Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2352: Run away again

轻 "Light cold, are you hiding something from me"

Facing his brother's question, Long Qinghan had no choice but to shift his gaze.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, take care of yourself now"

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not speak for a long time.

"I can do whatever you want, but you better control your size and don't close it at that time."

Chen Long nodded coldly, which surprised him a little, this guy didn't refute himself.

I can't help but think about it, Qing Han has been a worry-free child since he was a child.

轻 "Light cold, I don't know what your purpose is, but the arrival of that person now obviously disrupts your plan.

Maybe you should try it and cooperate with us. "

"you guys"

Chen Long Qinghan showed them a distrustful look.

"Can you help me in the end, don't you still want to run"

Chen Long Tianyu frowned. He didn't like Qinghan's unreasonable way of speaking.

"You are no longer a child, knowing what is important, now is not the time for you to let your temper.

I told me what was going on outside. "

Chen Long Qinghan didn't want to say anything, but after seeing Long Tianyu's dark and deep eyes, he said unconsciously.

"My father hopes I can catch Lin Mengya."

He originally promised his father that as long as he got that thing, he could consider letting him no longer form an alliance with the other party.

But who would have thought that his father now had Lin Mengya's idea.

Not to mention that the person was his sister-in-law, that is, the relationship between Lin Mengya and Gu Pan, he could not start the other side.

轻 Time Long Qinghan was in a dilemma.

"What does he want to do"

Que Longtian Yu asked with some excitement.

Seeing this, Murong Yan aside, immediately stepped forward to dissuade "don't be nervous, come over to the cold and report to us, let's discuss ways together.

And your daughter-in-law is very good, even if they come out of the nest, they may not catch her. "

"No, he has an ace in his hand."

Chen Long Qinghan said the biggest secret he had heard.

"He holds your elder son's life"

"What do you mean?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was nervous.

I didn't expect this incident not only involved Yaer, but actually also involved Mo Yan

Xiaolong Qinghan was also a little annoyed.

"He's already prepared for me, and I even now doubt whether he told me about it or wanted to test me."

The dragon has inverse scales, and it dies at the touch of it.

Wherever he is, no matter what he becomes.

一 大 The big one, two small ones, and three people will always be the most forbidden place in his heart.

"Let me go."

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes were cold.

He is not discussing with the other party, but ordering the other party.

Long Qinghan did not directly refuse, but said, "You have only two results when you go out now. The first is that his people found out that by then, he had two trump cards in his hand. Then Lin Mengya will also be in any case. .

Second, it is found by those who want you to die. At that time, no matter whether it is the temple or her, they can only be slaughtered. "

This is the status quo, not that Long Qinghan is intentionally scaring him.

But Long Tianyu couldn't sit still.

"Just let me go, I can solve other things by myself."

He must not allow his wife and children to be bullied by those shameless villains.

Chen Long said coldly, "In your current state, what can you do if you go out?"

"In their eyes, you are already dead"

"I will protect her."

The decisive words of Chen Longtianyu, even if he can no longer stand up, he has enough ability to protect his wife and children.

Xiaolong Qinghan wanted to persuade him again, and he heard an exclamation from Gupan outside.

"Where do you want to stand?"

Xiaolong ran out in fear of the cold

Alas, I saw Gu Pan leaning on the wall, anxiously shouting towards the door.

"Be sure to catch her, don't let her run away"

Xiao Long Qinghan immediately supported Gu Pan, who covered her injured shoulder and said, "The woman is away, she must have ventilated your father to report.

Maybe just before, she leaked the news. "

Before he finished speaking, Gu Pan passed out.

Xiaolong was cold and did not dare to delay, and immediately carried the person into the room.

After a while, Gu Pan's lips were scary.

"No, she should be poisonous," Murong Yan whispered.

Xiaolong Tianyu quickly turned out a small medicine bottle from his body and threw it to Long Qinghan.

"This is Yaer's special antidote, hurry up and give it to her"

Xiaolong Qinghan didn't hesitate and stuffed the pills inside Gu Pan's mouth.

After a while, she breathed a lot, and it seemed that the antidote pills played a role.

"This can't stay any longer, that woman will definitely leak our hiding place." Long Tianyu said with a frown.

Chen Long Qinghan said, "I have another hiding place."

But Ke Tianyu interrupted Long Qinghan's words, "He won't believe anyone, and you must have his man.

Now it is not safe anywhere, we must go. "

He glanced at Panpan and said, "If you don't want her to die, let her go with us."

When I heard this, Long Qinghan suddenly tightened his arms.

It took a while for them to get better. He was afraid that after this time they would see each other in the future.

"She and Yaer are good friends and good sisters, and we will take care of her." Long Tianyu said softly.

Xiaolong Qinghan had no choice but to agree.

立刻 He immediately summoned all his men.

As expected, he found three people missing.

Suddenly Long Qinghan's face sank.

Xiao Long Tianyu patted his brother's shoulder when he saw this.

"Will you go with us"

He shook his head resolutely and helped him into the carriage.

"I want to find out the truth."

If things really are like what Long Tianyu said, then his father is using him as a tool.

He wants to stay and find his father's purpose.

No one can retreat after playing him like this, even if this person is his biological father.

Chen Longtianyu also knows the character of his brother.

Time didn't matter, instead of continuing to persuade, he said to his brother, "Take care."

The dragon was cold and silent.

He gave Gu Pan a complex look and turned to leave with his own.

Wu Murongyan sat outside and drove.

Their journey is also full of thorns.

"Where are we going now?" Murong Yan asked.

Chen Longyu thought for a moment, "Go directly to the holy city."

"But if we want to go there, we have to pass through the towns below.

You have also heard Long Qinghan's words. There are so many people who know you and me.

With our present skills, it is really not appropriate to fight against others. "

Nine Dragons Tianyu leaned against the wall of the carriage, her mouth slightly raised.

"No, the first person to recognize us must be Yaer."

Wu Murongyan drove the carriage, but could not help pouring cold water on that guy.

"Although your family, Yaer, is smart, she should not be so smart yet"

Nine Dragons Tianyu no longer cares about that person.

Ya'er's personality, she will make people look at these people in the dark.

Alas, and when he was in the town, he could contact the people at Wolf Guard.

I just know that this is a small secret, and it is not appropriate to tell Murong Yan now.

It is also a coincidence that today is the day when the teacher came to the temple.

In the morning, Lin Mengya couldn't hold back, and she directly asked the deputy of Qin Diandian to pack for herself and greet the teacher at the foot of the mountain.

She came down this time

I did a lot of protection.

And it's only about a day, it can't make any waves.

More and more people at the foot of Laoshan have prospered the economy of these towns.

坐在 She was sitting on the teahouse, watching the crowds shoulder-to-shoulder, but she kept thinking, and when she saw the teacher, how should she explain what happened in these days.

"Master, there is something strange to tell you."

刚 As soon as she took a sip of tea, she saw the two girls coming up with an unbearable smile on their faces.

"Oh, what makes you laugh like this"

As soon as Bai Su wanted to speak, he shook his head with a smile and pushed Cairu next to him.

"Let's just say it, I can't learn it stupidly."

"This thing is strange, it is said that in the town next door, King Yan Luo personally drove it one night, and taught those bad-hearted people"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and she thought why, it turned out to be this trivial matter.

Ye Ke, the two girls were also participants that night, how could they laugh like this?

I listened to Cai Ru and said, "Do you know what he looks like as a King Yan Luo?"

Zhe Lin Mengya recalled that the statue of the king they had stolen that night.

Is that scary portrait of blue-faced fangs 獠

"Wrong" Cairu held back a smile and said, "No.

I have heard that the person on the king of kings said that the king of kings on the portrait, king of Luo Luo

的 It's our master who lives freely. "

Lin Mengya.

How is it possible that her family, Long Tianyu, is also a beautiful man named Wei Wei.

But then she realized the ridiculousness of the rumor.


The tea in the pout spouted out.

"They're too good at brain supplements"

These people think of King Yan as Long Tianyu

I seem to be a guilty conscience.

Two girls think so too.

Xi Cairu lowered her voice and said, "I heard this rumor, but many people are honest."

She Lin Mengya also did not expect that a prank she had just done would have achieved such an unexpected effect.

I knew she would add a few more words before I knew it, but she didn't scare these people to urinate

The three masters and servants were joking in the teahouse and saw a carriage rushing down the street.

There were many people on the street, and the carriage seemed to be out of control.

The rampant rampage not only hurt a lot of people, but also knocked down many stalls.

Frowning her brow, "Which horse carriage is this, please go down and ask."

Xi Cairu immediately went to the first floor.

At this time, the carriage was stopped.

Unexpectedly, it was empty and there was no one in the carriage.

Lin Lin Mengya just heard that this horse should be frightened, so she ran on the street.

She was looking for the sheriff in charge of security here, and saw a man stumbled out of the crowd.

The wolf howl of the man turned out to be muddy.

有人 Someone chased after the man.

"Catch the robber"

Shouted the man behind the man.

Hearing this, the man immediately ran away and ran specially to the crowded place.

But there are more and more people behind, coupled with some people seeing righteousness, although some men work hard, but several people joined forces to trap the man.

Those people quickly caught up and took over the men from the crowd.

He shivered and stuffed the man's mouth with something.

"Thank you all for your help"

The person who reached out to help immediately said, "You're welcome, these robbers should be brought to justice."

These people were ready to take the man back immediately.

Lin Mengya, who was standing upstairs, felt something was wrong.

"Let's go and see."

But Bai Su said, "Mr. Rui is coming. You go now. What if I missed it?"

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