Stylistic road

Chapter 263 Lijiang trip (seeking monthly pass 5/5)

Gao Lei couldn't sit still, like he had hemorrhoids.

Turning around at the door of the operating room, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Aunt Li was also full of expectation, she was like a little girl excitedly, but unfortunately her hair was mostly white.

She combs it neatly and maintains it well, but she is really getting older, and the years are not forgiving.

In fact, there is a tradition in Aunt Liu and her family to get pregnant first without marriage.

Back then, Aunt Liu and Mr. Li were both old educated youths in Beijing. They met in a place where they went to the countryside, and then they supported each other for many years, but they did not get married either.

In fact, they have reached the age of marriage a long time ago, but they lived poorly in the country and didn't even have a common residence, so naturally they couldn't get married.

Later, Aunt Liu had the opportunity to return to Beijing first, because her parents were going to study abroad and could take her daughter with her;

Knowing that they were going to return to Beijing, the two people quickly ate the forbidden fruit first, and they ate very accurately. They returned to Beijing in 70 years and gave birth to a fat girl Li Xuejie in 1971.

It took several more years for Uncle Li to be qualified to return to Beijing with other rural youths.

By this time, Senior Sister Li was already in kindergarten.

After the resumption of the college entrance examination, Aunt Liu and Uncle Li took the college entrance examination and both had high IQs. One of them was admitted to Beijing University and the other was admitted to Qingmu.

At this time, Senior Sister Li was going to primary school, and no one took care of it.

She went to school all the way, and the exam was also taken by Uncle Li Qingmu, so Aunt Liu always felt isolated.

The two of them are not addicted to college, and they have to continue their studies.

Especially Uncle Li, who went on to study in Qingmu for many years before he devoted himself to scientific research.

So Li Chengfang’s senior sister Lai had been in Qingmu for many years and refused to graduate.

Chen Mingliang's game is over, and Snake is not as wide as the screen.

He still couldn't help it, and asked Gao Lei privately, "To be honest, do you want a son or a daughter?"

"Actually, my Nagada is a bit feudal. To be honest, I want a son, otherwise the family is not easy to explain." Gao Lei also said something.

"Then you are done, you are a daughter" Chen Mingliang finally broke the topic!

"How did you know?" Gao Lei didn't believe it.

"I got the information when I came in the morning and listened to what the doctor said."

"Ah, who made you say it, it's annoying!" Gao Lei was almost desperate.

Then he comforted himself, "It's okay. Actually, I also like girls. The opinions at home are not as important as mine."

Two people were talking quietly, the door creaked open

"Who is Li Chengfang's family?" Nurse Gao Sheng shouted, because there were several in the operating room, all of them were going on at the same time.

There are also several families in the aisle.

Gao Lei quickly stood up, "I, I am!" Aunt Liu also quickly gathered around.

"Come and pick up the child, don't lose the number plate in your hand, it's a pair with the mother"

Speaking of the nurse being pushed by a small cart, a red and black child, with few hairs, wrinkled skin, and blood stains has not been completely wiped off, so ugly!

"The family took the child to take a bath in the afternoon, leaving a family member to wait for the mother at the door." The nurse returned after saying that.

This child, Gao Lei took one look and didn't want to look at the second one, it was really ugly!

Asked Aunt Liu to take the child to the ward, and he continued to wait for Fangfang to come out.

Chen Mingliang finally satisfied his curiosity and left.

Chen Mingliang drove to pick him up from the hospital.

Although the two houses are very close, Chen Mingliang has not been there since they were discharged from the hospital.

But he sent Xiao Su's mother to take care of the confinement, and Aunt Liu looked a bit older.

The classmates did not go to see it either, mainly because they were worried that the children were too young and it would be bad if they had bacteria.

Chen Mingliang has been taking classes well recently, and training is just keeping the state. The 400 meters still haven't picked up. He practiced most in the 30-50 meter acceleration phase.

Chen Mingliang's physique is very strange. It doesn't have the characteristics of an oriental little quick spirit. On the contrary, he has a super long range ability. The initial reaction is very fast, but the acceleration connection and acceleration ability after the start is insufficient.

The coach uses a high-speed camera to take the pictures step by step, and the 100-meter research is done to the extreme. How far each step is and how many steps are run are counted.

Chen Mingliang's standard is to run the entire course in 42 steps, and then the foreign teacher is careful about how far each step should be run, which posture to use, and to what extent.

Too small or too large a pace affects speed.

Chen Mingliang has improved his training again. He is already a sports theorist himself. This is a piece that many domestic coaches have never contacted. Many of them only know how to increase the amount, increase the amount, and lengthen the duration.

Their courses are in early December, and their exams are in mid-January.

The fast teaching of Qingmu course is to give students more space to develop extracurricular activities.

Except for holidays, the free time of more than one month in each semester is reserved for Qingmu students to develop extracurricular activities.

You can do many things, even going mountain climbing, traveling around the world, or acting a drama or making a movie, it all depends on your hobby.

This summer, the climbing team of the school next door had an avalanche accident while climbing Shishapangma Mountain in Tibet. Five people were killed, but they still did not give up.

Although it is not a holiday, the free time is very long. Chen Mingliang applied to go out because of the production of film and television dramas.

In fact, Chen Mingliang is going to Lijiang to visit his wife.

After all, this drama is still self-invested, so you should go to the studio to see it. If you never go, Jingmei will definitely not let him go to bed after returning.

Zhang Beibei was also on the producer list. She and Peng Jing both played a small supporting role.

Don’t remind Chen Mingliang about these, when the resources arrive, this kind of arrangement will be achieved naturally.

All of them are from a major class, whose acting skills are poor!It depends on the chance.

It's just a TV series, is it really necessary to act.

The three of them are very nice. They still live together in a hotel in Lijiang. They are really good sisters, three golden flowers in the same bedroom.

Only Zhang Beibei was left unpicked.

This time Chen Mingliang came to visit the class, Jing Meimei gave a very stern explanation, "You are not allowed to bring a little pig-related things this time, not even the bristles of shoe brushes!"

This is embarrassing Chen Mingliang!

Is it true that the expedition class is still empty-handed?

Chen Mingliang went to Inner Mongolia to order a cart of donkey skins and shipped them directly to their hometown. Their county has an old workshop for making glue. The magical thing is that Dong'e Town is not in Dong'e County.

Let people stare at the boiled glue, using donkey skin, rice wine, rock sugar, and soybean oil.

Finally cut into dark brown, shiny rectangular squares, the size of small yellow croaker.

4 catties of donkey skin and one catty of glue, Chen Mingliang bought 6 tons of donkey skin in one breath, and several glue workshops processed them day and night.

More than one ton of donkey gum was shipped to Beijing and sold together with environmentally-friendly vegetables. Chen Mingliang personally stared at the boiled ones. I rely on them. They sell well.

I also made a lot of money in one trip.

Chen Mingliang specially selected the kind that looks more beautiful and pure, wrapped it in custom-made packaging, and gave it a very good grade.

As long as you use your heart, there is no gift to give.

Two full boxes were consigned to Lijiang in advance, and then roared by the handy machine!

Lijiang, here I am!

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