Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2188: Secret experiment

~ ~ Hai, the fastest update of the amazing poison princess!

Bai 芷 looked curiously at the two hairless tigers, his eyes filled with doubt.

"Miss, why don't the tigers here eat people?"

怎么 "Why do you want to serve the tiger?"

She squinted her eyes and said.

Baiji quickly shook his head, and spit out his tongue, saying "I'm not that great of a creature."

With a look of helplessness, Lin Mengya whispered, "You can't say that they are ugly anymore. They are also desperate tigers. You must learn to respect them, do you know?"

Bai 芷 was still a little girl, and she was guilty of humiliation immediately.

"I know Miss, I will not dare."

"Well, I know you are careless."

I also blame her for this matter. Since she secretly transported those hairless animals to Houshan, because everyone has never seen such strange animals, she always kept pointing.

动物 But animals also have self-esteem. It is said that the emotions of these animals were very low for a time, and even some of the bodies were gradually weakened.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Lin Mengya banned people here from talking about these hairless animals.

Fortunately, everyone got along well afterwards, and people and animals quickly became familiar with each other. Except for the first-time people like Bai Zhuan, everyone has taken a look at them.

I walked inside to see the harmonious relationship between man and nature. There were all kinds of beasts in the forest, and there were people who shuttled through the forest, but they did not have any conflict.

Bai 芷 widened his eyes and looked at everything here.

Although there were Xiaobai and Xiaohu in the house before, when they were in the courtyard, none of the servants in the outer courtyard dared to enter.

Even when he came in, he was shaking his legs, for fear that the two ancestors would be dragged into the nest to eat.

Now she has never seen such a scene. Fortunately, she is also a courageous girl. Every time, her efforts are adjusted.

的 People here know Lin Mengya and Cai Ru, so when they saw them, they stopped to salute.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded slightly, and then took the two of them to a forest hut.

Seeing that she was here, the people inside greeted them hurriedly.

"Have met the housekeeper!"

The man was a raw face, and even Lin Mengya was not very common.

But he was chosen by the owner of the temple to give her a gift. In addition, there was another person, but this person was in a bad mood and frowned. When he saw her, he just said hello indifferently That's it.

However, she didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction to this person's neglect.

He just turned around and asked quietly, "Mr. Ji, I don't know what's going on?"

After hearing the words, Mr. Ji Ji shook his head with a bitter smile.

"The old man has only a limited ability to learn, and he still can't figure out the mystery of the so-called longevity secret."

It turned out that this was her private laboratory for studying the immortal art of immortal city. She always believed that the so-called eternal life was just a scam.

Once the matter is revealed, those who are deceived by the fairy city will definitely point their finger at their old master.

But if you want to take it apart, you have to understand the key.

"Grow up, this is fundamentally false, but it's just human imagination!"

Lin Lin Mengya's acquaintance is also the former master of the physician's hall, Wen Jing. The face of that gentle and elegant show was now tortured with a moustache, and now there was a dark blue.

Obviously this medical lunatic has been plagued by this problem for a long time. However, no matter how he consults the data or conducts experiments, he cannot get the final result.

He always feels that there is something they haven't noticed yet, but it is an indispensable link for the entire "secret of life".

环节 This part became his obsession, and it also made him cloudy, seeing everyone want to catch up, and vent his anger.

Lin Mengya, who is also a research madman, naturally knew the irritability in the mind of this colleague, and let Cai Ru and Bai Ao wait outside for herself. She decided to go into battle.

Although Mr. Ji Ji seems to be very reasonable in other respects, he is also reluctant to let go of his profession.

The sound of the discussion between the three of them was almost as if they were quarreling. At the end, they were all paralyzed on the chair.

In front of them, it is placed, the research results closest to their ideal state since this time.

Such scenes have happened in the past few days, and preparations for this hidden laboratory have begun at the end of the year.

Gao Linmengya held her head, curled her fingers and rubbed her temples.

"I still feel wrong. According to the information we have now, those who have succeeded, their consciousness is clear, their memory is very clear, it is not like the confusion caused by taking hallucinogens."

Don't look at the many failed products now, but there are not a few related records in the past years.

But they existed in another form at that time. If they didn't know that there was such a mystery, they wouldn't have noticed.

Wu Wenjing's brow frowned into a deep gully.

"But so far we haven't seen a successful person."

所以 "So you mean, these are all made by Xiancheng?"

Wu Wenjing nodded solemnly, but Lin Mengya did not think so.

"I have seen many failures with my own eyes. When they are confused, they can completely become another personality. Perhaps there is a possibility of multiple personality among them, but most of them do not meet the characteristics of multiple personality. "

Mr. Ji also sighed deeply and said, "I went back to the temple not long ago, and when I looked through the books, I found that in the records of the temple masters at the beginning, I found the previous temple masters. Inherited in the name of master and apprentice, but I found that they have a lot of similarities, whether they are habits or other places. At first I thought it was the influence between master and apprentice, but now it seems a bit weird. "

This word caught Lin Mengya's attention.

"Can Mr. Ji tell a detailed scene?"

Mr. Ji nodded, thinking, saying, "For example, the first housekeeper and the next four housekeepers. Although these five people are the relationship between master and apprentice, but after the four apprentices inherit the position of the shopkeeper, their habits , Character, has extremely striking similarities with the first temple master. Another one changed overnight. These things were originally recorded as the achievements of several temple masters. Now it seems It's very suspicious. "

"What about the later temple masters?"

She asked.

"Later, the sixth generation of the temple master was inherited after the death of the fifth generation of the temple master. It is strange that many apprentices who inherited the title of the temple master while his master was alive will have many followers at the end. His own master is similar. But if he sees the former temple lord dies unexpectedly, then the temple ancestors who inherited it generally retain his personality before he inherited. "

The brain is moving fast.

Lin Lin Mengya sat up unconsciously, suppressing the uneasiness in her heart.

"What about the current temple master? How can he be similar to his master?"

Mr. Ji shook his head and said, "The current owner is quite special. The previous owner was too old to be able to hold a major position, so he abdicated automatically. At that time, the most promising apprentice of the owner was missing for no reason. , The incumbent temple lord gave the current temple lord the throne. "

The empty heart finally fell to the ground.

"So, what about the apprentice who was favored by the predecessor?"

She just asked casually, but Mr. Ji's words made her cold sweat.

"He later returned to the temple, but the current Lord of the Temple has already been enthroned, and it is impossible to abdicate his powers, so he was made Deputy Lord of the Temple. And, shortly after he returned, the former Lord of the Temple passed away. Over the years, He rests in the temple, and easily sees foreigners. "

A series of messages were linked together, so that Lin Mengya's heart suddenly gave birth to a bit of coolness.

She has seen the current owner of the palace, and she has been around for some time. She can be sure, at least for Long Tianyu, the other party is not half malicious.

However, why did the owner of the palace suddenly change his mind when he did not reveal the present at that time?

The anxiety in her heart prevented her from staying.

"I'm going to do one thing. The experiment here can be suspended for a while, but the rush is not up. You take a good rest first."

She left in a hurry, even Mr. Ji and Wen Jing were full of doubts.

You know, once Gongya became serious, even the two of them could not be reached.

What on earth happened?

I saw her return to the college, and she just grabbed Wang Wang, a current Miyazo, and walked inside.

I saw her rushing forward and thought she was here to ask the progress.

"Sister, this stupid boy has been caught by me. Don't worry, I will make great efforts to train him."

The dejected Wang student widened his eyes.

Even if he is noisy, he knows who the dean of the palace is.

I shivered and rubbed my eyes. Oh my god, he, he actually made fun of their honorary dean!

Suddenly, he had the heart to die.

"Brother 3, it's up to you."

There are still people around, she can't say too much.

How clever San Gongsan was, from his sister's words, immediately noticed the urgent situation.

At the moment, he promised, "You and rest assured, this is where you leave it."

She nodded and hurriedly left.

Sannomiya Miyako stood still, watching her sister in anxiety.

If something very important happened, she would definitely not be so panicked and could not help but worry about it.

But no matter what happens, he and the palace family are the firmest retreat for his sister.

At the moment, he settled down and said, "Let's go, tell all the gentlemen, you should not neglect your duties."

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