxins here.

Fortunately, she is always on the alert side of Xiaoyao. In addition, she usually intends to cultivate the anti-toxicity of Long Tianyu's body. So far, she has not found any discomfort.

"This is not the way to go, no one knows how deep it is."

She frowned and glanced at the darkness under her feet.

Chen Long Tianyu looked around, then reached out and touched the stone wall.

"There must be other holes here, otherwise, the snake cannot climb up and down so easily every time."

This is true.

With the goal, each time the two of them descended a little, they would carefully touch the surrounding stone wall.

When it reached a depth of about ten meters, Long Tianyu found it.

"There seems to be a cave here."

He said, Long Tianyu hugged her tightly and kicked her feet firmly on the stone wall.

Then the two of them swayed somewhere on the wall. Long Tianyu's arm was so amazing that he immediately hugged and locked the entrance of the cave.

She didn't dare to move, for fear of helping Long Tianyu.

"Let go."

With a whisper coming from her ear, she immediately splayed the rope.

After a while, Long Tianyu seemed to be holding a big doll and landed easily.

"never mind."

He patted her with one hand to appease, then took out the black broken blade, cut a gap in the stone wall and tied the rope to it, to ensure that when the two returned, they would not find the rope.

The thing is very high, at least neither her nor Long Tianyu touched her head.

Lin Lin Mengya took the torch out of the basket.

But she thought for a while, but still not lit.

The viper is very sensitive to heat sources, what if there is a similar species here?

Chen Long Tianyu turned around and found that she was holding a zodiac, and immediately reminded: "I have a lighting stone here."

Then, from inside his clothes, he took out a round stone and immediately dispelled the darkness within half a meter.

Lin Lin Mengya stole the fire and had to admire her man's preparation.

"Let's go."

She didn't hold his hand, but held his horns.

Xun Long Tianyu understood what she meant, and he was afraid that in case of an accident, he would not respond in time.

Behind her, her face was a bit vague, but Long Tianyu could imagine that she was well-behaved when she was holding her clothes.

Mind my heart, slowly got some strange feelings.

两个 The two of them seemed to be outing.

The space inside is zigzag, but they don't have to worry about it.

Considering the snake's waist, the caves here are the narrowest, and they can easily walk side by side.

As she walked, she looked like a puppy, constantly smelling the smell here.

"What's found?"

He's a little sorry now that the light is too low, otherwise he can see her cute look.

Lin Mengya nodded and said, "There is no **** smell or other tastes, but the toxins here are very rich. By the way, do you feel any discomfort?"

Xiaolong Tianyu felt it carefully for a while.


In fact, he was also very worried, so before he came down, he ate all the Jiedu Dan she gave.

也许 "Maybe, your antidote is very useful."

At this point, she has nothing to boast of, saying that anyone other than her, the detoxification agent will not be more effective than hers.

She grabbed Long Tianyu's wrist, and she found that the other side was not affected by any toxicity.

Isn't detoxification Dan too powerful?

既然 "That being the case, let's go and see where the most toxic is."

Why is the poisonous mist produced? What is the role of that giant snake?

Tonight, she must figure it out.

With her radar and navigation to the sense of smell, the two soon reached the deepest part of the cave.

But what Lin Mengya didn't expect is that there is actually light here.

Xun Long Tianyu subconsciously guarded her behind him, stepped forward a little bit, and whenever there was any danger, he would protect her for the first time.

But when they came out of the long tunnel, they saw a golden cave.

Yes, it is golden!

After I walked in, she discovered that it was because there were many, many golden eggs on the ground.

卵 The eggs emit a soft light, but some of them appear a little dull because they are broken from the middle.

She couldn't help but wait for her eyes and looked at the scene in surprise.

"Be careful!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was a little uneasy, but Lin Mengya didn't notice any danger.

She walked to the center of the golden egg and picked up one of them.

东西 I do n’t know what kind of animal egg this thing is, but from the appearance, it ’s so beautiful.

Two clicks of "click, click" made Lin Mengya almost throw out the golden egg.

此时 At this moment, a golden little head, only the thickness of her pinkie, appeared in front of her with two small golden corners.

The purple eyes are like millet grains, and then the small things laboriously climbed out of the shell, revealing a round body.

The golden scales are covered with a layer of transparent mucus.

I just dried it when I saw the wind, but it seemed more shiny with a layer of oil on the small scales.

Xiao Xiao started to bite the eggshell on her body, and then, after Lin Mengya was surprised to numb eyes, ate the shell for most of it, and then dangled, revealing her golden feet.

Even though Lin Mengya, who has crossed the north and north, has a head and river at this moment.

This snake-like, non-snake, round body, and foot-like gadget, what is it?

求 She turned to Long Tianyu for help, but saw the latter man who rarely had such expressions of astonishment, widened her eyes, and stared at the small things that continued to eat on her palm.

"There is such a thing in the world!"

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