Stylistic road

Chapter 214: The Wrapped Old Gold (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

Comrade Jin Zhengzhi has sustained his injuries for half a month.

With his wife and little girlfriend Zhou Qian taking turns to take care of, the recovery is fast.

Lao Jin's tightrope walked very well, the red flag at home did not fall, and the colorful flags fluttered outside.

The two women barely met each other.The main reason is that Xiao Zhou is hiding from his original partner. A smart junior should put himself in a weak position from time to time and cannot force a man to take the initiative to make a choice. It is best if his original partner becomes angry and gives way.

Lao Jin recovered from his injury, and could not wait to return to work.

However, there is really nothing wrong with Jingmei Real Estate. Everyone knows what their responsibilities are. The tenant pays the rent on time, compensation for broken things, repairs and repairs, and everything is in order and in order.

If you don't do something business, Lao Jin feels that the company can run without himself, and the system really cannot be formulated in one go.

Otherwise, even managers are easily eliminated.

Let's take a look at that piece of land. This is the company's biggest asset, and the boss is also very concerned.

When we drove to the scene, Lao Jin almost got his nose crooked.

The last two houses were indeed demolished, and all the houses that should be moved were also moved.

However, the printing factory that had been handed over last time was obviously enclosed by a fence. The group of people demolished a hole in the fence and started printing again.

The problem is that since the last time the formalities have been completed, Jingmei will pay for the water and electricity here.

After you hit someone, you still have to use the company's resources to make your own money!

Is there anything more hateful than this? They were the ones who beat yourself up in the first place, but now it's better, this is not an inch!.

Lao Jin got out of the car and pulled the switch when he went up.

"What are you doing? Who let you in! This is already the asset of Jingmei Real Estate. What are you doing here?."

The angry Lao Jin couldn't say anything bad, after all, he had no education in this area.

In fact, these people in printing houses have accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, and they have also handled new printing outlets in other places outside.

However, I used to take advantage of the company. I went out for a month and found that the rent and water and electricity bills were not elegant, and nothing was moved here, and the equipment was still there. It's better to come back and start work again.

If Lao Jin comes back, just find another reason to have a fight.

"Oh! Isn't this Mr. Jin? Healing his wounds? I heard that I was sanctioned by the righteous people a while ago. I didn't expect it would be better soon. It's really a good man who doesn't live a long life and is a thousand years of scourge!" .

"You are infringing on other people's property, this is a crime! Now this house and these equipment have been handed over to us by the tertiary industry company, you have no right to use it, and you are wasting our water and electricity."

"Oh, don't press me with a big hat. We are originally employees of the tertiary industry company. The tertiary industry company still owes our wages and social security. We are working in our own factory and infringing on whose assets are the company. In bankruptcy, it is the workers who give priority to compensation."

Regardless of the rough appearance of Old Zheng, he is actually a fine person who has studied the law.

"Now this piece of land has been bought by us. It is no longer the asset of your company. Now I am the owner of this place! You have to deal with the disputes between you and the tertiary industry company. The tertiary industry company is not bankrupt, and the assets here belong to us. "Lao Jin struggled with reason.

"Then you give us the wages that you owe us, and we will leave. What you bought is only the land, and the house and equipment are ours. It has nothing to do with you, otherwise you will show me the handover procedures." Zheng Jianguo was not to be outdone.

The handover is all verbal, where is there really a procedure? As a big man, who cares about these three things.

Both sides know this.

Lao Jin took a step back, "Then you can take the equipment and the house away. Now we are paying the electricity bill. I'm sorry, you can't use it."

At this point, Lao Zheng and the others are really irrelevant.

But decades of old equipment is not worth much, and the house is demolished and there is still a ghost.

"We can pay for electricity." Old Zheng began to discuss.

"Thank you, I don't need it, I want you to stop now, and get out of here!"

Lao Jin finally got the upper hand. Spring in the capital is good. The wind is warm and everyone will be intoxicated.

"Hey, stop when you say stop, brothers, go on!", Lao Zheng was no longer ready to make sense, so he pushed the switch up.

Lao Jin naturally disagrees.

"Look at him!"

"Fuck. What are you doing?" Old Jin was going to turn off the switch again.

He was then framed by two workers, and his feet were vacated.Shame!.

But you can't stand it all the time, and the workers are also tired.

Two people held him up to the drain and threw them in.

The drainage ditch is just an ordinary rainwater ditch, not too deep, more than half a meter, there is no water in it, but thick tree leaves are piled up, and they are all rotten.

The snow and ice in winter have almost melted, and one foot in it is full of rotten breath.

A shameful shame, seven feet**!

After all, Lao Jin is a literate person, and there are not many ugly words stored in his brain circuit. After all, you are too much, you are too much!

He crawled out of the rotten leaves and was about to turn off the switch again.

The worker said, don’t make trouble anymore, this time it’s a drain, and next time it’s a septic tank.

Lao Jin fought a cold war with fright.

He didn't dare to take a step forward, turning his head back and walking away.

Call the police!

The police from the police station came quickly.

"Did they beat you?" the policeman asked

"No. But now our company has bought this piece of land. They have occupied our company's assets. I want them to move immediately now."

"Is that the case?"

"This is not the case. This is our company's assets. We have always been employees of the printing plant. The company has always owed us wages and social security. We will leave after we have paid them."

The police saw that things were more complicated and could not be managed by themselves.

"Then you need to negotiate this yourself, or you can go to court to sue, we can't control this."

The police went straight back.

Lao Jin was so angry that he filed a lawsuit in the court, but I don't know when it will be delayed.

"How about it? President Jin, go ahead and sue us! I haven't seen what a court summons looks like."

Lao Jin called Chen Mingliang and told him that the factory was occupied by workers from the original printing factory. Then he also reported what the police station did not care about and asked Mr. Chen what to do.

What else can I do? I wanted to pick up a cheap one, but I didn't expect to pick up a hot potato.

"Isn't it that our funds have not been fully transferred, then let the developer go to the demolition, we evade and accept the ready-made." Chen Mingliang gave instructions.

Yes, isn't my mind flooded? Is it interesting to argue with them? They are unreasonable, why don't they go to the developer?

Ever since I was beaten, my brains have become useless.

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