Before the dungeon, Lin Mengya really couldn't hold back, and explained the situation of Long Qinghan carefully.

"You must control yourself after seeing him for a while. He is just confused now, it does not mean that he betrayed you."

When I heard her say that, Gu Pan couldn't help getting nervous.

"Sister Ya, otherwise, or should I wait again? Anyway, I have waited so long, it is not bad at this time."

When the matter came to his eyes, Gu Pan was a little timid.

Lin Lin Mengya patted her hand gently to appease, "You decide to see or not, if you don't want to see him, let's go back."

Gu Pan exhaled deeply, stroking her chest, shaking her head and refusing her kindness.

"No, I still want to see him."

She clenched her fists secretly.

Is that Long Qinghan has now forgotten her, but there is still a love debt between them.

"Who? Long Tianyu and Lin Mengya, when will the two of you keep me locked up! Tell you, no matter how you deal with me, I will not yield!"

Long Qinghan seemed very irritable at this time.

Although the two were kind to him, he felt inexplicable irritability in his heart.

Wu Mingming knew that what they said was false, and they were all used to deceive him.

He was like a demon, thinking every day and every night about what the two said.

Is it true that their village?

Ye Ke's father is indeed his father.

父亲 Among his blank memories, only his father still had a vague impression.

After his father let him see the truth, he would be convinced and angry.

But what about the faint resistance in my heart?

之间 Who is lying between them?

Chen Long's face was light and cold, and he stared hard at the man.

He was standing at the door of his cell today. He was not the elder brother who would beat him up, or the **** with bad stomach.

I saw a woman wearing a red cape, looking forward to Ai Ai.

For a moment he felt his heart tremble.

The familiarity that made him want, but because of the lack of memory, the two words rolling on the tip of his tongue pressed deep in his throat.

Gu Gu shivered, tears burst out inadvertently.

"Are you okay?"

He said that he wanted to settle accounts with him, but they were just deceiving themselves.

She just wanted to see him, the heartbreaking thoughts, the tossing thoughts, guarding her only memories lonely and hopelessly.

Xiao Long Qinghan immediately realized that this woman must know him.

Yun Ke's abnormal mood made him deliberately reveal a side of indifference and alertness.

"Who are you? Did Long Tianyu call you to test me? Go away! Go back and tell him that he will kill me if he has the ability, otherwise I will avenge him!"

Gu Pan never thought that the first sentence after the two were sealed up made her heartbroken.

"Long Qinghan, you ask your own heart, do you really not know me, do you really forget me?"

She burst into tears, and the whole person was shaking.

He felt a pain in his heart.

Who is she? Why couldn't his heart move with her?

But this strange and uncontrollable feeling made his mood more and more irritable.

He just wanted to be quiet, but the woman's tears were like strong lava, and his heart was covered with scars.

"Leave here now, I don't want to see you!"

No, he didn't want to see him, he just couldn't control himself.

Gu Pan looked at him in shock and sadness.

The two stared at each other for a long time. She was like a withered flower, and he was immediately removed from all nutrients.

Squinting her eyes, the shadow of disappointment shrouded.

"I understand."

The despair in her words made him almost breathless, no, he didn't mean to hurt her!

"Sister Ya once said that loving someone is the instinct engraved in the bones. Even your brain, even if you don't have me in your memory, what about your heart? Long Qinghan, you tell me, are you not curious about me? Are you not familiar at all? "

Xiaolong froze coldly.

女人 This woman feels too complicated and shocking.

He was caught off guard for a while.

Almost subconsciously stretched out her hands, making a gesture to want to hug her.

"tell me your name."

"Gu Pan, when we were together, you also said that I was‘ the king is looking forward to choosing colors and offering Emei ’. It was hard to choose.”

I mentioned the sweetness of the past, and Gu Pan's pale face finally rose with a touch of red.

But he didn't see it. After hearing her name, Long Qinghan's eyes suddenly showed anger.

"Really? It seems that I really liked you very much."

Gu Pan was a little shy.

But in the face of this unknown dragon Qinghan, she wanted to say what she was hiding in her heart.

虽然 "Although there were some misunderstandings when we first met, but you were really good to me later. Qing Han, you can not remember me now, but can you not completely obliterate our past?"

Chen Long Qinghan concealed all his true emotions.

He even smiled at Gu Pan.

"Okay, I can listen to you all."


Gu Pan looked at each other in surprise.

Chen Long Qinghan nodded toward her, but his smile was a little false.

He could have long been completely confused by the hope, and did not discern the difference between Long Qinghan at this time.

She missed him so much that she was blindfolded.

当然 "Of course, when did I lie to you. But can you tell them both and let me out first."

In order to achieve his purpose, Long Qinghan's tone became more gentle.

He pretended to be silent and affectionate, and said to Gu Pan, "I also want to listen to you and talk about the old things, but it's not good for you to come to this dark place every day, right?"

Gu Pan nodded immediately, wiping his tears indiscriminately and saying, "I'm going to ask Sister Ya now, she will hurt me so I will promise me!"

There was a touch of irony in Xiaolong Qinghan's eyes.

What he thought was that this woman really was with them.

It seems that Dad was right that she had deceived her feelings and let him give up the river and mountains.

The fire of hatred in his heart became more violent, and the expression on his face became more tender.

Before long, Gu Pan hurriedly brought Lin Mengya in.

"Sister Ya, Qinghan still remembers me, he still remembers me!"

Looking at the hope that wept with joy, Lin Mengya was full of doubts.

How stubborn Chen Xiaolong's thoughts have been. She and Yu have already seen them before.

I looked at Long Qinghan with suspicious eyes and saw that the latter was silent.

Looking silently at Gu Pan.

"Do you really remember her?" She asked.

Suddenly, Long Qinghan only ticked the corners of his lips, neither answering her words nor negating them.

Lin Mengya only felt that the situation was a bit weird.

But could not bear the hope of hope, she had to reluctantly agree to release Long Qinghan first.

Squinting as the door to the dungeon trapped for a long time opened, Long Qinghan tried his best to restrain his emotions.

The hope at the door was like a bird who had been yearning for the sky, plunging into the arms of Long Qinghan, no matter how embarrassed he was.

"It's cold, it's okay, we can take it slowly." She raised her head, her face covered with tears.

"It used to be that you chased me and accommodated me, now I can accompany you and slowly regain the memories of the past."

"Do you really do this?"

The sound from the top of the **** was chilling and cold.

However, Gu Pan, who was immersed in excitement, did not notice, but Lin Mengya beside her frowned.

"Look forward!"

She shouted loudly.

Who knows the next moment, Gu Pan was locked in the throat by Long Qinghan.

"Don't come over!"

"What are you doing Long Qinghan? Are you crazy?"

Lin Lin Mengya questioned the other side incredibly.

I never thought that Long Qinghan, who has always loved and looked forward to surpassing his own life, would actually do something to his favorite woman!

Xiaolong smiled coldly, holding on to hope.

"What am I doing? Isn't this an obvious thing? Lin Mengya, go and prepare a fast horse for me now, or I'll strangle her!"

"Don't be impulsive, I'll prepare now! Long Qinghan, if you hurt her, you will regret it!"

Lin Lin Mengya was so scared that she was ready to go.

The hope that I was holding in my arms was indeed cold.

原来 "The reason why you were so gentle to me just now is to let me relax my vigilance and let you successfully escape. Long Qinghan, you were lying to me just now!"

The anger is no longer enough to express the complex emotions in Gu Pan's heart at this moment.

Tears ran out of tears and could not control, but this time Long Qinghan was too lazy to give up that pretending tenderness.

"I also want to thank you, otherwise I'm afraid I will be held to death by this adulterer and adulteress. If you say you love me, then you will help me escape. How, dare you?"

Gu Pan couldn't stand the way he mocked his sincerity in this tone.

"For you, I can die. However, the person I love is the dragon Qinghan who truly treats me, not your liar full of lies!"

Gu Pan was emotional and wanted to struggle, Long Qinghan was afraid she would destroy her plan and knocked her out with one palm.

Lin Lin Mengya always looked at each other coldly.

"Long Qinghan, Gu Pan's temperament, you know better than me. If you really hurt her this time, then even if you will be guilty in the future, you will not be able to recover the crime, you must think clearly!"

Now she really hopes that his man can come over and directly kill the brain-broken younger brother.

But Ke Longqinghan couldn't hear her, even thought she was lying to understand and save Gu Pan to leave herself.

"Hum! This kind of vicious and insidious woman, I would never want it! You used to calculate her when I wasn't prepared, and I will never believe your lies again!"

Lin Mengya was completely speechless.

到底 Who the **** is it?

Why did n’t there have been so many troubles when the man in her family had amnesia?

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