Stylistic road

Chapter 590 Chen Mingliang's Singing Skill

On Saturday, people who had been out for a day came home, changed into a comfortable pajama, turned on the TV and tuned to a station at will, and then started to work on their own.

Many people are like this, even if they don't have time to watch TV, as long as they turn it on, they feel relaxed.

For example, when he is cooking in the kitchen, he has to turn on the TV, making it feel like someone is waiting for him in the living room.

For example, if you are sleeping on the sofa, you still have to turn on the TV to make people feel like someone is sleeping with him.

Indeed, many people have to turn on the TV as the background sound even when they sleep. If you turn off the TV for him, he will really wake up.

Although CCTV has the widest coverage, not many people really like to watch CCTV programs, and even Dongshan Satellite TV's "special soil" programs can challenge CCTV's ratings.

Don't underestimate the "earth" of Dongshan TV. They have special characteristics and rank among the top three in the country in ratings.

Not to mention that people are LOW. They have produced a series of TV series such as "Water Margin", "Crossing the Guandong", "Daranfang", "Langya Bang", "No War in Peking", "The Pretender", etc. They produced one of the finest series Many, other TV stations do not have.

You see, Yu Manli is played by Iron Girl, and Mei Changsu is handsome by Hu Ge.

Tired all day, most people need relaxation and pleasure more on weekends.

There are many ways to entertain. Some people choose the shampoo room, some people choose the foot washing shop, but more people choose to go home.

After they got home, they turned on the TV, and the default channel was Shonan TV.Although the show is not exciting and the game is very mentally handicapped, but take a look at "Happy Camp" and invited those actors, by the way, see which actors are the most popular and good recently.

This is a kind of viewing habit that is slowly developed.

Because popular stars will appear here, mutual accomplishment, and dominate the screen all year round.

However, the variety show "The Voice of China" produced by Chen Mingliang was released this Saturday, which still made many people pay special attention to it.

Some of these people are fans of Li Jian, Wang Banbi or Huan Ge. Although these fans may be "older", they have the power to control the TV remote control and they like to sit on the TV for a long time. front.

The new humans are more immersed in the Internet to play the copy of the game, they think that they are a love burial family, they prefer to watch "Lose is Empty".

However, as a national idol, Chen Mingliang’s appeal is regardless of age and class.

I heard that CCTV is going to broadcast a variety show produced by Chen Mingliang, and many new humans who need to fight a copy of the team have also quit the game, and are specially guarded in front of the TV, ready to see how well Chen Mingliang's program is.


At eight o'clock in the evening, after a few minutes of prelude to the commercial, Good Voice officially started...

The picture quality began to become clear, and the specially edited titles were also quite good-looking. At first glance, this stage effect cost a lot of money.

Seeing the appearance of the four instructors, some "aged" fans were still a little excited.

Because these instructors have a high status in the arena, but after all, they are already a bit "passed". It is indeed very rare to see them reappear in a show together.

It's a pity that only Chen Mingliang's newlywed wife Ren Jing appeared on the TV. She was the host and did not see what Chen Mingliang was doing.

The sassy and heroic Chen Mingliang with a headset and walkie-talkie in the tidbits was not seen in the TV series.

The show officially began.

After the first singer had finished singing, he stepped off the stage, and then it should be the second student.

The host was a bit unprofessional at this time, she even forgot to introduce the details of this player.

But soon, the introduction is no longer used, because as long as they see this face, everyone knows who he is.


Quite a few viewers also made the sound of eating rice.

The product that appeared on the scene turned out to be Chen Mingliang!

At this time, the four instructors on the stage were still completely kept in the dark, knowing nothing, it was really interesting.

"A big river has wide waves

The wind blows the fragrance of rice and flowers on both sides

My family lives on the shore

I'm used to the chant of Gong Gong

Used to seeing the white sails on the boat

This is a beautiful motherland

Where i grew up


In fact, long ago, the audience felt that people like Huan Ge, Wang Banbi, Li Jian, and Ha Lin seemed to be able to speak.

I have watched some of the programs they participated in before, and I didn't realize that they were so good at speaking.

How come here and become a mentor, it is actually very natural and smooth to carry out all kinds of tears that do not harm the friendship, which is very interesting.

The singers sang well and the tutors performed very well.

Some people who were dismissive of the show stopped talking. They thought that the show seemed good, and it was not easy to black out.

Then it was Chen Mingliang's turn to perform in person.

It's really interesting to see the instructors turning their chairs around and showing a dumb look.

Just ask you whether you are surprised or not?

Anyway, Yao Xiaona and Juanjuan were quite surprised.

Both of them are from academic classes. Yao Xiaona has a higher level, so she has become a full-time singer. The ceiling of her peers can look up to Ms. ***; while Juanjuan went to a high school as a music teacher, which is also a lot A way out for music students.

Two people can really comment on the singer's ability, even if they are not famous.

How is Chen Mingliang singing?

The breath is strong, the voice is long, thick, firm, round and loud, and the oral resonance is open...

I wipe it, it's professional!

Still a standard baritone!

For ordinary singing lovers, although they may sing very well, they are just talented, some special vocal skills, and some expressions to open the throat cavity are actually not mastered.

And Chen Mingliang sang this song with ease. The place that should be opened opened and the place that should be contracted shrank. No wonder Brother Huan said that Chen Mingliang could go to the Spring Festival Gala.

From a professional point of view, he really can!

Both Yao Xiaona and Juanjuan were shocked. Is this the power of an idol and the singing ability of a professional athlete?

What Chen Mingliang didn't know was that his opening of the voice really stunned many talented musicians who were not familiar with him.

Chen Mingliang is not a musical genius!

Actually it is not.

Chen Mingliang’s musical talent is relatively average. After so many years, he can only read scores and can play suona, but he doesn’t understand timbre, and can’t grasp intonation, but his teachers can!

He is not professional, but he can ask professional people to teach him.

He teaches little by little and learns little by little. He doesn't want to create a genre, he just wants to follow suit.

As long as the imitation is good enough, you can't tell my true strength.

In fact, the professional may not be popular with everyone, and the amateur may not dislike it.

For example, Da Yi has an excellent voice and has always been very popular with everyone.

But the songs he sang are just like that in the eyes of professionals, but they can’t be good.

Brother Da Yi's voice is somewhere between a baritone and a high pitch. The voice is clean, mellow and free of impurities. This is what God feeds.

Originally, after Chen Mingliang's appearance, according to the rules, there was a mentor robbing session, and everyone wanted to see how the mentor robbed people.

"Chen Mingliang sang very well, very well.

However, everyone knows that he is not only an excellent sports mobilizer, he is also my junior, so here, I hope..."

Li Jian has also learned to stay in suspense, do you hope Chen Mingliang chooses you?

"I hope that Chen Mingliang will not come to my team, I don't want him!"


what's the situation.

You obviously turned around, do you want to go back now?

"Because I am his brother, I came here and many people said that we rely on nepotism.

If I really took him in, then I would really put this rumor to the truth, so I can't ask him!"

Well, what you said makes sense!

The next mentor.

The second speaker is that the instructor is rock singer Wang Banbi.

"You may not know a lot. Chen Mingliang and I have been friends for many years.

I have been a frequent visitor to him since he opened his first championship base.

And some of the songs he can sing are taught by me personally.

If I really speak hard and brazen, I can count him as half a master, so I can't accept him either!"

Sure enough, Chen Mingliang was full of routines, and suddenly no one wanted it.

Chen Mingliang looked helpless.

It was Teacher Harin's turn. He had already understood the intention of the program group, that is, not to choose Chen Mingliang, otherwise it would be really difficult to arrange the meeting.

"Whether you know it or not, I do. I am a fan of Chen Mingliang.

I have been in the art for so many years, and I have always adhered to the principle that idols and fans must keep a distance...

Before he finished speaking, the audience was already laughing.

Chen Mingliang then nobody wanted.

The next one to speak is Brother Huan.

Brother Huan finally sighed.

"Finally it's my turn."

Ha ha.

"Ordinarily, I must take in Chen Mingliang. He is rich and famous, he sings well, he has a beautiful wife, and...


Sure enough, everyone likes to listen.

"However, when he invited me to participate in The Voice of China, I said, I have even participated in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, can I participate in an ordinary variety show like you?

Guess what he said, he said: I have participated in the Olympic Games for three times, and I still participate in variety shows. What are you so proud of?

Yes, I have nothing to be proud of. Eliminating you is my last pride."

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