Stylistic road

Chapter 413 200m Final

The television sets and the big screens at the competition site began to show the eight athletes participating in the finals.

"Dear friends, welcome to watch the men's 200-meter final of the World Championships at midnight in Beijing time. The athletes have already played, let's take a look at the contestants. The eighth is Capel from the United States, he is also a A famous sprinter, his best time was 19.85. In the 2003 World Championships in which Chen Mingliang was absent, he won the men's 200m championship. Therefore, it can be said that this race is his defending battle."

With the camera lens, the American star Capel appeared at the forefront, but he was short-lived. He did not qualify from the trials at the 2004 Athens Olympics. The reality is so cruel.

The track and field trials in the United States are known as the Little Olympics, and the past results are not looked at. Even if you are ranked first in the world, as long as the race does not run well, you will still miss the competition.

In fact, Capel's performance in this World Championship is not good enough, according to the results ranked eighth.

The road to defending the title is very difficult.

Before the Jamaicans came out, the world's track and field had always been dominated by Americans, and their talents and masters were too much.

Even if Powell's outbreak and Chen Mingliang's rise broke some of their monopolies, as long as Chen Mingliang did not participate in the competition, if American players participated, then he would be the favorite to win.

This phenomenon is particularly prominent in this World Championships. A total of 8 athletes entered the finals, and the US team occupied four seats.

The camera then went down, this time at the seventh track.

The audience applauded, because the Jamaican player Bolt appeared on this road.

Of course, the audience failure was not because they knew him. At this time, Bolt was still a rising star in Jamaica, not a lightning bolt.

The audience applauded because Jamaica is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, so it has a hint of incense with Finland, which is also a European country, and it is reasonable and it should be encouraged.

Their enthusiasm is not lost, because in a few years, Bolt will rely on his achievements to win everyone's attention, which is regarded as early applause.

The sixth track is Buckland from the African country of Mauritius. He is the blackest among all the athletes and his blood is very pure.

The fifth way is Chen Mingliang.When the camera is aimed at him, although he has yellow skin and black hair, he looks out of place among black players.

But the audience is no stranger to him, and everyone gave the most enthusiastic response.Chen Mingliang also responded with a very cool posture. He was not afraid of challenges. He was confident in himself by beating these opponents many times. This time he decided to defeat everyone around him and win the championship.

Many Chinese people in front of the TV suddenly felt relieved when they saw Chen Mingliang, especially when they saw Chen Mingliang still so relaxed and funny, they couldn't help but smile, and felt that the 200m was stable again.

Watching the game now, as long as you see Chen Mingliang's solemn expression, everyone will also be worried.As long as they see Chen Mingliang's expression relaxed, they will feel that this game has been won steadily. This is steady happiness.

The fourth way is the No. 1 active duty man in the United States, Justin Gatlin. His expression is very serious, because the pressure to challenge Chen Mingliang is on him, and he cannot be taken lightly.He didn't look at the camera, he just walked back and forth on the spot, moving around alone, still muttering words, probably shit, fuck, goddameyou, etc.

The third track is also an American player, Wallace Spielmont, who is a special 200m player. Although he did not have a 100m event, his talent in the 200m is still outstanding.

The second line is Australia's Pa Johnson, whose strength is not outstanding. This time he played well and entered the final.

The first one is Tyson Gay. At this time, he is not well-known, and many people are not optimistic about him. At such an age, he has not shown the results he should have, and it is basically a waste.

When the weather is cold, everyone is warming with love, shaking the body constantly, radiating heat to maintain body temperature.

The on-site DJ may not experience the temperature and environment outdoors. It is verbose. The introduction of the players is indeed a bit long, and everyone is almost frozen.


The game is finally about to start, the sound is so beautiful!

Chen Mingliang converged, adjusted his posture, and squatted on his starting point.

The sound at the scene gradually decreased, and the audience spontaneously held their breath and calmed down.

Even the audience in front of the TV stopped breathing, for fear that it would affect the players' listening to the gunfire.

The TV picture has also been pulled to the far view, looking down from above, the positions of all the athletes are clear at a glance.

"SET!" Everyone lifted their ass.

Chen Mingliang lifted his body and twisted his fingers a few times. It was really cool when he pressed his hands on the ground. The cold icy rain was patting wildly, and his back felt cold. Let's end the game quickly.


Game start!

Huh, the men's 200m final has begun!

Eight people started to accelerate at almost the same time. The 200-meter starting reaction was not that important, and more important was personal ability.

Sometimes people’s luck is like this. Bolt doesn’t know if he is too excited or the ground is too slippery. He staggers at the start. Although he didn’t fall, he lost all his speed, and he can basically say goodbye to the event. Up.

Others didn't pay attention to him at all, only Chen Mingliang noticed Lightning Bolt, who was starting to run awkwardly. He knew that Jamaicans must be depressed for a long time now.

At only the 30th meter, Chen Mingliang had already caught up with Bolt. The luck of this Jamaican Lightning was really bad, and it seemed that he was injured again by his running posture.

Now Chen Mingliang’s corner acceleration ability is very strong. It can be clearly seen in the corner that the distance between him and the sixth lane player is getting closer, and the fourth lane between Justin Gatlin and Chen Mingliang The distance has not shortened.

In the corners, the distance has not shortened, but it has been lengthened.

Therefore, it can be basically concluded that Chen Mingliang should be the fastest in the corners.

The passion of the audience was ignited!

Everyone just uttered syllables in their voices, and if they didn’t know what to shout, they knew they should make a sound.

Just know that it's time to vent.

Turn the curve into the straight.

Sure enough, Chen Mingliang was in the first place, and Gatlin was in the second place!

The gap between the two of them is not that big, but they are far away from the third place.

It can basically be concluded that Chen Mingliang and Gatling locked the top two.

After entering the straight stage, this can already be regarded as the late sprint stage. Chen Mingliang's ability at this stage is obviously stronger than that of Gatlin, although Gatlin also boasts of a late player.

The distance between Chen Mingliang and Gatlin is still widening slowly, one step two steps, one step two steps, one step at a time like minions, it is the pace of the devil.

Gatlin realized that he was desperate.

It is not easy for him to challenge Chen Mingliang on the 200m. Although he was a short position from Chen Mingliang at first, the gap seemed small, but at this time, the gap was almost irreversible.

And the gap is still getting bigger.

Thinking of this, Gatling couldn't help feeling frustrated, no longer able to maintain this stalemate, and suddenly plummeted.

At this time the end is already in sight!

Chen Mingliang's champion is stable!

The TV commentator Yang Jian was very excited: "Chen Mingliang and Chen Mingliang again. He is about to win another gold medal. Chen Mingliang's lead is very obvious. He is the first! He is the first! No one can shake his dominance. !"

In Yang Jian's fierce and incoherent roar, Chen Mingliang crossed the line!

I don't know if the ground was slippery or what was the reason. After he finished crossing the line, he staggered and held the ground with his hands, but didn't fall.

After getting up, Chen Mingliang took a look at the results, it was not bad, 19 seconds 92!

This result is not good in normal times, but it is hard to get in such weather.

Gatlin also only ran 20 seconds14.

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