But they only dare to put these words in their hearts, and no one dares to take charge of the director's affairs!

But this woman called Chen Xiaomin is different. Every time I see her, she always talks maliciously. Make trouble!

Tang Tiantian knows that she is not liked by the people here. There is no resentment in her heart. After all, no one will like a mute!

No matter what they do to her. She can bear it, because she wants to stay at the Huo family!

She ignored Chen Xiaomin's bad words. Hold the tray with both hands. Fortunately, the ankle just slightly twisted, although there are still some stings, but it is not a big problem. It doesn't affect walking.

Chen Xiaomin coldly looked at the delicate woman in front of her eyes, and her eyes were full of jealousy and resentment, "I said how can the ladies of our family do this kind of work?"

It is said that this is the woman who the eldest young master insisted on marrying back. I thought she was some kind of powerful woman. I didn't expect to be a mute! But it seems that the eldest young master is also regretful. I'd rather work overtime in the company these days than come back with this new wife. This woman must have forced their eldest master to marry her by some means!

Moreover, she heard her mother say that the old master doesn't like this new granddaughter-in-law at all. It seems that before long, this woman will be kicked out of the Huo family's door. Then when the time comes, there won't be any other women around you!

Tang Tiantian doesn't pay attention to her and plans to turn around and leave.

But Chen Xiaomin stands in front of her. Don't let her go. Chen Xiaomin never thought it would be so easy to let her go. Good use of their tall body to block Tang Tiantian's way. "Wait a minute. You hit someone and you want to leave like this? You think you are the young lady of the Huo family. Can you run wild here? "

Although I hate this woman very much before, but I haven't had a chance to deal with her. How could she let her go so easily when she finally got the chance first?

Tang Tiantian smell speech, a pair of show eyebrows gently wrinkled up, the eye fundus has some fear. She never thought of that! She's just in a hurry to deliver tea!

Chen Xiaomin looks at the tray in her hand. It's for the old man! In a moment, a calculating smile bloomed on her face, "just now you hit me, you should say sorry to me personally?"

Smell speech Tang Tiantian's eyes pass by a touch of embarrassment, shaking his head in a hurry, but the heart is faintly prickly. Although she has long been used to other people's abuse and irony, although she has repeatedly asked her not to care, but she can not control the pain in her heart!

I'm sorry! She's trying to force people into trouble. How can she apologize to her personally?

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that you are a mute and can't even call your own name. It's really embarrassing for you to apologize to me! But it doesn't matter. You don't have to apologize. But for the sake of fairness, I'll give you a push and we'll be even. " Chen Xiaomin mouth decorated with a vicious smile, said immediately reached out to her body to push.

Hum! Old man's tea, right? She depends on what she can give the old man to drink later!

Unprepared Tang Tiantian was pushed back by her immediately.

Oh, no, tea will be knocked over!

However, the strong force of holding Tang's eyes behind her is waiting for her to come!

She opened her eyes in surprise and saw a gentle and handsome face in front of her.

"Are you all right?" Gentle man gently grinned at her and helped her.

Tang Tiantian came back to herself and immediately shook her head away from the man's warm arms. Her white face turned red and dizzy just now.

"What happened?" The man asked the dark and warm sight and turned to Chen Xiaomin standing opposite.

"Oh! It's OK. Just now she accidentally tripped and fell. I was running to try to pull her, but I was still slow. But fortunately, there is a young master in the table, otherwise she can fall miserably. Hehe Chen Xiaomin tried to put on a hypocritical smile, as if what had just happened was really what she said.

Anyway, this woman is a mute, can't refute her words at all, now what she says is what! Thinking of this, Chen Xiaomin suddenly calmed down.

Tang Tiantian listens to Chen Xiaomin turning things upside down, but can't explain it!

Forget it, this kind of thing is not never tried before, but before her sister explained to her as a backing, and now no one can help her just!

Tang Tiantian did not look at Chen Xiaomin again. She nodded to the man who saved her and walked away.

The man looked at the thin back, the good-looking thick eyebrows could not help but wrinkle gently. Although he didn't see clearly from that angle, he clearly saw that she was pushed down, but why didn't she refute it?

However, since the parties do not care about it, he does not think he has anything to worry about.

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