Stylistic road

Chapter 372: Senior, Senior

Chen Mingliang didn't find the feeling of college until he reached his senior year.

There are not many courses in the senior year. Usually the exam is completed after the class, and the book is not closed. You will also be allowed to pass the internship and apply for a make-up exam.

After New Year's Day, the class organized the last class meeting last year, just to wait for Chen Mingliang, the people finally gathered, everyone had a dinner, and then the winter vacation started ahead of schedule.

In the previous dinners, everyone was laughing and joking, but this time I don’t know why, everyone was very reserved, as if the topic was suddenly lost.

Even the most recent movies that have been screened are not so popular.

Chen Mingliang did not take the initiative to bring it up.

Most of the students in the same class have found whereabouts.

Some students decided to go abroad. Both GRE and TOEFL were good. Many people got the Ivy League offer.The Ivy League is actually a sports league, meaning a group of sports scum schools unite to compete and can’t play with others;

There are also some people who continue to study for graduate students in our school like Chen Mingliang, but who chooses a teacher Meng with Chen Mingliang, none of our classmates.

Everyone knows that Teacher Meng employs people more fiercely, and that such a large animal does not harm Professor Meng and will not let go easily.

Those who made their heads out of him were all good at making mistakes and making mistakes. Most of them became senior civil servants in various ministries and commissions, and continued to engage in academics, but none of them, because Teacher Meng will let you start from being a budding newcomer along the academic road. Can't finish the job if you can't do it.

Now, Ms. Meng’s students can only be recruited from the next door. After all, this is a leader in the subject and a member of the academic department.

Some of the classmates also chose to betray the betrayal organization. They also knew the reality of the teachers in their school and decided to go to the next school to explore. Who knows that the teachers of the two schools are the same.

When they encounter some technical problems, they are not only personal attacks, but they will also say, is your school taught like this? If in our school, such a simple question, that is, freshman military trainees should meet.

The remaining people have basically found jobs or have intentions.

They don't worry about work, but Chen Mingliang still feels the melancholy between the words and laughter of the students.

Some students said that I am now a member of the Jiu San Society.

Oh, the democratic parties

"Well, yes, I now get up at nine in the morning and get up at three in the afternoon."

The subject of the students will inevitably talk about emotions.

There are not many girls in the accounting class. In schools like Shuimu Tsinghua, where girls are in short supply, there are still three female classmates who have not found a boyfriend.

There is a vivid analogy, saying: freshman girls are apples, they are still green, but there are still many people who are willing to wait for her to mature; sophomore girls are strawberries, they look good, and they are delicious; big The third girls are pineapples. Although they look vicissitudes of life, they still taste a bit sweet and sour. The senior girls are tomatoes, and only they consider themselves fruits.

In fact, these rascals who don’t want to eat tomatoes will know when they go to society. After graduation, you still want tomatoes. You can’t even eat eggplant. Eggplant is a tool, not a vegetable.

The female squad leader criticized several of them who were looking for girlfriends outside. There are so many cute and single people in the class. How can you bear to let the fat water flow into the field of outsiders? In fact, she is also single herself.

This, I really bear it.

Even the villain in sex can't meet anyone.

"Student Zhu Zhengwu, your girlfriend has graduated for two years. I heard that you have been single for a long time. Why didn't you come to pursue these little sisters in the class?"

"Should the monitor arrange it for you."

Isn't she arranging herself?

Xiao Zhu drank a cup of jasmine tea and was a little bit drunk.

In fact, the squad leader blamed Xiao Zhu. Boys generally have to go through such a stage when they are in college: when they are freshmen, they look down on their classmates, and they like to see the seniors the most;

When I am a sophomore, I am mature and experienced, and I start to feel that my senior sisters are in good condition, and I know that I feel sorry for them;

By the third year, I feel that my life is open-minded, even if it is a breakup, I am free. The only thing that can't let go is the student in the dormitory building 205 next door. He is still young and has a long way to go;

By the senior year, I had no desires and desires. I felt that the lady proprietress who was making noodles at the school gate had passed by, and the dog she raised was not bad.

The time of college went with the wind, and Xiao Zhu didn't know what he was in.

That year, Xiao Zhu was sophomore and senior sister.

Unlike Ren Jing, who chose to stay with Chen Mingliang after graduation.

Chen Mingliang didn't feel anything at all. He didn't feel that Ren Jing had graduated and entered society.

Ren Jing works in Renyi and has a lot of free time.

Renyi is such a place with no money but a lot of leisure.

Why are so many people in your future generations squeezing their heads to enter these two theaters? Is it really for drama and art?

No, so that their unit can be affiliated with the capital of the capital.

When you have money, you can buy a suite in the capital and live together!This is the person from Beijing.

Ren Jing often goes back to her alma mater with Chen Mingliang to play in her alma mater. It is also very good to help the students arrange a line of plays, and the younger students are also welcome. After all, this is a well-known alumni.

Chen Mingliang was also happy. After all, the practice clothes are very beautiful. Chen Mingliang respects the girls who wear practice clothes.

Sister Hangzhou had SARS when she graduated. There was no suitable job in Beijing, so she had to go back to her hometown.

After I went back, I worked as an art instructor at the local TV station, the kind who was not starred.

Stable job, low income, and worry about eating and drinking.

Just graduated.

In the first six months after parting, Senior Sister Hangzhou often came to the capital to look for him and see him.

There is also a room in Chen Mingliang’s Shuangqingyuan training base, which contains the cosmetics of the seniors and the replacement clothes for the four seasons;

In the second half year, she came less, saying that the expired cosmetics were not good for the skin, and she didn't put the clothes in the room much.

In her junior year, during the summer vacation, the senior sister said that her family had begun to organize a blind date for her. The relatives introduced a boy who was good-looking. The parents were satisfied. She could not come to the capital.

What she meant was to let classmate Xiao Zhu also care about others, to save this relationship.

Xiao Zhu did not go to see her when he returned to Wenzhou.

The senior sister uploaded a picture of two people traveling the West Lake hand in hand in the QQ space, and Xiao Zhu understood it in a second.

No contact again.

He didn't know what his mentality was when he was single again, and his academic performance was very good, but he did not apply for undergraduate studies, did not look for a job, nor planned to go abroad.

On weekdays, only Xiao Zhu lives in the dormitory. Roommates feel that it is not safe for such a beautiful man to live alone. They are afraid that the bad guys who play Warcraft every day in the opposite bedroom will turn into Warcraft and rush in.

Zhang Jian would occasionally go back to the dormitory to stay with Xiao Zhu for a few days, and he would go to Chen Mingliang's base to hang out.

At this stage, Chen Mingliang's free room was gone.

All couples in the class live.

Single dogs are already embarrassed to stay there for a long time, and the atmosphere can't stand it.

The most unbearable is Zhang Jian.

The love story between him and the glasses girl made Gao Lei, a person with love crystallization, uncomfortable to see it, and shouted every day to beat him.

These two people are indeed a little too small. They eat well, and they feed each other mouth-to-mouth.

Others exchange body fluids, he exchanges saliva.

There is a baby over one year old here.

This will be beaten!

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