Stylistic road

Chapter 244 Choice (recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, 4/10)

He quickly retrieved his belongings from the volunteers, and Chen Mingliang hurried back to the lounge.

The next men's 400m final is the real test.

As soon as he lay down, he felt that his left calf began to twitch, the muscles were stiff, sore and tingling, and his legs could no longer move.

This is a cramp caused by fatigue and has nothing to do with calcium deficiency and body growth.

Fortunately, the coaching staff is more experienced in dealing with this, and they have to break the bottom of the foot and pinch the muscles, and then they can recover.

The left leg just recovered, and then the right leg moved a little, and it started to cramp. I'm going, it's over!

Physically overdrawn again!This is a warning signal from the body.

But now it's only one hour away from the race. How can you run 400 meters in this state?

And there are still many Central Asian masters in the men's 400 meters.

The strength of naturalized athletes cannot be underestimated.

Everyone is hesitant.

The coaching staff immediately found the leader of the national team and told him directly that Chen Mingliang had cramps and might not be able to continue participating in the men's 400m final.

The team leader immediately became a bit stubborn: "Look if you can hold on for a little longer, now the people of the whole country are watching you, and it is not easy for anyone to retire!"

The foreign teacher was immediately angry:

"NO, he can no longer participate in the competition! His physical condition does not allow him to continue the competition! He needs to rest, unless you just want him to be injured immediately, then he can not participate in future competitions, the Asian Games is over!"

The team leader also has no authority to decide what Chen Mingliang wants to do, especially now that the game should be played right away, so he can only find the senior director of the Tian Management Center to make the decision.

At this time, Director Gao was in the stands, watching the game while chatting with friends in the media, showing a good image of being close to the people.

When the team leader called him, he was thinking about waiting for the 400 meters to win the championship with reporters. Suddenly, he heard the team leader say that Chen Mingliang is now physically exhausted and can he not participate in the 400 meters.

Regardless of saying hello to reporter friends, he immediately stood up and rushed to the athletes' lounge.

Chen Mingliang was lying on the bed when the high-level guide came in. Two people were massaging him and wondering if he could recover some energy as soon as possible.

It's the last struggle.

"Guide Gao, when Chen Mingliang finished the 200m semifinal just now, he had cramps in his calf. If he raced again, he would get injured easily, and secondly, he might not get good results. Therefore, I suggest you abandon this final. "

The senior advisor still walked to Chen Mingliang very caringly, "Xiao Chen, how do you feel now?"

"I don't have strength in my body, it should be because I was overdrawn yesterday and I haven't recovered." Chen Mingliang also said something.

The senior director was right when he thought about it. Yesterday's Chen Mingliang was extremely brave, able to break the Asian record and push the record line near the world record. It is impossible not to break the limit.

It's time to make a decision!

"Xiao Chen, I won’t help you make decisions. You can decide for yourself. You may know a little bit about your own body. But now audiences across the country are watching you. You still have to think about it when you make a decision. After all, you participate. At the beginning of the 400 meters, many people were opposed to it. You also won the trial after participating in the trials. If you give up, you may have to bear a certain amount of public opinion pressure."

Gao Zhishi also said the truth.

However, Chen Mingliang immediately thought of Liu Feiren, what kind of pressure he was carrying in the 2008 Olympics, really don't force himself, this is another joke about his sports career.

The audience will be disappointed, but they will also understand what the pressure of public opinion is.

There will definitely be pressure and censure from peers. I robbed them of their places, but they were wasted.

Brother Mingliang is so urinary, you bite me!As long as they continue to have good results, the people will understand.

"Gao Gui, I decided to give up. There will be a 200m final tomorrow. I think that is more important!" Chen Mingliang had already thought about it.

"Well, I support your decision, and I will tell the organizing committee immediately about your abandonment of the game."

The coaching staff is really ready to leave.

Neither the national team official nor the coaching staff thought of telling the media in advance, but Chen Mingliang thought.

If the media and public pigeons are released, how will they be mixed up in the future!Almost followed in Liu Fei's footsteps.

Chen Mingliang put on his clothes and changed his shoes, and then walked out on his own.

The organizing committee already knew that Chen Mingliang was going to bid farewell to the spectators in the arena and did not stop him.

In the media coverage area, I really saw Chinese media reporters, including our sister Dong.

Seeing Chen Mingliang coming out, the audience cheered. The women's 200m semi-finals had to be temporarily suspended until the hustle and bustle ended.

"Hello Chen Mingliang, aren't you going to prepare for the men's 400m final? Why are you out now?"

"Are you live streaming now?"

"No, it's the women's 200m Ni Xiaoli's game being broadcast live. The camera should not be on our side!"

"Sister Dong hopes you can tell the live broadcast hall. I won't participate in the 400m race anymore. I want to come out and say sorry to the audience." Chen Mingliang's tone was very sincere.

"Ah, what's the matter, are you injured?" Winter is not a bad person, but sometimes you can't think of it.

"No, but my current physical strength is no longer enough to support me to continue participating in the next 400 meters. For the sake of tomorrow's 200 meters and future competitions, I decided to give up participating in the 400 meters final."

The reporter at the scene did not dare to neglect, and immediately passed the news to the rear studio.

At this time, the host who was broadcasting the 200m immediately received the news: Chen Mingliang will not participate in the next men's 400m final, but it can make the audience and friends not assured that he was not injured, but he was physically exhausted today. , Leg cramps and need to rest.

The host brewed for a while and reported the situation in advance.

The audience was really disappointed, but fortunately, everyone knew the reason, and the mood was relatively calm.

After all, everyone can understand that Chen Mingliang, no matter how awesome, is not an iron man!

If your physical condition doesn't allow you to take a break, anyway, the 100 meters have achieved such a good result, it's worth it.

Some people even complained that the national team squeezed Chen Mingliang and let him participate in so many events.

However, some 400-meter unsuccessful athletes began to brew dissatisfaction. I originally wanted to participate in the Asian Games with full expectations. After all, this is only once in four years.

It's good for you, if you take away our opportunity, don't say anything, just give up.

How can you be worthy of our hard-training athletes!

Even if you climb, you should also climb across the finish line.You just left, are you still a human?!

It was not enough to scold him alone, and he organized friends to post together to scold Chen Mingliang, which became the prototype of the early navy.

Chen Mingliang naturally didn't know this. After saying goodbye to the media reporters, he joined the coaching staff and went back.

On the way back, Ren Jing called, "Just now the supporter of the TV station reported that you gave up participating in the men's 400 meters. Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired. I gave up because I was afraid of getting hurt." Chen Mingliang comforted her

"Are you afraid of injury or are you already injured, don't hide it from me." Ren Jing was a little worried.

"That's for sure, I will not hide it from anyone, I am not injured, just a little tired, you can relax." Chen Mingliang promised.

"Well then. You have a good rest."

How could Ren Jing really feel relieved, she hung up and asked the crew for leave.

As a supporting role, no one cares about her feelings.

However, the director team saw Ren Jing's pomp, especially when she usually performed more lavishly. It should be someone with a big backstage. It should not be too offensive. Even when filming, she still agreed to a three-day holiday.

It is not convenient to take an international flight from Dali Airport.

But fortunately, the passport is in the car, and the visa for the last trip to South Korea can be renewed, and the visa on arrival is fine.

Let's go!Ren Jing directly booked a flight ticket from Kunming to Shanghai International Airport and then to Busan.

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