Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2175: Palace Daily

Superbly poisonous princess, the 2nd chapter 175 days of the palace family 800, wonderful free reading

He Gongkang stared blankly at his once-familiar family.

Whether it was his great-grandfather who loved him or his brother who was connected to his flesh, he was indifferent to him at this moment.


I didn't seem to expect this to happen, he stuttered.

I finally glared at them angrily and puzzled and turned away.


Although he had long thought about severing the relationship with him, the great ancestor still sighed sighfully.

How did he not feel bad when he saw an older child from a young age?

He just had the consequences of all this himself, and now that he has betrayed his relatives, that is his own life.

I was so disturbed by Gong Kang that everyone had no interest.

However, Zengzu still insisted on preparing a banquet for the father. Fortunately, there were no unsuccessful people at the table. Everyone was open-minded. After a few glasses of water and wine, everyone opened their hearts.

What made Lin Muzhi most happy was the arrival of two young grandchildren.

Lin Lin Mengya missed her two sons and went straight to the two baby's yard when she entered the door.

的 The news that she came back today, the adults did not hide the babies, but the two babies still attended the class as usual.

Until her figure appeared at the gate of the courtyard, the two babies couldn't help it anymore, and a small shell rushed into her arms.

"Mother, you are finally back"

"Mother, we miss you so much"

The two babies hugged her legs one by one, and the babies seemed to be taller than before she left.

胖 The small, chubby cheeks seemed to be thinner, but both babies were very good-looking, and at this moment they gradually became a bit of a terrific taste on earth.

She hugged the babies into her arms with excitement, and kissed the baby's little face one by one.

No matter how mature they are in front of others, the two children are like little adults every day.

But in front of his mother, he still relied on him.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to get close to half a minute, and was trying to carry one on her back, the other in her arms, and a pair of big hands that stretched out from the side, holding Ning Er in her arms properly.

Su Ning'er looked up and smiled with a frown, and called "Dad" in surprise.

Mo Moyan immediately reached out and gave his father a hug without hesitation.

After I laughed, I sat in the arms of my mother with satisfaction.

Zhe Lin Mengya picked up the child with a smile, and his father smiled gently toward the child.

"Go, meet your grandfather in the front yard."

The two of them held a baby in their arms, and in the eyes of outsiders, they seemed to be right.

Yu Lin Muzhi is even more happy, but I do n’t know what to do. I want to be close to the child, but I ’m afraid that I was born to scare the child.

Although the two babies are still young, whether they are parents or relatives at home, doting on them is not low.

Xun Xiaoxiao already has the style of a family son.

Hei Gong Er likes these two little nephews so much that they have to hold them in his arms all day long.

When I saw the children coming over, I immediately beckoned and said, "Mo Yan, Ning Er came to Erji here."

The two babies first looked at their parents, and after getting their parents' consent, they went down to the little legs and quickly pounced towards Eryi.

"二 舅舅"

The two babies yelled in unison, but the two little troublemakers didn't let him hold him so easily.


A small one held Er Er's leg, and the pony sprinted to make it harder to compete with Er Er.

Hei Gong Er apparently used to play with them, and did not laugh at them when he saw them, but sat with a golden sword, leaving the two nephews to treat themselves as stakes.

The two villains worked very hard, even if their cheeks became red, but they didn't give up.

In the end, they exhausted their energy, and then they sat on the ground with one buttock and played tricks with Eryi.

"Secondary, you worked hard, not counted"

Mo Moyan muttered, protesting.

Tong Xiaoninger opened her **** eyes and used her eyes to condemn Erhou.

的 Miyaji, who was caught on the spot, laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, these two little things. Okay, even this second time I will lose to you, say, what gift do you want?"

But after looking at each other with two small eyes, Xiao Ninger stepped forward and grabbed Er's hand. Nuo Nuo said, "Erhou, Aunt Xiu'er said that if you don't treat your old injury, you may have trouble later. You Promise Ninger, OK, let Auntie Xiu help you. After it rains on a cloudy day, your legs won't hurt anymore. "

In the face of her nephew's lovely little tender face, Miyaji couldn't say anything about rejection.

I could only sigh slightly and nodded in agreement.

Su Ning'er immediately smiled, holding his brother's hand and saying, "Brother, if you look at the second son, you will agree. Then, will Aunt Xiuer be able to take us to buy candy people"

Mo Moyan covered his brother's mouth at once.

"Stupid, Aunt Xiu'er said he shouldn't say it"

Su Ning'er blinked innocently and said, "But Aunt Xiuer didn't tell me"

Mo Moyan immediately understood the meaning of his brother, and clapped his hands and smiled. "Yes, Aunt Xiu told me alone, but I did n’t tell anyone, father and mother. You said it was not my commitment."

Lin Mengya's black line in her head.

It's over, it seems that these two children can't take it anymore.

I know how to find someone ’s language loophole at a young age. If she grows up, she wo n’t be mad.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Long Tianyu's father can still be trusted.

Slightly serious, he pulled the two children in front of him.

"Although it seems that you have not made any mistakes, in fact, you have failed the trust that others have in you."

The two children suddenly lowered their faces and looked a little sad.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not eat this set. Knowing the son Mo Ruofu, the two small conditions are unique, coupled with the favor of everyone, now if they do not educate, they will inevitably go awry.

Regarding the conversation between their father and son, which is a "man", whether or not they agree, she will not refute their father in front of the two children.

This does not mean that she will allow Long Tianyu to dictate her children.

If she disagrees, she will communicate with Yu in private first, and after they reach a consensus, they will face the child.

Squinting to see the atmosphere between the father and the son return to the joy just now, she knew that the two little ones had already been taught.

As for what she said, she would not ask.

As men at home, let them go with some little secrets.

Yuan Lin Muzhi looked at the attitude of the people around him to the two babies in surprise.

I especially the ancestor of the palace family, although the pain in the center of the eye can't work, I still hold myself down.

After seeing his doubts, the ancestor of the palace whispered to him and said, "Don't bother them to teach the child. This girl in our family is very good. Last time I didn't let the child eat two more bites of honey This girl read me half-board

Medical Book. "

Speaking of this matter, the ancestors of the palace family were all grieved.

"You say these two dolls are so cute and so sensible, what hurts me a bit more"

He Lin Muzhi felt a little strange, and he agreed or disapproved.

I just muttered the dissatisfied Gong family ancestors just now. After seeing Lin Mengya's eyes glanced at, she was sitting tightly with a loving smile on her face.

He couldn't help but be surprised at the speed and strength of the old man's face change, but his heart was a little murmured.

Maya Er will not abuse this old man

But then he shook his head again, negating his own thoughts, and his daughter understood that she would definitely not be the kind of conscienceless child.

Gao Linmengya came to Zengzu, looked at him disapproving, and by the way stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand.

曾 "Zengzu, your old man is not good"

Qiangong Qianfeng smiled at his great-granddaughter, "Hey, the guests are still naughty."

But where Lin Mengya can't see, this is a trick his old man has long used to.

He quickly untied the purse from the waist of the old man, and then a bunch of golden yellow tobacco leaves appeared in front of him.

She counted it, Pi Xiaorou looked at her brothers without a smile.

"How many times have I said that he is not allowed to smoke for his elderly, have you all treated me as a yin and yang?"

Suddenly, the "men" of the palace family tightened their skin from top to bottom, and the two little ones immediately stepped forward and hugged the ancestor's thigh.

"Ancestral grandmother, Anang said that if you smoke those fumes again, you will not be able to ride a pony with us in the future."

Mo Moyan raised his head, and his eyes were full of water vapor.

Ning Er nodded, his face was very serious. "Zu Zu, you often tell us that a manly husband wants to talk, and this time we have made the same mistakes as you, so we will be punished with you, but you must speak later Forget it, we supervise each other, it's the puppy who deceives people. "

Two babies play a family card and a righteous one, making the great ancestors sullen.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lin Muzhi was deeply moved.

He not only rejoiced at the cuteness and understanding of his grandchildren, but also rushed to the palace to accept these children.

Some things can't be performed. Only through long-term love and mutual support can there be such a harmonious scene.

Qiang Palace Qianfeng proudly lifted his eyelids. He just wanted to let Lin Muzhi know that Yaer was also the most precious treasure in their hearts.

The family is happy and the relationship is getting more harmonious.

Both babies nestled in her arms, and finally fell asleep when they couldn't hold it.

I came out of the main hall, Long Tianyu took Xiao Ninger in her hands.

I watched the two babies fall asleep in his father's arms, and all the emptiness and anxiety were soothed by the father and son.

Under the moonlight, all the coldness of the man was replaced by love. It was they who brought the two little lives to this world, but it was also the two little lives who completed them.

They looked at each other and smiled, floating in the moonlight are the feelings of long-lasting.

"Little sister."

Nian Gongsi caught up from behind, nodded politely with Long Tianyu, and said, "I have something to discuss with you."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that if there were no important things, the fourth brother would never be so anxious.

"You take the children home first."

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, and she gently dropped a kiss on the forehead of the two children.

Turned and said to Gong Shi, "Go to the study."

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