Stylistic road

Chapter 288 Shares (seeking monthly pass 4/5)

Chen Mingliang's blast was fierce and brutal!

But it also indirectly increased the popularity of Tianlong.

Netizens are screaming at Big Beard while watching TV dramas.

The audience was happily watching, but life with a beard is really hard.He didn't expect that his grievances just for his own face could cause such a sensation and such a strong counterattack.

In the past, he thought he had a good relationship with Chen Mingliang, and he should have spoken well. When Chen Mingliang attended the unveiling ceremony, he didn't tell him in advance. He planned to wait for Chen Mingliang to come to the scene and talk about it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mingliang did not come, the staff did not know the severity, and the tone of voice was not good.

This time lost a lot of face.

Wanting to find a supplement, but not finding a supplement, this is not just a matter of being scolded, it is already blocking the house and being scolded.

Once when I was going home, I just wanted to cook. Fan Ganma found that the rice was not right, it was soggy, and I smelled it. It was unspeakable and indescribable.

Call the police!

There is no camera at this time, and I don't know who did it.

Fan Ganma couldn't bear it anymore.

"Lao Zhang, did you offend someone? How can you live like this?"

Fan Ganma was only in her thirties at this time, and it would take two years before she met Xiao's son.

Lao Zhang decided to admit his counsel, and he has been in the world for so many years.

Not ashamed!

Ask a middleman to make peace.


Ren Jing has already started rehearsing in Renyi.The play she participated in was "White Deer Plain", in which Bai Zhao was played, well, just a small supporting role.

Ren Jing was able to enter Renyi, Fan Sister and Hu Jun both helped to say good things, they are the seniors of Chinese opera.

It is often said that the human art of the Chinese opera and Nortel’s Mandarin means that 80% of the human art is graduated from the Chinese opera, only the male and female stage pillars are not.

The male stage pillar Pu Cun plays Bai Jiaxuan in the west, and Sister Dan Dan plays Xiao'e. That's right, it's the white cloud in the black earth.

His official job is an actor in Renyi.

Under the influence of Chen Mingliang, the painter Lao Jin's style has risen. Before, he always "heaven on earth" and "famous night banquet".

It's different now. Now I have learned to watch a drama with green tea. As long as there is a drama played by Ren Jing, it is often full.

Because, as long as Chen Mingliang is free, he will definitely buy the remaining tickets!Then he summoned his friends to watch the drama, and then went to his champion farm to have a meal after watching the drama, which cultivated his sentiment and enriched his amateur life.

Chen Mingliang has already spoken. Friends who don't watch dramas are not friends.

Before Ren Jing entered Human Art, Chen Mingliang hadn't even watched a formal drama. Tears can be watched now. As long as the drama understands the taste, it really makes people want to stop, and the appeal is too strong!

At the same time, Senior Sister Li finally got the opportunity to invest in Ari. The purpose of Ari's financing this time is very clear, which is to kill E-BAY.

The opportunity is rare, many people want to enter, but Jack Ma no longer wants to open his mouth.

Li Chengfang also got the opportunity because of the oppression of power.

Her teacher, as a member of the think tank, is very powerful to say threatening words.

The ordinary people of the Qing Mu Scholars Group really can't afford to provoke them, especially those like Li Chengfang who do not graduate with a Ph.D., and can always consult the elders before.

Chen Mingliang has not lived to be the person he most wants to be, but he has become the person who hates him the most.

The investment company is called "Jingmei Investment Co., Ltd." and it can really become a group if it continues to develop.

Before leaving for Hangzhou, the senior sister asked about the investment amount.

Chen Mingliang naturally said that more is better.

"How much is that? You give me the number, and I know it in my heart."

"Then vote for 200 million."

"Alright, two billion yuan is not much, but it is not too much, accounting for 13 of our existing funds." The senior sister took the order and was about to go.

"I'm talking about two billion dollars! If you seize this opportunity, don't slap it a few times, you will regret it later."

"You robbed the bank!"

"If I rob the bank, I can give out another 200 million!"

The negotiations did not go well.

Boss Ma only intends to raise 500 million yuan, which is about 80 million US dollars.

They don't particularly welcome Li Chengfang's team, because they are also shareholders of competitor They are very savvy in their calculations. Ari's people seem to have not even worn their underwear, and the conversation is not on the same level.

Negotiations are deadlocked again.

Xuejie Li's team professional ability is very strong, high ability and high education, but the calculation is too sophisticated, and the display is too shrewd everywhere. Boss Ma is a little weak, afraid that he will not be able to do this group in the future.

Don’t look at Jack Ma’s boasting that academic qualifications are not important, what did your company later recruit so many Qingbei people for.

Finally, let's meet the boss behind the scenes. The financing negotiation needs to be completed in February, which is before the Spring Festival. The boss greeted him. Boss Ma refused and refused, agreeing and not at ease.

In January, the city of Hangzhou was very wet and cold, and they all said, "There is heaven on the top, and Su Mang on the bottom." Oh, auntie, let's not make an appointment!

Hangzhou is a modern city. In winter, heating basically depends on shaking.

Here you can wear the same pair of jeans at 3℃ and 30℃.

In winter, in Beijing, you have to pee, just open the thin quilt and walk into the bathroom; in Hangzhou, if you have the urge to pee, you pretend that you don’t have it, and the left and right brains start to fight, and finally you choose to hold back until you really can’t hold back. Lived, I wish I could have a urinal.

Chen Mingliang wore a "checkmark" training uniform, which was unusually warm; Boss Ma was shivering with cold in his suit and leather shoes.

Who said he likes to wear sweaters!

"People say that Mr. Chen is young and promising, but when I see you in person, I think I should call your brother." Boss Ma’s humor is innate, unlike the strong son, which is not vivid at all, if it weren’t for the United States. OK, it's really hard to find a topic.

Chen Mingliang looked at the face of Lao Ma.

"We two encourage each other!"

Chen Mingliang’s team is very good, but Chen Mingliang’s own boss Ma still looks down on it.

Speaking of the topic, Boss Ma asked Chen Mingliang, "What do you think of e-commerce? What do you think of Ari and Conghui, we are still competitors, and you are his shareholder."

"I am optimistic about the future of e-commerce, but I am only optimistic about facing the terminal. People have emotions, companies do not, people's needs are real, and many of the needs of enterprises are created by falsehood."

Very insightful!

"What will you do if you become a shareholder of Ari?" This is the topic that boss Ma cares about.

"I don't do anything, I can never have a director seat, entrust the voting rights to you, and only enjoy the dividends of corporate development. This can be written in the clauses. As long as the finances are under supervision, you can play as you like." Chen Mingliang was very simple, he That's what I think.

There is still such a perfect thing, Sun Zhengyi is not so generous, so does the shrewd team really only have this point?

Chen Mingliang came up with the contract with Conghui, and it was like this!

Senior Sister Li was still struggling for profit, but was sold out by Chen Mingliang.

"Mr. Ma, if you do it boldly, the market will grow rapidly. As for who wins, it doesn’t matter to me. I think it’s the development and growth of the entire industry. Even if some companies die, it’s fine. I bring greater benefits!"

"You are great wisdom!"

"Not as good as a pioneering talent like Mr. Ma, I just follow behind and have some soup and water."

With Chen Mingliang dragging his feet, the negotiation was easily reached. Chen Mingliang invested $50 million in shares and 10% of the shares.

The next time you refinance, there will be no such advantage. Next time, it will be 1 billion U.S. dollars Gaya Tiger China, accounting for 39% of the shares.

BAT completed one third of its shareholding.

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