Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 887: Head to Dajin

I'm in love with you 630bookla, the latest chapter of the most amazing poison princess!

Wu Qinghu watched Lin Mengya's abnormal behavior and quickly reacted.

Wu Youi sighed, sometimes he really didn't want Lin Mengya to be so keen.

"In fact, the pepper farmers in Yushan County are not the worst, but as long as there is greed in the world, someone will definitely suffer this kind of suffering. Girl, I know you are good, but this is not something you can change. After the lord of the country of Lieyun, some things should still exist. "

It took a long time for Lin Mengya to exhale softly with the consolation of Qing Qinghu.

也许 "Maybe you are right, but I hope one day, this kind of thing will be less and less. It will be better when we get to the place, at least we will give them the peppercorns, at least not to waste it."

Lin Mengya, who escaped from Yushan County, had no happiness for the rest of her life.

I think of the banquet of Xin family, how luxurious and gorgeous.

But the thought of their wealth was obtained through this kind of robber-like plunder of people and people, Lin Mengya felt extremely depressed.

Xie Qinghu was right, this kind of thing has been a lot in the past.

现在 Now she is all muddy Bodhisattva crossing the river itself can not be guaranteed.

If you want to change, you have to wait until Xiaoyu comes out of Wanji Pond.

At that time, no one in the entire Lieyun could threaten Xiaoyu's status.

Xiao Xiaoyu will definitely bring new weather to Lie Yun.

"Miss, shall we put on our own clothes here?"

Seeing that her own lady was no longer digging into the horns, Bai Su finally let go of her heart.

To be honest, she was really afraid that the lady at home would be upset.

Although this is not a shortcoming, it will expose their whereabouts, but it will pay more.

"No, I do n’t think that even if we escaped Yushan County, the Xin family may not set up a secret whistle outside. You first let the people waiting for us go on the road first, and when I feel safe, we will meet . "

This time Xin Xin's family had lost their blood, so they must not easily let go of a fish.

They can escape and there are lucky elements, so they have to be extra careful.

Fortunately, the way to Dajin is not the same as the way to Wangcheng.

Otherwise, with the caution of Xin's family, they will surely conduct a thorough investigation on this road.

Anyone who comes out of Yushan-gun may be under surveillance.

Especially the road to Wangcheng is definitely the top priority.

There are many small merchants selling peppercorns in Yushan County, and these merchants will be scattered all over the country.

Zhe Lin Mengya and Qinghu went in the right direction, so that the horses happily ran along their scattered directions.

Hurrying to hurry, three people bumped along the road for several days, and at the same time, they were getting farther and farther from Yushan County.

The news that the Qinghu Fox planted in secret had already been heard.

He said that on the way to Wangcheng, many suspicious figures were touching the bottom of those who came out of Yushan County.

Alas, apart from the mysterious disappearance of a few people today, there is nothing special.

Zhe Lin Mengya finally confirmed her conjecture. Sure enough, these people were not at ease, and they were still monitoring those who went to Wangcheng.

Fortunately, they did not see any suspicious characters on the road they chose.

The man who escorted them back was waiting in the town not far ahead.

一 As soon as today, they can get rid of the smell of pepper.

At sunset, the three finally arrived at the temporary settlement town.

Tongzhen is not big, and all the merchants who come and go live temporarily for one night.

Carefully chose the cheapest inn, and three people squeezed into a rundown and old room.

I was fine all night, and while in the moonlight, they secretly arrived at the joint.

I finally changed back my own clothes, and Lin Mengya's tense heart was finally relieved.

With the spacious carriage, Lin Mengya curled up on the boardcart for many days finally felt the taste of heaven.

As for their peppercorns, someone will continue to pretend to be the three of them, and then give them to nearby peppercorners.

There were no omissions in the details, even though Lin Mengya knew that she might have been too careful.

But facing the Xin family, she couldn't be more cautious.

Someone chased the carriage and others guarded their safety.

The three of them finally had a good night's sleep, and when Lin Mengya woke up again, there were only her and Bai Su in the carriage.

Opening the window lazily, he saw the clear fox who had been restored to be a beautiful man, and sat on the horse with great vigor.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned on the window sill, and let the chilly wind in the morning blow the drowsiness in her head into the air.

"Wake up? Would you like to come down and wash your face?"

Wu Qinghu had seen Lin Mengya's small head, and said that they had just changed clothes last night and had not washed them.

Now the three of them still have a smell of peppercorns.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that the three of them seemed to be three pans of braised peanut edamame.


Although peppercorn is not only a seasoning, it also has a lot of benefits to the body. Lin Mengya would rather be herself, never to smell that smell again in this life.

Wu Qinghu had already seen her thoughts, and after looking for a pond with clear water, she put two people down.

I was guarded outside by him, and no **** would dare to peep.

Lin and Bai Su both wore close-fitting clothes and took a clean bath in the dreary pond water. Only then Lin Mengya felt that she was completely resurrected.

Bai Su, who was aside, was just like her, with a **** expression on her face that she would never do it again.

Lin Mengya drank a handful of water and poured it gently on Bai Su's shoulder.

"Compared to this cold beauty who is not cold now, I appreciate how you look a few days ago. Don't say, even if Bai Su in my family is ugly, it has a certain charm!"

He played Bai Su's joke, and unsurprisingly got a sad look from the other side.

I know that this girl is thin-skinned and does not carry teasing, Lin Mengya has no intention to continue teasing her.

Although they were still in the fierce cloud at the moment, her heart had already flown into the capital of the Jin Dynasty.

"I'm afraid the lady is thinking about prince?"

以来 Since the time of writing, Bai Su has been by Lin Mengya's side all the time. Naturally, she knows who the lady can't let go, and who she is thinking about.

"Yes, neither."

I treat my friends, Lin Mengya is never good at concealing her mind.

I was busy escaping a few days ago, she simply forgot about herself and the tangled things before.

"In fact, you don't have to do this. We all know what your father thinks of you. Even if he really marries another woman, it must not be his willingness. Perhaps, the emperor of Dajin forced him?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the cute Bai Su and knew that she was comforting herself.

如果 If this matter was set a year ago, she could also deceive herself into thinking that it was Her Majesty that persecuted Long Tianyu to marry him.

However, today's Long Tianyu is basically different from Prince Yu a year ago.

Even if Long Tianyu never mentioned it, Lin Mengya already felt it.

Now it looks the same.

There is this family thing, Long Tianyu agreed.

How can I know his mind? She can go to sacrifice herself for the sake of justice, but for love, she will always be the little woman who can't tolerate a third person.

She thought she had changed, but deep down, there was a voice telling her that she had never changed.

也许 "Maybe, everything will come to an end in Kyoto."

I took the soft, dry cloth towel aside and Lin Mengya wiped her hair.

After refreshing herself and Bai Su, she returned to the carriage.

The journey is always boring and tedious. In order to rush back to Dajin as early as possible, they even camp in the wild many, many times.

On the way, in addition to reading books, Lin Mengya summed up and analyzed all kinds of information sent by people from Qinghu.

My father's and my brother's affairs were naturally the first priority, but even the Qinghu, which has a very complicated news network, only got some vague and difficult to tell the truth.

Zhelin Mengya's worries about her father and brother are also increasing.

The purpose of the candlestick dragons would take them away, she already knew, but there was another force in the secret, and she didn't know what it was about.

But his father and brother are highly skilled and resourceful.

There are two of them, and there are thousands of troops and horses to command Ruoding.

If there is any danger, it can never be so silent.

Therefore Lin Mengya can only press the sorrow in her heart, besides stepping up the investigation in secret, she can only wait passively.

"Girl, the urgent report sent by the emperor of Jin Dynasty, after you read it, don't be too anxious."

Between the breaks, Qing Fox looked gloomy and sent his people to collect information in Kyoto.

I took the light yellow envelope, and Lin Mengya felt a little anxiety in her heart.

Is n’t it the people who stay in Kyoto, what happened?

完毕 After reading quickly, Lin Mengya's face was gloomy.

With a crackling sound, the letter was held by her on the small square table in the carriage.

"What a sinister woman, if she dares to do such a thing, don't blame me for not keeping her!"

Bai Su, who was aside, didn't know what the news was, and actually made her young lady look like this.

Lin Lin Mengya also handed the letter in her hand to Bai Su. After she carefully read one side, her face was as gloomy and horrible as Lin Mengya.

"This cloud bamboo is really a wolf-hearted dog, and actually secretly colluded with the people of the Candle Dragon Club, took away Mr. Baili and said, but even wanted to catch them. Now Mr. Baili is in her hands, afraid of her Movement back into Kyoto will be limited. "

Fortunately, Lin Mengya was ready before that. The small courtyard of Sanjietang Medicine Shop was just a cover.

As soon as she left Kyoto, she had arranged the right person to quietly send them to a hidden village.

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