Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2185: Rescue the ice

Gao Linmengya thinks that her behavior can stand the test of those people, but at the same time, let them know that non-Yecheng is not a sieve. Whoever wants to enter must first ask her if she agrees.

Under her order, those fine works outside disappeared almost half of the night, and the rest disappeared, and they did not dare to act in vain.

When I finished dealing with these things, Lin Mengya slightly looked at Qinghu with a little silence.


The latter raised an eyebrow, and said, "Girl, do you think that stupid man will really be my nephew?"

Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling a little hesitant because of that determination.

"Oh, in fact, we are not just guessing now. And don't you also say that your memory of childhood was very vague, except for some specific things?"

The past of Qinghu is an inverse scale that no one can easily touch.

He hid the biggest secret of Qinghu there, also struck him in his heart, destroying the source of his life.

Zhe Lin Mengya never thought that he would let him recognize the so-called family, or whether to trace the roots to Qinghu himself.

He snorted softly, raised his lips, and smiled coldly.

"Whether I'm his second uncle or not, but since they chose to send me out, I have nothing to do with them."

His love and hate is simple and straightforward.

He can spoil heaven for what he likes; he can debase him for what he dislikes. Only he ignored it, for better or worse, it had nothing to do with him.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, reached out and poked his forehead.

"Morality, your family is us, even if someone wants you to recognize your ancestors, we are not willing."

Then, instantly warmed Qing Fox's atrium.

He smiled wickedly, but before he said something stinking, people fell straight.

"Bai Su, Cairu!"

She screamed, and fell forward to make herself the other's flesh pad.

Soon, people were temporarily placed on the bed.

She quickly checked the status of Qinghu. As in previous times, after he passed out, he had no contact with the outside world.

And all vital signs of the body are rapidly decreasing.

"Master, would you like to send a message to Mr. Rui immediately?"

Wu Baisu asked in a low voice, but Lin Mengya shook her head.

Holding Qinghu's hand, she had a plan in her heart.

"The teacher ca n’t leave for a while, and even if the teacher is here, it may not help."

Bai Su knows that the clear fox is like a blood brother to his master.

She glanced at the clear fox, so she was horned.

"You look at him well. If he wakes up, treat him as nothing."


But after ruling Cairu and Bai Su, they could only sigh in their hearts.

Qi Qinghu actually discovered his anomaly long ago, but he never wanted to worry his master, so he pretended that he didn't know anything.

Sure enough, Lin Mengya hadn't gone long, and Qinghu opened her eyes.

"Me, fainted again?"

He looked at his hand, and asked a question.

Bai Su nodded, trying to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

But Qing Fox's expression is still faint, as if he doesn't care about such anomalies at all.

别 "Don't tell her, I will take care of myself."

His expression was indifferent, as if the person who had lost consciousness just now was not him.

Watching his Mali get out of bed, Bai Su and Cai Ru can only worry about and temporarily lower their hearts.

I wish the Lord all the best.

Lin Lin Mengya walked to Frost's room.

At this moment he was sitting alone at the table and drinking, torn off the frost after the camouflage, with a special Qingjun on his body, but at the same time, because the age did not match the appearance, the big guy could n’t really put He was treated as an adult.

This has caused everyone to look down on this person.

When she saw her, Gin Shuanghua grinned, revealing a touch of bright smile.

"House owner, please sit down."

He generously sent out the invitation, as if he didn't care, this is the palace house and her place.

Lin Lin Mengya sat opposite him and looked at him like a cat who was eating fish, showing a pleasant smile.

Haw noticed the directness in her eyes, and Frost dropped the cup with a smile.

"This kind of good wine is rarely seen by us. It's too cold for us. If you want to make wine, you have to be in the warm room. But the big guys are hiding there, where can there be so How much space to make wine? So fine wine is a rare luxury for us. "

She raised an eyebrow. "We don't care here, especially our house. We can all drink the fine wine in the world."

"Yeah." Frost hugged the glass and began to spit out bitter water.

"Why do you say we're so miserable? You don't know how distressed it is to live in the snow-capped mountains. There are heavy blizzards all year round, and the door is not open for a few days. The sky is so black that we will lose our lives if we carelessly. We I do n’t want to be attached to the owner, but without the owner, we will be starved to death. Do you have the feeling that all destiny is in the hands of others? "

She shook her head. "My fate has always been in my own hands."

Frost flower, envious look.

"I think so, so when I was 24 years old, I chose not to listen to the owner of the valley, and came here to ask for help. Did you say that God is helping me, so it made me discover your secret. "

The atmosphere was tense.

Zhe Lin Mengya's expression remained unchanged, and Frost's face looked like a smile.

After a long time, she calmly spoke.

"There are indeed a lot of strange things in the world. Although I don't understand, it doesn't mean that there is nothing to do."

Frost's fingers are a bit awkward, and the perennial freeze and actions in the extreme cold are not without cost.

The confidence on his face seemed a little reluctant.

"House owner, I have no intention to threaten you."

"and so?"

"You help me rescue my family, give us a place to live, and I will cure your friend's illness for you."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Shuanghua and said, "He is not my friend, he is my family."

The latter saw her say that she couldn't help but be more urgent.

"Since you regard him as a family, you should know more about my mood. The owner of the palace, it is not difficult for you to ask for me. But isn't it worthwhile to exchange your family's peace and joy in life? ? "

看着 She looked at the man who couldn't breathe in front of her, but there was no trace of flustered on her face, and some, just almost relentless calm.

"I can accept cooperation, but never accept threats. He is really important to me, but rather than working with you, I would rather choose to be another valley owner."

With these words, Frost's body is excited.

He suddenly realized that, from the beginning, the other party completely saw his intention.

The "pretend death" of the Bingbing clan is indeed brought out from the mother's womb.

But likewise, some people can't see it when they are young, but they may gradually show up when they are adults.

In this case, the guidance of the same people is needed, otherwise, major problems will occur.

From the first glance, he saw the mark of Qinghu on the fox family.

At the same time, he also knew that the other party had already shown such signs.

That's why he was careless, and publicized his relationship.

He is betting on Gongya's attention to that person.

I ignored the gap between the opponent and his previous level.

She was right, she could be the second grain owner to save her loved ones.

Bing Shuanghua only felt a pain in his throat, but in the end, he was clever.

"Threatening me is the stupidest thing you do. I'm not like you. I have the ability and status you don't have. So when my relatives and friends are threatened, I can plunder. But you can't. You can only choose to use the hands of others. "

Every word, every word, she is knocking on the other side, and gradually falling down.

She squinted and watched the fire was almost there, and then she suddenly turned.

"But, I can work with you. It's just up to me what the cooperation is."

The frosty eyes gradually became dull, and immediately became brighter.

"You said! Even if you let me stay as a male pet to serve you!"

Lin Lin Mengya didn't hold back, slap on the guy's dog's head.

"No mouth or your family is genetically ill, right?"

Frost beaten, winked and aggrieved.

This doesn't blame him.

Because the people of the Ice Clan are all pretty good, they are often used as gifts by the owner of the valley.

In fact, he is not willing, but he has no merit and has nothing to thank her as a gift.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the aggrieved man and couldn't help sighing.

I can't blame them for having such thoughts.

I just hate the valley owner, but it is getting deeper and deeper.

In the end, it was also that he brought Frost Flower to his tribe, and he became what he is today.

Ke Ke has a natural desire for freedom.

No matter how obedient the surface is, deep down, everyone has planted the seeds of hope.

When I returned to the room, she was a little tired.

As soon as she reached a glass of water, she could hear the question on the bed, and someone screamed.

听说 "I heard that you are going to accept a male pet?"

"噗", a sip of tea splashed out, she almost choked herself.

Where is this going?

咳 "Cough, don't listen to Shuanghua talking nonsense, he has a sick head and can't count."

The drapery was opened, revealing a handsome face.

The man's black eyes stared at her so deeply, and suddenly gave her a little guilty conscience.

What a guilty conscience she is!

It's clear that Frost is talking nonsense!

"I know this person, I can give my heart and soul to you, I can swear to God!"

Sui Nai, the man's eyes became more resentful, Lin Mengya suddenly had a illusion that she was a scum girl.

"You know the truth, right? I'm innocent with him!"

Bad, how can the more explanation, the more I feel like there is no silver in this place?

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