Stylistic road

Chapter 279 Trap (seeking monthly pass 5/5)

Someone on Zhihu asked, why are many anti-Chinese people themselves Chinese?

It is very simple, because they need to obtain political capital and need to be recognized by the locals, so they can only get worse.

The Philippines has such an organization.

In ancient times, there was a famous saying, "If you are not a race, your heart must be different!" It means that only our people have one heart with us.

In ancient times, there was a very famous saying that was the same as this one, called "Shuangluojun, sterile alien, Jihanjiubang, no hybrid."

This sentence is more intense, and roughly means that only those who grow up on our land are one with us.

If this person grows up on someone else’s land and asks him to be with you, he will think too much, not wishful thinking, it is meaningless.

Do not believe you look at Singapore.

The same is true in the Philippines.

There is an organization that wants to take advantage of the opportunity of this Asian Championship to do things.

Especially on June 5 this year, the two countries just broke out in conflict. Six Philippine ships were sunk and four were injured. We also recovered Huangyan Island, which is really a boost of national ambition.

Since 2003, especially since 2013, there are fewer and fewer things we only protest and condemn, and the country is getting stronger and stronger!

This organization has been planning for a long time, and the method of doing things is very simple. It is to take advantage of Chen Mingliang's opportunity to participate in the Asian Championships to cut him down and ruin him.

Several plans were devised:

First, when the time comes to engage in activities, find an opportunity to call out Chen Mingliang and give him an injection forcibly.

Second, use hotel staff to feed him in the hotel where he is staying, such as free water and food in the hotel room.

Third, use the volunteers of the match to cut the material in the drinks on the court.

As long as one succeeds, it will ruin him!

The schedule for the Asian Athletics Championships is from September 20 to 24, 2003.

There will be Chen Mingliang matches on September 21, 22, and 23.Because Chen Mingliang did not participate in the preliminaries, he only participated in three games, so the chance of coming down is much less.

First implement the first plan, which is the most straightforward, simple and effective.

On September 19, 2003, Chen Mingliang arrived in Manila with a group of track and field team.

Considering that the airport might be chaotic and noisy, and also afraid of accidents, Chen Mingliang didn't show up at the airport at all, and passed directly through the VIP passage.

A lot of fans who enthusiastically came to see Chen Mingliang were disappointed. They didn't know that someone was in the crowd, waiting for an opportunity with a register, but they didn't see anyone.

Before the departure, the national team held a special meeting to participate in the Asian Championships.

"The relationship between the two countries this year is very unfriendly. We must not irritate the place, leave no clues, and observe foreign affairs discipline.

Except for hotels and stadiums, do not go out by yourself. All food and drinking water are provided by ourselves. We must pay special attention to all the food and activities of the other party, and report the situation as soon as possible."

Every athlete has carefully studied the spirit of this meeting. Chen Mingliang also specially received key training. He also wondered, is this an anti-espionage training, but be careful to make Wannian Ship.

At this time, the conflict in the South China Sea has not yet reached ordinary people, and we need to truly control the situation before the mystery can be completely revealed.

After arriving at the hotel provided by the organizer, the organizer proposed to invite Chen Mingliang to attend the event organized by their local non-governmental organization.

Chen Mingliang remembered what he said before departure, so naturally he refused to attend.

Later, people from all sides came to lobby. This is a welcome event organized by Chinese groups. Should you take part in it? It is better not to hurt the hearts of overseas travelers.

Chen Mingliang asked the national team leader, what should I do?

The team leader knows more than Chen Mingliang, and he can't always be cautious.

"Tell them that if a small, controllable event can be held in this hotel, and there must be a flow sheet and participating personnel, security personnel, then participate. If not, then be careful. Not safe."

95% of overseas Chinese love their own people, but if they really want to do damage, 1% are also terrible.

Fortunately, Chen Mingliang didn't go out, the other party was really there waiting for him.

I heard that Chen Mingliang only attended events in the hotel where he was staying, and the other party was very unhappy.

Said that Chen Mingliang would only play big cards.

But there is no way, you insist that no one will come, you have to compromise!

Temporarily arranging manpower, or mixing in the crowd like at the airport, prepared to force Chen Mingliang to give him a shot.

The fan meeting was very successful!Many people are proud and proud of Chen Mingliang. Many little fans who like Chen Mingliang gather together. Chen Mingliang also satisfies their dream of chasing stars.

Except the organizer, everyone is very happy.

Because security checks were carried out when entering the hotel, all women with bags were taken care of, and they were searched just like the airport.

As a result, several knives were found. Others explained that it was a personal hobby and national customs.

Naturally, the injection is also horrible!

If one fails, another one lives.

Now execute plan--B.

The hotel waiter really secretly changed the water in Chen Mingliang's room and put the water for class.

However, Chen Mingliang has developed a good habit for many years, and hardly touches anything in the hotel.

He now provides special food, clothing, shelter and transportation.The meals are all vacuum-packaged from Champion Farm, and the drinking water is taken directly from its own brand sponsor.

Take it wherever you go, just to show your brand's trademark.

They took pains to provide high-quality high-grade water, but Chen Mingliang did not move.

There is a third count.

The match day finally arrived, and their last resort was to replace Chen Mingliang's water with volunteers.

There are not many opportunities for volunteers to get in touch with Chen Mingliang. Only when Chen Mingliang finished warming up and officially participated in the competition. The clothes that he took off, the accessories he brought with him, and the drinking products would be placed in the storage box. This is the opportunity to start.

The first race is 100 meters.

Except for Chen Mingliang and Chen Haijian, the others are all unknown players. Even the two familiar faces of the Japanese team, Asahara and Shingo, did not appear. There is really no pressure.

Sure enough, the athlete entered the field, and Chen Mingliang put the water he had just drunk into the basket with his clothes.

The whole game process was lacklustre.

Chen Mingliang easily won the championship in 9.93 seconds.

At the end of the game, the audience was still very enthusiastic. After all, he was a great Asian superstar and it was an honor to be able to see it with his own eyes.

Chen Mingliang and them also had a simple interaction, and then conducted a urine test under the guidance of the organizer of the competition.

In order to have a better performance before the game, it must be a game after going to the toilet.

It is normal to have a urine test the first time after the game, but I can't urinate at all.

Drink plenty of water!

At this time, the volunteers had returned Chen Mingliang's belongings.

Among them was a bottle of water that Chen Mingliang used to keep excited. He only took a sip, rinsed his mouth, and vomited it out.

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