Stylistic road

Chapter 380

It was not dark yet, the people in the town had already arrived with a cart of Heisha and Xiaobu.

They also helped Chen Mingliang set up a funeral management team and sent capable and experienced personnel to manage the process.

Everyone in the family is here this time, uncle, aunt, mother and younger brother are all there.

Chen Mingliang asked Ren Jing to accompany his grandma, and he went out to see grandpa.

At this time, grandfather has been buried, and the local custom cannot open the coffin again.

In order to allow Chen Mingliang to pay respects to the remains, the elders in the village did not cover them, but placed the coffin lid diagonally on the coffin.

It's darker inside, and what's faintly is the appearance of grandpa, so I can't see the old man Taiqing on his deathbed, but it shouldn't be an accident that he left, as it was expected a few years ago.

Grandpa's body is much worse than grandma's. The tougher the man is, the more vulnerable he is. Boxing champion Ali has become demented.

Elderly people are generally sad in winter and spring, and the word "boil" is often used here.

The spring flowers bloom, which means that this year has passed.

The first night was the guardian of the uncles. They knew that Chen Mingliang had a lot to do during the day for entertainment, and they could not lose their etiquette.

The people who came to help also left one after another. In the second half of the night, Chen Mingliang took Ren Jing home to rest.

Chen Mingliang couldn't say whether his grandfather passed away was sad or not, because it should be said that he was a little sad.

He slept unconsciously all night, and got up early the next day, but there were still people who were earlier than him.

The visitor from the village has already arrived. It is the fifth uncle of the village who is here. He is discussing funeral matters with the wise people in the town.

"It just happened to be bright. I have something to discuss with you."

"Uncle, you said."

"It is said that the state is very strict now, all of which require cremation. Your situation is special here. I know that when I am old, people still want to leave a bone for themselves when they are old. I was wondering if I would say hello, directly Let the town approve a cremation strip, and this matter will pass."

Chen Mingliang did not say no, cremation strips are available for purchase.

"Let me ask my grandma, I don't quite understand this, I respect her wishes."

Grandma is here.

"Uncle Wu, I'm in charge of this matter, so let's give him a spark. We are alive and don't make any contribution. When we die, we can't let people pierce the backbone. We are dead and buried. It's all about time. I won’t leave words to my children and grandchildren. It’s the same when I die. I don’t want the bones. Premier Zhou can be scattered into the river. At least we still have a small jar to live in, which is not bad."

When it was getting warmer, the fifth uncle arranged several strong young men from the village to prepare to pull the coffin to the crematorium.

Grandma was only close to Grandpa, but she didn't cry or talk, and her expression was a bit sad. After watching for a while, the cover was put on and dragged away.

The fifth uncle and the funeral management team commanded the young guys who had nothing to do to clean up the yard. The jujube trees in the yard were covered with black yarn, and along the road to the entrance of the village, the whole road was covered with black yarn. It can be regarded as a guide to the guests who come to mourn not to get lost.

In the afternoon, the suona group began to play. The team was very large, with two pairs of gongs, three suona, and six sheng.

Sure enough, under different circumstances, Hundred Bird Chaofeng was also full of sadness.

Chen Mingliang heard at least six errors, and the rhythm change and ventilation method were incorrect, but he had no intention of correcting it.

Chen Mingliang was like a marionette. Under the guidance of the five uncles and the others, he went to the ancestral hall to kowtow, burn incense, and then went to the ancestral grave to select the burial site of his grandfather.

At this time, you still have to use Luoyang shovel to test.This is because although it is the tomb of the Chen family's ancestors, and it has a history of hundreds of years, but I don't know why, there are other people's graves below it from time to time.

In history, Feng Shui gentlemen used the same set of theories, and the result they chose was the same as the one chosen by others many years ago.

The problem is that it has been five to six hundred years since their Chen family moved from Dahuashu, Shanxi. According to theory, the old tomb was at least Tang and Song Dynasty.

This vast cemetery, without knowing which family belonged to it, disappeared in the war and the long river of history.

Just look at the stone horses, stone sheep, stone monkeys, and damaged stone statues of civil servants and generals who were smashed and thrown into the river during the movement. You know that this piece of land has a glorious history.

Later, there were people in their village who made a fortune by exploring the undeveloped area of ​​the ancestral grave, but they were caught behind.

When Chen Mingliang kowtowed his head on the cemetery, he was still thinking about whether to do an archaeological excavation.

Later in the afternoon, Grandpa's ashes have been welcomed back, with the coffin.

Starting today, the people involved in the funeral have begun to take care of the food, and the food is still very good.

This meal will be eaten earlier. If you count from the beginning of darkness, you will soon begin to officially show your filial piety.

The condolence customs in Yunyang are divided into two parts. The people who came the night before were all natives of the village, one family and one family; the next morning, relatives and friends from all parties came.

Leading by Chen Mingliang and his uncle, each brought a team of close filial sons and grandchildren, each with a new crying stick from a willow tree, kneeling on both sides of the condolence passage to thank the guests for coming.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, a lot of charcoal fires rose in the yard, but should it be cold or cold.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the village, and the procedure was quickly over.

Chen Mingliang thanked these people who came to help, not to mention, the cigarettes were adequately prepared.

Ren Jing had already paid for the funeral materials.

There is no good smoke in Dongshan, the general has a pen, and the Hadmen of Taishan Kongfu.

"General Tianyuan" is already considered the most expensive and most advanced, and it seems that there is no such thing as the nine-five-five-year leader Zhou Jiugeng can draw.

The scene on the second day was really magnificent, because the guest house in the county seat was full of people the previous night, all celebrities from the capital, which is usually rare to see.

The point of the funeral is really not who is dead, but who is still alive.

In terms of condolences, are these people really coming to pay tribute to and commemorate the slaughter of old man Chen when he was young? It is impossible, not because of Chen Mingliang's relationship.

However, no matter how many people came, Chen Mingliang couldn't receive them. Ren Jing was also crying in mourning with Zhang Chunhua, her little aunt and a few other aunts in the room.

The reception of friends was left to Chen Dongfang and Peng Jing.

Everyone did not eat, and some people brought gift money. Chen Mingliang asked people to count the number, and then the gift money was returned intact. When people came, Chen Mingliang did not need money.

There were too many people, most of them didn't eat, and they went back immediately after the condolence was over.

Burning young boys and girls, burning sedan chair and flower house, and then there is a very important ceremony---wrestling pots.

This ceremony is very important. In the rural feudal clans, it can establish the relationship of property inheritance.

In the feudal age, property could not be taken away by daughters. If the deceased had only daughters and no sons, his property after death, including the house, would be inherited by his nephew.

Traditionally, the eldest son or eldest grandson of the deceased can only be used for wrestling.

Anyway, they are all very close people. If the deceased has no children or grandchildren, the nephew will have to throw the pot.

This ceremony will bring the relationship between the wrestler and the deceased closer, and the deceased’s daughter will be received by the wrestler.

To be rebellious, in feudal society, Chen Mingliang dropped this basin, and he could prevent his grandma and uncle from spending any of his grandfather's property.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a feudal family to fight for the property. The only way is to get a little property while the father is alive and divide it out early.

The father is dead, the elder brother is not there, and the situation of the nephew is even more terrible when the nephew is young.

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