Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2310: Preparation before the war

Xiaolong Qinghan immediately gloomed his face, and he could not help but throw people on the horse.

"You let go of me! Long Qinghan, you are a big liar, it doesn't matter what you say!"

Gu Pan was blushing, but unfortunately he was not as strong as before.

Only after her repeated protests, Long Qinghan took her in his arms, and sat down straight.

After a lot of joy and sorrow, Gu Pan didn't hold back, and slept in his arms.

哪里 Where did she know, the man was confused because of her.

Opened her eyes again, Gu Pan only saw strange beds around her.

The man was not by her side, and she wore all her clothes intact, but the rope tied on her hands was untied.

She got up and searched.

I found that the layout here is very simple and should be a temporary place to stay.

She pushed the door and found that the door was locked from the outside.

When did this man learn such a chicken thief?

Gu Gupan was angry, but she calmed down quickly.

Chen Long Qinghan treats her like this, she must have her in her heart.

With a frown, she remembered what Sister Ya had told her before.

He is Qing Han's biological father, who fabricated those lies and distorted the past between them.

She bit her lip, but her heart twitched.

Since Qing Han still has her in her heart, she will take him back from the hand of the beast who sacrifice her biological son for her own ambition!

She carefully opened the window. Fortunately, the man did not fix the window together.

From the pocket he carried, he found a small cage, opened the cage, and released a yellow bird about the size of a finger.

"Go, tell Sister Ya they, I'm here."

She fed the bird a drop of blood, and then watched it disappear into the night.

As soon as Xiao Xiaodian left, the door was opened.

She thought Long Qinghan was back, but she didn't want to be a strange face.

"Girl Gu Pan, no, it's better to call you the county master. My house owner has been waiting for you for a long time, and I ask you to follow the young."

盼 Gu Pan pretended to be indifferent, and asked, "Where's Long Qinghan? Why didn't he come to see me?"

The man smiled, "His Royal Highness has just returned and needs to deal with some things, Shire Lord, please."

Gu Pan held up his waist, without losing his pride, and followed the man to see the culprit.

It took only one night for Lin Mengya to receive the news.

"Dear Lord, Madam, our people have received the sweet bird from the County Lord, and they can always find where the County Lord is."

The magpie is a kind of bird magpie specially bred by Lin Mengya.

As long as the host's blood is consumed, it can be found no matter where the host is.

This is when Lin Mengya was afraid of any accidents in her family, and she was specially domesticated when it was too late or inconvenient to ask for help.

When those under her were sent out to look for Gu Pan's trail, she gave them the crickets that could attract the arrival of sweet birds.

The fragrant bird is now safe, indicating that Panpan is temporarily safe.

好 "Okay, follow me first. Don't hit the grass when you have to."

I hung my heart for a day, and finally settled down temporarily.

Xun Long Tianyu placed the person in front of her and gave her a pair of chopsticks.

"Okay, now you can eat with peace of mind."

Huh? "

刚 She just shook her head and said she was not hungry, and her stomach screamed, making Lin Mengya very embarrassed.

"Well, I know you are worried about them both, but even if there is something wrong with them, you can't solve it without eating."

Xiao Long Tianyu laughed, but he was more distressed about his wife.

In his heart, Xu made up his mind. After Long Qinghan restored his memory, he would definitely pack up the stinky boy and avenge his wife.

He is not always complaining about the broken things he did.

Lin Mengya obediently used some food.

However, Gu Pan had told him something before visiting Long Qinghan.

Gu Pan knew that someone was in his hands because someone had sent her a letter anonymously.

Yu Xin also said that it was she who deliberately hid Long Qinghan to take care of Gu Pan so that Gu Pan could do things for her.

But the little girl was not easily confused, and after receiving this letter, she knew that the person who sent the message intentionally wanted to provoke alienation.

But she did not investigate the messenger with enthusiasm in order to avoid hitting the grass.

He entrusted the matter to the third and fourth brothers before leaving.

I believe that some evidence will be found soon.

After dinner, Long Tianyu was invited by Ling Ye again.

In the past few days, he has soaked in the front hall, studying battle plans with Ling Ye and them.

The other party was aggressive and had a premeditated plan. Although their side did not lose the other side in terms of combat power, they were caught by surprise, and there would be some omissions in scheduling.

Fortunately, no matter whether it was Long Tianyu or Ling Ye, or the soldiers under his command, they were all masters trained on the battlefield.

Their experience can also make up for some inadequacies in preparation.

Zhe Lin Mengya has prepared all the forages, and she can bring these important materials to the battlefield with them on that day.

And this time, she must stay behind in person.

The success or failure of this time has something to do with the distribution of power from now on.

They can only win, not defeat.

"Master, Master Two of the Palace Family, Master Five, and Master Lin Family want to see you."

She listened to Bai Su's words and wondered.

Until she saw all three brothers in uniforms, she didn't understand their intentions.

I just didn't agree, they went to the battlefield like this, so they had to pretend to be stupid.

"What are you doing?"

The three of them were surprisingly calm.

She just looked at her, but she looked extremely hot.

"Little girl, I heard that nasty thing in Longdu, and I want to fight with my brother-in-law. We talked about it. Since it is our own business, we must inevitably go into battle, teach it something, let him Knowing that our house is not easy to grab! "

Lin Lin Mengya rolled her eyes.

"Second Brother, this is not being robbed of a house and occupying the land. Also, your tone is not like fighting, it is like being a bandit."

I was disgusted by my little sister, and Gong Er was not shy at all.

Instead, he said with a smile: "It's all the same thing. In short, we can't let those little boys take advantage of our house."

Her brother Lin Nansheng also had a meaning.

However, compared with the gangster nature of Miyaji, he used to be a younger general and seemed more sensible.

"The second brother makes sense, younger sister, I know you do n’t want us to go with us to take risks, but the palace family and the temple are already integrated. They are clearly saying that they are going to deal with the temple.

Isn't it for us? That being the case, then we can't just sit still. "

Lin Mengya said nothing.

She rubbed her forehead and looked at the two brothers.

"You all followed him. Who will protect the palace family?"

I didn't expect that all three thought about it.

Suddenly, it was her turn to smile like Miyago, who was about the same age.

"Little girl, rest assured, our palace family is now a copper-walled iron wall. Even if tens of thousands of troops are near the city, we will not be able to attack our non-Yecheng city for a while."

Lin Mengya was speechless.

"So you all think about it?"

The three of them nodded.

In the end, Lin Nansheng still couldn't help but said earnestly: "Little girl, it's not the three of us who are at war, but this is a great opportunity. Since these days, our palace army has also expanded a lot of troops, but those They are all talking on paper, and they have no real combat experience. So I discussed with my second and fifth brothers and felt that this time I could pull them out and practice. "

Although she was very clear, what my brother said was right.

But reason is one thing, and emotion is another.

"I don't want you to go to the battlefield, I just fear you will be hurt."

声音 She has a low voice, with a little self-blame and persistence in her tone.

Zhe Lin Nansheng walked over and held her sister who was already in her arms.

"I know you are worried about us, and I assure you that we will definitely return in triumph. Ya'er believe we are okay?"

This is what my brother promised her in private before every expedition.

Lin Lin Mengya quietly clenched his placket.

"Brother, you must be like before, can't you keep your promise?"

The expectation in her eyes made him unable to speak half perfunctoryly.

"Okay, I promise you."

Lin Linsheng touched her little face lightly, as he did when he was young when he was on the battlefield for the first time.

Lin Lin Mengya exhaled softly.

"They are now holding a combat meeting in the front hall. Just go straight in. Yu will welcome you to join."

She adjusted her mood quickly.

The three of them were overjoyed and immediately rushed to the front hall.

She looked at the back of her brothers, and her brows were dignified.

"Bai Su's notice continues. From today, Zhenlongtang will no longer sell any secret medicine."


还有 "And let them send all the secret medicines in stock to the temple, and let all the pharmacists go all out to make secret medicines, I want to let them have no worries."

The man who beat her was on the battlefield, and now she has to send the three elder brothers by herself.

So no matter what price she has to pay, she will never allow anyone to hurt them.

The battle plan this time is highly confidential, and all the subordinates involved in this plan are not complete.

The first is to prevent leaks, and the second is to clarify the division of labor, so that everyone performs their duties and is more efficient.

Unexpectedly, after her three brothers proposed to join the war, they were welcomed by Long Tianyu and the generals.

After all, the second brother and her brother are both generals with rich combat experience.

Although the elder brother has not been on the battlefield, he has been nurtured by the second elder brother all the year round and can work closely with him as his second general.

Chen Longtianyu treated them equally, and soon the three brothers set off with the first advance troops.

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