Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 852: Show wrong feelings

Although Xin Luan did not make a clear statement, Lin Mengya was very sure, and he would certainly help Xiaoyu.

With the help of the Lord Witch and the Lord, as long as Xiaoyu can safely come back from Wanji Pond.

Whatever Yan Yanjing, his reputation is no longer comparable to Xiaoyu.

She's reputation is enough. As for her strength, she will also help her a little bit.

"Yes, I'll go here. But to go to Wanluochi, you must pass the level of the Xin family. Miss, what can you do?"

Wu Baisu wanted to come without any skepticism about Lin Mengya's words. Moreover, the nine princes are now emerging and gaining momentum, and indeed they need a suitable place to precipitate their strength and ease conflicts in various aspects.

"What other countermeasures are there? When Xin Luan is with his wife, who dares to stop the Xin family? Has that Xinli ever appeared?"

Not to mention the status of Xin Luan and his wife, there is no one to stop at Xin's house.

In secret, she also asked Xin Yu to help to ensure foolproof.

Wu Baisu thought for a moment, and a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know if that Xin Yu has made any mistakes. Since these days, no one has heard from him. But this person is ambitious, I'm afraid he will never let the master go in so simple."

Lin Mengya's anxiety was not unexpected.

To be honest, there are not many people who can make her feel dangerous. Xin Li is the first to make her feel that, like a mouse, her life is in the hands of others.

Although this feeling is weakened due to the improvement of strength, reason still tells her that Xin Li must not be underestimated.

"Well, I'll think of a way to do this. You should first send a message to Xiaoyu, and I'm going to see my wife."

Bai Su nodded and left obediently.

I sat up on the bed, Lin Mengya put on a shirt casually, and looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes red and swollen, and sighed heavily.

I said that love afflicts people, she never believed.

I only think that two people can be together if they fall in love, and they will be separated smartly if they don't.

I did not expect that she also had doubts, denying the day of sadness and tears.

前面 In front of the vanity mirror, Lin Mengya opened the exquisite hibiscus powder.

She will have to see his wife later. Wouldn't she scare people if she did?

I apply powder and apply a light layer of rouge,

脸 The face in the mirror was barely visible.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at herself, but her heart was agitated.

Actually, she has another plan to return to Dajin this time.

If it is confirmed that Long Tianyu has really lost her, then she will take everything that belongs to her, whether it is Bai 芨 bai 芍, or the Lin family.

She will be transported away secretly, and make a thorough break between them.

I was not heartless, but she had always disliked this kind of procrastination.

My heart was a bit sad, they were warm and sweet a few days ago, admiring the night sky of Houshan.

But why is it that it turned upside down overnight?

But there is only one thing, Lin Mengya thinks clearly.

She doesn't regret knowing this thing, feelings and such things can't tolerate deception and concealment.

Except for Feng Yuyuan, although Lin Mengya tries to make herself look as good as possible.

But once a person is sad, he won't be able to get better in a moment.

In the past, she always had a humble and kind smile, and her expression today looked a little melancholic.

Absent-minded, she did not hear the whispers of the palace people around her.

Outside the palace on the king, Lin Mengya sorted out her clothes before stepping in.

The housekeeper who was watching outside saw her, and when she looked up, she immediately greeted Lin Mengya with a flattering smile.

"Good girl, did the girl come to see his wife?"

I was surprised by this man's smile.

Xun usually these people who served in the imperial palace, although polite to her, may not be like this-close.

What happened now?

Wu Qiao's face hesitated slightly before she nodded gently.

"Trouble you a moment."

The inner servant smiled brighter and brighter, and there were more folds on his young face than those of the 70- or 80-year-old.

"Mrs. is waiting for you, but you are here. Come on in."

Madam Ji, waiting for her?

He looked a little hesitant. In the end, Lin Mengya followed behind the housekeeper and walked into the king's palace.

The inner palace of the sleeping palace is still quiet and quiet.

At this time of the year, King King handles court politics in the front hall.

If there is anything in the palace of the royal family, they usually choose this time to return to Madam Hui.

"Madam, girl He Lan is here."

Nian Qiu saw Lin Mengya just when she entered the inner hall.

Chi softly informed, and Lianbu moved gently to Lin Mengya.

Sweet little face, with a submissive smile at the moment.

"But does your wife have any special instructions?"

Today, they are one or two. What's wrong?

I walked into the inner hall, there were no outsiders in the room, only Ning Qiu and his wife and a few heirs of Gong'e.

"Where is your wife willing to tell you? Sister He Lan, now you are going to invite us to drink."

Wu Ningqiu covered her mouth and smiled foolishly, but Lin Mengya was the second monk and could not reach her head.

He walked up to his wife in a few steps and saluted the wife as usual, please.

Yun Ke's wife looked at her and smiled.

With a soft smile on her face, the smile brought Lin Mengya's inexplicable intimacy.

夫人 The old lady treats her just fine, but this smile, anyhow, feels a bit too kind.

Big guy, what happened?

"OK, you go down first, this palace will talk to He Lan alone."


Gong'e Temple, Gong'e, who had not much left, stepped down in turn.

Mrs. Jing Jingrou beckoned and let Lin Mengya stand up to her.

"Children, I know how much I have to ask you what you mean. But I and Wang both think that you and Yuerlang are so good-looking. You have deep fronts and good feelings. Now Xiaoyu begged me, I also think it's time for you to settle. "

What is it?

Lin Lin Mengya stared at his wife with a stunned look. Why was she so good with Xiaoyu, and why should she be settled?

夫人 "Ma'am, do you think you have made a mistake? My relationship with Xiaoyu is not the relationship you imagine."

Some laborious explanations, although she and Xiaoyu are intimately connected, but that's just the love of her sister and brother.

What's more, she had solved it with his wife before.

Why even say this to his wife?

"You child, when this time is up, what are you shy about? Yuer told us that this time, you came here for his sake. Moreover, since these days, your thoughts on Yuer, I and Wang It ’s all in the eyes. Rest assured, although your identity is a bit special, you are the right concubine, I ’m afraid you are the one. ”

What's wrong! Everyone is wrong!

Gao Linmengya had a good reason to explain, but when she reached her lips, she did not know where to start.

Looking at his wife's appearance, he must be very satisfied with the family.

Now that she is in the palace, there are some things that I have to master.

After turning her eyes, Lin Mengya changed to look a little embarrassed.

"Mrs. Qizhen, I don't think this matter is urgent. The nine princes are still young, and the matter has not yet been settled. If at this time, if they rashly match up, wouldn't it make some wait-and-see people feel unprofitable? Not to mention the other family ladies I have seen a few days ago. Although each of them has chosen, but this matter can not be anxious. In case some people's hearts are broken, now we are not giving up opportunities to others. What? "

In a soft voice of consolation by Lin Mengya, Mrs. Jingrou finally recovered her senses.

In the past few days, Yuer pleaded with her almost every day with a letter, and in the words, she was really moved by her mother.

I was thinking only about how Yucheng this pair of little sisters, but I forgot other things.

"You child, you have a clever and generous mind. If you have the queen's honor in the future, I can be more at ease. But what you said is that although the position of the concubine is yours. But those women in the family, And easily offended. "

Squinting at the sight of his wife being persuaded, Lin Mengya persisted.

My heart turned sharply, thinking about how to convince his wife.

"Yeah, it ’s better if Madam do n’t preach the matter first. It ’s okay to wait until the big picture is under control. Actually, Madam, I ’m here for the sake of Xiaoyu's access to the Wanli Pond. I think this is the most Good timing. "

Lin Lin Mengya added another fire, and his wife's brows were raised slightly.

After thinking for a while, he nodded.

Zhe Lin Mengya was finally relieved, and her matter with Long Tianyu was still inconclusive.

What's more, Xiaoyu, she always saw him as his brother.

"You're right, if Xiaoyu is going, now is the best time. There is a very sinister place in Wanyuchi. In addition to all kinds of crickets, there is a king cricket. If Xiaoyu can be domesticated He, that is the winning ticket. But unfortunately, with Xin Li's heavenly talents, he could only tame a child. It is easier said than done to tame Wang Xi. "

Mrs. Xun was indifferent. Obviously, she was the most aware of the dangers.

Lin Lin Mengya also understands that the so-called Wang Xi is to control the lifeline of most of the Lieyun people.

同时 At the same time, she is also very clear that the reason why Lieyun is among the few countries is that the national strength is the weakest and extremely exclusive.

This fate controlled by Wang Xi is one of the main reasons.

However, according to 舅舅, as long as the secret of the fairy city is unlocked, this fate of being forced to carry hundreds of years may also usher in a turnaround.

The reason why the king of kings chose his wife was afraid that it was a profound experience. The danger of being forced to submit and manipulate.

If it is impossible to change, either Lieyun will usher in a riot, or this mysterious country will end up in danger because of the closure.

Either way, it is not the result she wants to see.

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