At the beginning, he just wanted to open a business office with a playful attitude. Later, he would try his best to make achievements in order to make those people who despise him look down on him. At the end of the day, he would open a law firm and then grow it to the size it is today. It's all just a whim!

That's why he's coming to "nervous" his company now, which is not convincing at all!

"If you really care, I'll quit." She said faintly. The attitude is firm. Either he doesn't care, that's her resignation! The Huo family owes them to their sisters. She'll come back all the time! But she doesn't depend on others! For so many years. She's waiting for a chance!

Knowing that her temper has always been stubborn, decided things will not change, Lei Xingfeng can only hold the white flag. "Well, I don't care! Is that all right? "

Hum! If you don't let him help openly, he will come in secret! He's in charge of everything. Never can't manage!

"You'd better do what you say!" Tangier glanced at him. There is a warning in the eyes of beauty.

Lei Xingfeng immediately covered his heart with that slender man's hand and made a sad face, "it's really sad! You've been promised. You still suspect people. Do you want people to swear before you believe it

"You don't have to swear! Just remember what you said Tang Qi'er tries to maintain the cool expression on her face. I don't want to be amused by his funny and artificial expression.

"Of course! I have agreed to your request, based on the principle of reciprocity. You should also promise me a small condition He looked at her with innocent and expectant eyes. If it wasn't for his big body, it was not suitable to play the little white rabbit. She'll give him a full mark!

"Tell me."

"No! Promise me first A man has no sense of shame.

After all, Tang Qi'er can only sigh and admit defeat. "Well, I promise you! Come on

This man really has the potential to drive people crazy!

Smell speech, Lei Xingfeng immediately successful smile, stood up to her close, handsome face to her ear, "my condition is, you want to do - I - female - Friend - friend!"

Announce it and steal a kiss as a little sweet!

"Lei Xingfeng, you bastard

The sharp female voice came from the conference room of Longteng club, hovering in the corridor for a long time.

Li Luowen, a famous Chinese violinist, will hold a concert in the national concert hall today!

This concert is held by Li Luowen to celebrate his teacher's 60th birthday. It is also a private concert. Those who can be invited are those who have good friendship with him or his teacher!

Mia sent an email that day to tell her the news, of course, there is a surprise delivered the next day!

That is a VIP concert entry ticket! This kind of private concert is usually not available to anyone familiar with. MIA can get her a VIP ticket! You can watch Li Luowen's performance closely, so happy that she can't sleep all night!

In order to respect Li Luowen and this concert, she did not bring her daughter, Xiaotian is too small.

In fact, there are many concert halls in the National Concert Hall. But this time, the hall where Li Luowen plays is not very large. As she thinks, all the people present are people who have friendship with Li Luowen or his teacher. Of course, there may be a few lucky people like her.

There are 15 minutes to go before the concert starts, but most of the seats are almost full. She found her seat according to the number on the ticket. She ranked second from the aisle. In the third place was an elegant lady in her thirties.

After nodding politely, an xuege sat down in her own way, and the position beside her, that is, the position next to the aisle, is still empty. It turns out that someone is later than her!

As time went by, everyone gradually became quiet, and the staff on the stage were also ready. It was only time to start! But the place beside her is still vacant!

Although the concert is really hard to get a ticket, some people may have something important to do temporarily, so they can't make it. Therefore, an xuege did not pay special attention to it. The lights on the stage began to change, and the lights in the audience began to go out gradually, which means that the concert will officially begin.

However, at this time, there was a slight vibration from the position nearby, indicating that the owner of the seat had arrived.

She turned her head to show a polite smile to the next door she had just arrived. Anyway, it was fate to sit next to her. But her smile changed into a look of surprise when she saw the faces of the people around her. And the other side also showed a surprised look!

How could he be here?

In this city, she knows, and can let her feel surprised, in addition to Huo Tianqing no one else!

Seeing his astonishment, an xuege knows that she is not the only one who is surprised.I don't know when Li Luowen had already stood on the stage and said some words of thanks to her teacher. It was those words that brought her back to her senses. She raised a smile that was more beautiful with a polite smile at him, and then pointed to the stage, indicating that the concert was about to begin.

In fact, the question was only for a moment. Although she was surprised, there was no legal requirement that businessmen could not come to the concert. On the contrary, many of the audience here were successful people in the business sector, so she did not ask much.

Huo Tianqing also in time to take back the Shensi, nodded, straight mouth slightly up.

After paying homage to his respected teacher, Li Luowen began to play, and the melodious and comfortable violin sound flowed out from the string.

An xuege focuses on the beautiful melody. Her beautiful face is decorated with a beautiful smile. Her eyes are shining with excitement!

All the beautiful people on the stage couldn't be attracted by the beautiful music! He knew she was a violinist, but he didn't know how beautiful she looked when she was immersed in music! He was obsessed with it!

At the end of the concert, Li Luowen ended up with a piece of music that he had created with a very exciting rhythm.

The applause was instantaneous, and everyone was still immersed in those wonderful melodies.

An xuege face decorated with excited light, a pair of eyes full of envy and satisfaction! It's great to be able to enjoy such a concert, and it also has a different inspiration for her! It's just like this when the string goes with your heart!

"That's great! What do you think, Mr. Huo? " Like other audiences, an xuege is like a small fan, eager to share her feelings with others!

"Well, great!" Huo Tianqing soft voice should, one eye but tightly looked at that beautiful small face, can't move the eye!

An xuege finally realized something was wrong. Seeing him staring at his face, she couldn't help wringing two eyebrows and asking, "Mr. Huo, what's the matter? Is there any dirt on my face? "

As she said this, she reached out and wiped her face, but there was no dirt.

Huo Tianqing stretched out his hand and said softly, "don't move."

With the back of the finger gently scraping her delicate cheek, there seems to be some black things, but there seems to be No. But he didn't care. He just had an excuse to touch the face that he thought about day and night!

"I'll do it myself." An xuege turned aside to avoid his touch. It is because of his attentive eyes that her calm heart can't help but jump up!

She never knew that a person's eyes could make people's heart beat out of frequency, or his eyes were too hot?

"Sorry." He took back his hand and apologized for his recklessness.

Yeah! What the hell is he doing? She is clearly not sweet, but he indulges in her smile and smile again and again!

"It doesn't matter." An xuege tries to raise a smile, but the atmosphere inevitably falls into an embarrassing atmosphere.

At this time, a voice broke the embarrassment between them. Some old but still strong voice said, "is it Mr. Huo?"

At the same time, they saw an old man in his fifties and sixties. Although he was a certain age, he still looked very ruddy and healthy.

An xuege was stunned for a moment, and then recognized that the old man was Li Luowen's mentor and the president of the music school where Li Luowen graduated!

Do they know each other?

"Hello, president Dong! Congratulations on your 60th birthday Huo Tianqing said hello to the old man, the president in his mouth. The honorific words used in his tone showed his respect for the man.

"How kind of you, Mr. Huo! I'm very happy that you can still find time to listen to the recital of the underachievers even though you are busy on business President Dong was smiling, and his serious moment as a headmaster also softened a little bit.

"How can Huo not come after receiving the invitation letter written by president Dong himself? What's more, Mr. Li is an internationally renowned performer. It's my honor to have the opportunity to enjoy such wonderful music! " This kind of compliment, with his deep baritone, does not show flattery, does not feel perfunctory, but like the extreme words of the heart!

Although the content of their conversation is some polite words, but Huo Tianqing's special amber eyes can not see a trace of impatience, and she did not hear the wrong words, his invitation letter was written by the president himself! Then their friendship should be really good!

While an xuege was secretly speculating about their friendship, president Dong also noticed that there was a beautiful lady standing beside Huo Tianqing. He was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Huo, this lady is -"

"this is my friend, miss an. This is the president of Yihua music school Huo Tianqing generous for the two people up, but also did not see the shining light in the eyes of lou'an snow song.

From her intoxication in listening to the performance just now and her excited expression after the performance, she worshipped Li Luowen very much and naturally had a certain admiration for her mentor."Hello, president Dong! I've heard a lot about you An xuege raised a smile, which has created a lot of music talent, the old generation has unspeakable respect.

"Miss ANN is very kind." President Dong thought that what she said was just some polite compliments. She nodded gently without too much expression, and her smile was a little alienated.

"Miss ANN is a Chinese French violinist. She has won many famous performance awards at a young age. She is a rare musical talent." Huo Tianqing made an explanation at the right time, and immediately president Dong's eyes lit up.

At this time, president Dong took a serious look at an xuege. He also found that an xuege was not only beautiful, but also had an artist's unique elegant and calm temperament. This is not what ordinary ladies would have. Suddenly, his eyes burst with appreciation!

"It turns out that miss an is also a member of the circle..."

President Dong's words just started, and was interrupted by a bright and elegant voice, "teacher, you are here."

The tall but thin figure of a man in a suit doesn't make people feel weak. On the contrary, he feels more refined and elegant, which is in line with his identity as an artist.

Li Luowen, the leading actor of today's concert, the favorite student of president Dong, and the world-famous violinist Li Luowen!

"Lovin, you've come just in time to introduce two friends of the teacher to you. This is Mr. Huo Tianqing, the top decision maker of the Hoechst group. In recent years, thanks to the generous support of Mr. Huo, many resolutions in the school can be passed smoothly. This one is Mr. Huo's friend, Miss Ann. She's Chinese from France, and she happens to be a violinist like you As soon as president Dong saw that he was a proud student, he immediately covered his face with a smile, which was a kind of unintentional pride.

Li Luowen is the most proud student in his life, and also the greatest pride of his teacher for decades!

"Hello, Mr. Huo. Nice to meet you!" Although Li Luowen was an artist, he did not think that businessmen must be Philistines. Although profit seeking is the nature of businessmen, it is only a way of survival. Just like these artists, they are not really indifferent to human fireworks. Life still needs money to maintain. No one can rely on money to support themselves and abuse the vulgarity of money at the same time!

As for Huo Tianqing, besides some business magazines, what he knows most is from his mentor's mouth. At the same time, it is well known that the outstanding people in the business circle are well-known for their support of the music industry.

At the same time, he provided financial support to his alma mater, Yihua Conservatory of music. From his mentor's understanding, he funded Yihua not because he wanted to gain a good reputation to boost its company's momentum, but because his ex-wife was also a music lover.

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