Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2471: Family involved

Although Li Lishuang does not return often, he is Li family.

In addition, the child's companions were washed clean by Lin Mengya's people and ate a full meal. When they were all around the boy, the boy gradually put down his guard.

Before long, Wushuang came out with red eyes.

Xi Bai Su stood silently beside him and became his pillar.

"I asked, and the one who came to arrest them was heaven."

When he mentioned the old enemy, he could not wait to swallow the other's flesh.

They are too difficult for the ancient people to live in the heavens and the peoples.

A little carelessly, I will be subjected to inhuman abuse, even if it can be stolen and stolen, in the end, it has become a plaything for everyone.

In the eyes of those heavenly people, they are just a group of cats and dogs, without human dignity.

He managed to escape, and he was treated kindly by others, but he felt more and more sad when he was in the family of heaven and human.

Now these children are repeating his fate like nightmares.

This makes Li Wushuang helpless and more angry.

"How can they do this?" Li Wushuang did not hold back, but did not know if he was questioning Heaven or the Presbyterian Church, or both.

"Isn't our Li family a human being? How can they bear the trouble to practice a child like this?"

If the previous child was not discovered by them because of the momentary curiosity, if Lin Mengya did not leave the child to ask clearly, if they went later.

The kid on the bed may be gone.

Lin Lin Mengya understood him and patted him gently on the shoulder.

"This question, when you meet them, find the answer yourself."

She glanced at the children in the house, and whispered, "I think they will send Li's home for the time being."

According to the older child, they were all released by their family.

And their family would take turns sneaking food to them.

Otherwise, these children alone cannot definitely live to this day.

Wu Ke just five days ago, no one came to deliver food.

At first, they didn't come because they thought their parents had forgotten, or encountered other difficulties.

As a result, the boy named Li Feihua returned home secretly.

Who knows, he unexpectedly bumped into a scene where those people were punishing their parents.

The young boy couldn't hold his breath, and ran out.

His parents had bitten to death and refused to say his whereabouts, but the sudden appearance of the child put his parents into great panic.

Then, the boy was arrested.

The “master” responsible for punishment was in front of his parents, beating his children, and wanted to threaten their parents.

But they underestimate the love parents have for their children.

In the middle of the night, his parents exhausted their last little energy and let the dying child run away.

After that, the children returned to the cave where they were hiding.

As for their parents, there is no more audio

Speaking of this, Li Wushuang sighed for a long time.

Lin Lin Mengya heard his anger and helplessness.

"Looking like this, Li's family is likely to have had more than one such incident. But why don't we hear the wind?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was puzzled.

Before Li Li's follow him

He has cooperation, so he sent a lot of people, how can he miss such a bad thing?

But Li Wushuang said.

"I feel a little bit wrong when I come back this time. Because Li's house is guarding such a passage that can enter and exit the ancients, so in normal times, there should be guards patrolling here and there.

Furthermore, my father's most important thing is farming. Farmland affairs must not be delayed in any way. But you see, we were on the road and didn't even see a Li family member.

Maybe it's because they have been imprisoned for a long time! "

At this time, Long Tianyu also found the person responsible for spying on the news here.

询问 After inquiring, I learned that after they sent a message to Long Tianyu, Song Jian summoned everyone up.

They later sent in, but strangely, they never sent a little bit of news after they entered.

Later, the only passage was blocked by Song Jian's people.

Their entry and exit became very difficult, and during that time, there was a turmoil due to the disappearance of Long Tianyu. They did not receive timely assistance. Many of the information obtained at that time could not be transmitted in real time. This has caused such a poor information.

After Xiaolong Tianyu asked him to explain everything, he was punished in accordance with the rules.

"I was negligent."

He said to Lin Mengya a little sorry.

后者 But the latter just shook his head and said.

"I can't blame you this way. When you disappeared, I was thinking about how to find you, and I ignored these things."

During the period when Yu Yu was injured and taken away by Long Qinghan, although there were no major problems within their forces, they were somewhat affected.

He tried his best to remedy, but still couldn't get it.

的 The confusion of that period of time caused the information to be unequal now.

Fortunately, no major delays.

Lin Mengya sorted out the missing information.

也就是说 "In other words, all Li family members are actually dangerous now?"

Li Wushuang grasped Bai Su's hand subconsciously and said suddenly: "What should we do? I originally only caught my father and them. Now it seems that this group of people wants to destroy our Li family. ! "

"Don't be excited first," Lin Mengya calmed.

Damn, they must save.

How can I save? When to save? There are still issues that need to be solved urgently.

While they were discussing things, Cai Ru suddenly broke in.

"Master, Your Highness, Song is here, and he has brought many more people."

怎么 Why are they here this time?

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but stare at Long Tianyu.

The latter squeezed her hand.

"I'll go and see. You have these children in place."

"Okay, then you be careful."

The two acted separately.

Xiao Long Tianyu had him pushed forward.

Wu Songjian is still a warm and kind look, no wonder he can hide Li's father's eyes.

The more you do, the more terrible and difficult the person is.

Xiaolong Tianyu squinted his eyes, and then he looked at him as if nothing had happened.

"The villain has seen His Royal Highness, I wonder if His Royal Highness is here, can I still get used to it?"

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at him.


"That's good." Song Jian laughed very happy, as if all he said was true.

"The lord of the palace respects the identity of the lord of the palace and the villain is wronged, so I sent a few people to help.

I just do n’t know if they are clumsy. Did it bother you? "

The four people were selected by Song Jian personally, and they are definitely masters on the field of Fengyue.

他 In his opinion, although the palace owner is beautiful and attractive, he is too tall, and I heard that the palace has always cultivated women to be arrogant and prideful. Such people will definitely not be gentle with men.

And the Lord has just been injured, and it is time for a woman to be comforted.

He sent in a few tender, charming and caring women in time, and surely can comfort the injured self-esteem of the temple master.

As long as they are separated, they are not well-founded.

But Song Jian's abacus was so refined that he did not expect that the petite and self-willing housekeeper who he envisioned was a spoiler.

Look at Long Tianyu's self-confidence that he hasn't changed a little before. He knows that in the back, the two husbands and daughters are not "comfortable" with each other.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was not stupid, and suddenly remembered that day when her daughter nearly turned her face.

I was very good. It turned out that this **** made his wife angry.

Pouting at the corner, his smile was cold.

"Oh? That's the case. I have always hated trouble, but if trouble comes automatically, I don't mind solving it."

The next three words were faintly murderous.

Ji Songjian's smile froze on his face.

Even if he is slow, he knows that the reaction is not right.

Therefore, instead of asking further questions, the humorous one turned to the purpose of coming here today.

"Actually, I came to disturb the temple owner today. I wanted to ask, has the temple owner ever seen a child?"

When they first met their children in the afternoon, they didn't know what happened, so they didn't take special precautions.

At that time, he had noticed that someone was watching, so he couldn't deny it.

He nodded.

Ji Songjian immediately made a sigh of relief.

"That's great! You don't know, this child lost a few days ago because of play.

父母 His parents were desperate. I took someone to look for it several times, but I couldn't find it.

I was met by Your Highness today. It is really a lucky for this child. "

Xun Long Tianyu knew he was talking nonsense with his eyes open and didn't talk.

Tong Songjian's cheek was obviously thicker than he thought, and he continued to talk to himself.

"Since His Royal Highness took this child, I have nothing to worry about.

But their parents have to be noisy to take their children home, you see. "

他们 "They want to take their children away."

He said blankly.

Tong Songjian was secretly happy, but Long Tianyu's next words didn't make him laugh anymore.

只是 "Just, my wife likes this child and wants to stay with him for a few days.

让 You ask your child's parents to come and I will give them an account in person. "

"This, isn't this good?" Song Jian didn't give up.

But Long Tianyu just pressed his eyes coldly.

"Do you suspect that our husband and wife will hurt that child?"

Song Jian did not dare to say a word.

Because the guards throughout the yard held their own weapons.

He was afraid that if he dared to make a noise, he would have to be unloaded.

The cold sweat on his forehead erupted. He reluctantly braved his gall and said tremblingly, "Where is it! Your Highness, please don't misunderstand, the villain doesn't mean that!"

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