Stylistic road

Chapter 363

Someone on Zhihu asked, why should the film premiere at midnight?Why do so many people like the midnight scene?

Someone answered, because going to the video hall to watch a movie is also the most exciting screening at midnight.

Maybe that is the closest answer to the truth.

The first midnight movie that Chen Mingliang watched was "Liao Zhai Three Episodes: Dengcao Monk". The heroine is Chen Baolian, known as HK's "Four Evil Kings", and the other three are Lan Jieying, Cai Fenghua and Hong Chaofeng.

It's a pity that she jumped off the building.

Lan Jieying, who was "beautiful Wutai Mountain", also passed away in 18 years.

This Wutai Mountain has nothing to do with Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province.At that time, it was said that there were five radio stations in HK, namely, Radio Hong Kong, Commercial Radio, Asia Television, TVB and Jiayi Television, which expressed the meaning of Lan Jieying's beauty over the group.

It's a pity to be pressed by Zeng Dao Yan.

The reason why the movie pursues the premiere is because the movie key takes effect after 12 midnight. The zero-point release can hit the box office on the first day. The box office on the first day is good, and it can fool more people to watch.

No Thief also has to toss to 12 o'clock.

On December 6th, at the Beijing Exhibition Hall Theater, Xiaogang Pao's 2004 work "In Thieves" participated in the Lunar New Year archives. The premiere of the refreshing charity auction was actually not smart at all.

In fact, the story of "No Thieves" is still a bit thin and the logic is a bit confusing.

For example, the thief's wife Wang Li completely deviated from the identity and logic of the thief's wife, and she realized it too quickly, and the turning point was a bit too much.

Another example is that Shagen's money can actually be mailed home, and the handling fee is not that much.

However, the details and plot of the play are well arranged, the lines are excellent, and the actors have good acting skills.

A movie cannot cover everything.

The film is good-looking. Commercial films are all about the best shots and humorous language.

Even people stupid roots are not really stupid.

Even Huang Bo said that Bao Qiang would play the most innocent look, especially the movement of turning his eyes upward, but it seemed very simple.

Although the heroine of the play has been replaced by Ren Jing, the storyline has not changed.

The previous version of Liu Milk Tea cannot be said to be bad, but the drama is even more brilliant with the white lotus.

After only one dance, the bra was revealed and he became famous, and Wang Bo pressed it on the carriage to show his legs high.

This is a good posture.

In fact, in the final analysis, Liu Milk Tea is not pretty.

An actress, no matter how good her acting skills are, she is not beautiful and can't become a big climate.

Sing well

However, if you are already very beautiful, you still have to act.

Like the goddess of golf, what kind of acting does she have?But she played the Thirteenth Aunt, although she appeared on the scene without makeup, but as beautiful as she wanted.

The charity auction at the premiere of "Thiefless" is also very distinctive, and it is considered a very creative thing in this era.

In fact, auctions are negotiated in advance.

Naturally, Chen Mingliang and Ren Jing also came here. After all, Ren Jing is the heroine and Chen Mingliang is the robber eldest brother.

There were a lot of celebrities on the scene today.

The Wang family brothers, Xiaogangpao, Uncle Ge, Liu Tianwang, Bai Lianhua, Uncle Fan, Teacher Xu Fang and other crew members are already very famous characters, and they are enough to attract reporters to come.

Not only that, they also invited some well-known singers and actors.For example, Liu Huan, singer Sun Nan, and Yang Kun, who has not held 32 concerts.

Guoli teacher and his wife also came together.

He is an investor, of course he wants to come. This drama is a partnership between Guoli teacher and Xiaogangpao and Huayi.

Xiao Gang Pao and Guo Li teacher jointly established a company called Taihe People. Xiao Gang Pao makes movies and Guo Li teacher makes TV series.

Guoli teacher also suffered from losing money after filming the popular TV series "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview", and decided to invest and distribute it himself.

When Chen Mingliang and Ren Jing arrived, they immediately became the focus of the audience.

The crew of "Thiefless" has long promoted Chen Mingliang's big screen debut, so "The Stone" was the second show when it was released, and the gimmick was gone.

Liu Tianwang was the one who could compete with him on the spot.

Chen Mingliang and Ren Jing smiled and said hello to Sifang, and then found their place to sit.

The auction begins.

This auction was conducted on Taobao, and it was really advertised everywhere.

First, a clip is shown, and then the auction item is taken out.

The first one to be auctioned is the DV that Liu Tianwang took at the beginning of the movie.

At that time, Ren Jing played the English teacher and Fu Biao played the role of the rich businessman.

Fu Biao couldn't help it, trying to steal the fishy when he pushed Xu Fan away, and then he was caught.

It's a pity that teacher Fu Biao just finished filming "No Thieves" in 2004 and died in 2005 at the age of 42.

The second lot is the leather pants worn by Liu Tianwang. It was shot back by Wang Er. It is 68,000. It is not stingy, but it is definitely not generous.

Wang Er's explanation is that her wife likes Liu Tianwang, this dress is really memorable.

The third lot is the canvas raincoat worn by Chen Mingliang during the robbery. Of course, Teacher Fan Wei also has a set, but the one that is not worth Chen Mingliang does not need to be made into two.

Two raincoats may not be more valuable than one raincoat, but two golf balls are definitely fuller than one golf ball.

I don’t know if St. Mary’s Hospital has also put those two golf balls for auction, or whether Mr. Liu will collect them.

The last time Xiaogangbao's movie "Mobile" was well received in HK. Although Xiao Cui was very dissatisfied, no one cared about his feelings.

This time "Indecent" was released on the same day in Mainland China and HK, which is also a pioneering work.

After the auction is over, the crew will take a train from Beijing to the south tomorrow.

They packed two carriages and named them "No Thieves". They really didn't know how to scream.

The movie begins.

As expected, the English teacher played by Ren Jing is not comparable to Liu Milk Tea with Lace Edge, both in appearance and figure are taller.

To be honest, in Wu Thief, Liu Tianwang's acting skills can only be regarded as mediocre, of course, the appearance is even worse.

Uncle Ge is still your uncle, with online acting skills, humorous sentences, and many classic lines.

"What is the most expensive in the 21st century? Talent!"

"The hearts of the people are scattered, the team is not easy to lead."

"I can tell you responsibly, Uncle Li is very angry and the consequences are serious!"

It is with these good sentences that "Inless Thieves" has become a hit movie at the box office.

Ren Jing's acting skills are quite satisfactory. After all, she has filmed "Jade Guanyin", which is not bad or not.

This is the case with the subject education. As long as it is not a genius player or a true character, some traces of performance can be seen more or less.

However, she is also the number one female, and her appearance and acting skills are passable.

Chen Mingliang looked at it, and the audience was not dissatisfied with Ren Jing's performance.

Soon it will be the scene of Chen Mingliang's robbery.

Teacher Fan Wei and Chen Mingliang each had a cartoon mask, which rendered the atmosphere of the robbery very funny.

Especially Chen Mingliang left some beards out, and pointed orchids vertically: "Be serious, be serious, don't laugh, we are robbing here!"

The audience laughed and couldn't close their legs.

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