Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2198: Tripartite forces

The jailer stunned, and then patted his brain hard.

幸 "Thank you for reminding me! I'll take a closer look so they don't hurt you!"

The old jailer brother who has spent time for many years and is acquainted with "business" is obviously unaware that it was Lin Mengya's sentence that saved him.

When he ran in three steps and made two steps, the man was holding the poison and wanted to swallow it.

Fortunately, the elder brother was flexible and grabbed it.

"You want to commit suicide by fear of sin! You wait, I'll find a rope now and tie you up!"

The sounds coming from the puppet made her feel a little relieved.

Obviously, since the poison was brought by his companions, the real murderer behind the scenes is naturally hidden in the place where they can reach at any time.

客人 The guests in the guest house at that time became the first target.

But she couldn't figure it out anyway. Except that her arrival might make one of them leave, she did not pose a threat to anyone.

What is the reason for me to make them so sad?

The movement inside the urn quickly subsided.

The eunuch's elder brother tied the person directly into a mule, and after thinking about it, he tore off the other person's clothes and blocked his mouth tightly.

For a moment, I didn't even want to kill myself with my tongue.

After I had done all this, the jailer brother thought that it was thanks to her reminder.

At night, Lin Mengya also had a soft old quilt on her bed.

"This is made by my mother-in-law, and you use it first."

Facing the simple and direct kindness of the other party, Lin Mengya nodded and accepted.

The following night, the prison was dark except for a light in the corridor.

She was nestled in a warm quilt, thinking about her mind.

Suddenly, a very special feeling made her subconsciously tighten her body.

Someone seemed to be standing outside her cell and watching her.

She turned on the night vision function of the system, but unexpectedly found that no one was here.

Is she nervous, thinking too much?

I just didn't know. She did have a sight, but she was not here, but behind the iron door.

The second day, Cai Ru came again, and by the way brought her something to eat, and told the news of some outside talents.

Coaxed the jailer brother with a jug of wine, Cai Ru lowered his voice while picking up her things: "Our people have been in the shop and never left. Many people who want to inquire about the situation these days have been old. Li blocked them one by one. As for Li, he went out a few times secretly. We did not send anyone to follow you as you ordered. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, the situation is quite complicated.

Xuan Lao Li belongs to the same vein as Xiancheng, and what harms her is related to those merchants, plus the sheriff.

The three parties took her as the dot, and they were thoroughly mixed together.

"Very good. After returning this time, Lao Li should start testing you. Don't worry, pretending to unintentionally disclose some of our information to him. Remember, you must be three-point false and seven-point true."

Judging from the situation posted by Lao Li, the people behind them should often use this method to probe the news of these outsiders.

In this case, if you say it too perfectly without any loopholes, it will make you doubtful.

So, if the truth is false, then the talent behind the scenes will believe it.

As soon as the two had finished speaking, the jailer brother hurried over.

"Sister, someone is here today, hurry up!"

Xi Cairu was too late to say anything else and was taken away by the jailer.

It didn't take long for the sheriff, who looked upright, to bring someone in.

I saw nothing in the cell and said nothing, but ordered the jailer to open the door of the cell.

"Have met my lord."

She got up and calmly saluted.

In fact, she also felt that it was time for the sheriff to come.

"What else do you want to tell me about this murder?"

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head and said, "I have nothing to say. I believe in the judgment of an adult, and I will definitely return my innocence."

The sheriff gazed at the woman in front of him, but then he tempted: "I have read all the documents you left in the commercial office. I ask you, are you really just a tourist who lives by selling spices ? "

In this remark, there is a bit of harshness.

But Lin Mengya had nothing to be guilty of, and instead smiled at the sheriff.

"Adults are really joking. I naturally can't sell spices alone. I sell everything from leather goods to mountain goods. Time to make money back. "

I don't think she really feels guilty, and the sheriff is even stranger.

"Since you only sell these things, why would anyone want to kill you?"

When she mentioned this, she was also embarrassed.

I want to say her true identity then forget it. Anyway, there are too many people who have offended these years, and there are more lice, so you are not afraid to bite.

But as a little businessman, she was cautious step by step, so she didn't put a sign around her neck, which said "I'm an honest man".

"Master, back, actually the villain is also wondering. You said that the real murderer behind the scene didn't stare, why did he just embarrass me? Is it because I look at a woman, so bullying?"

She is clever and uses questions to answer questions.

At this moment, the sheriff didn't get the answer she wanted, but she went around.

这个 "This, I don't know yet. But if you want something, it's better to tell me the truth. So I can find out this morning."

She thought for a while and said, "The clue is not counted, but I remember a strange thing."


She pretended to be distressed: "Before we were in the guest house, the spice boss had framed me for secretly changing his spices. But after that, I asked the shopkeeper of the guest house once and asked In addition to me, there are two businessmen who specialize in selling spices, who have also lived here. At that time, the owner of that spice was also there. I was a little curious, why did it happen to me instead of the two people before?

Her words, don't look at talking about yourself, but intentionally remind the other party of a very critical issue.

If the spice merchant was only for blackmail, why did he let the first two alone?

Also, although the guest house is the place where most of them choose to settle down, except for a few stall merchants, most people will move to the shop after renting the shop.

After all, the profit is already very small, and living in a guest house is also a cost. Of course, everyone can save it.

Obviously, the sheriff was aware of the problem, and frowned, saying, "This is indeed suspicious. I will let people check it out."

如此 "So, that little girl would thank the sheriff, Lord."

拜 She is grateful and thankful.

The questioning of the sheriff's stomach, at this moment, could only be in her heart.

He can see clearly, even if he asks himself, the other party will talk to him and lightly and cleverly block himself back.

This girl is pretty clever.

I remembered that her papers said that she had followed her relatives from north to north since she was a child, and she didn't have much doubt in her heart.

The cricket was beaten in the world. Without a snack machine, it is naturally impossible.

Now, there is no longer tangled.

"This is my official duty. You are born here to wait. What is the truth, my official will find out."


Gaze watched the sheriff leave, her mouth slightly raised.

Now the sheriff is going to keep an eye on that guest house, presumably the person behind the scenes, there are no more stable days to pass.

Huh, count her? Have a look at them first, do you have that life!

The days in the prison were not difficult, and in the past few days, I have come every day, and even gave her a few books to relieve her boredom.

The jailer's elder brother was familiar with them, and he waited for Cai Ru every day, or brought him a pot of wine, or brought her some food.

Lin Lin Mengya can see that the jailer brother is a good person, but it is too lonely here, he just wants to find someone to talk to every day.

"The sheriff has summoned several caravans that settled in the guest house that day, and several of them wanted to run away at night and were arrested."

怎么 "Why didn't you see here?"

Cai Ru looked around and whispered: "When they were caught, they were said to be fine, but they fell to the ground without taking a few steps. According to the news from our people, when people died, They are all bleeding from Qiqiao, which is likely to be poisoned. "

She nodded, thinking of the poison brought by her buddies that day.

When the poison was released, it was indeed like this.

"What then?"

"Then the sheriff was furious, and this matter really touched his bottom line, so the sheriff ordered everyone at the time to be back in the guest house and not allowed to leave there for half a step."

This news surprised Lin Mengya.

虽然 Although she did not have deep contact with the sheriff, the other party was not a dazed officer.

这么做 He must be doing it for himself.

Xun Cairu left, and she was closing her eyes to raise her soul, so it was rare for someone to bring her to trial.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at the person who came to her, and saw that she was really under the control of a sheriff's officer, and then she let go of her heart slightly.

"Sir, I wonder where are you taking me?"

The man said without looking back, "You will know when you get there, let's go, my lord is still waiting."

But she didn't think of anything, she actually went to that guest house again.

And inside, besides those caravans, her buddies and Cairu are actually among them.

I saw her, they were also very surprised.

The sheriff stood at the very center of the courtyard. She walked over and saluted, "Bai Jing has seen an adult."

The other person nodded. "Now that you are here, stand up where you should be."

At this moment, Lin Mengya was even more unconscious.

"I don't know what the adults mean?"

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