"Husband, are you listening to others?"

In the middle of the night, Du nianqiu finally waited for her husband in France to chat on the phone! But the man on the other end of the phone is obviously still doing two things. While listening to his wife's phone, while reading the documents, because she heard the sound of flipping through the paper.

So she couldn't bear to complain any more.

"Yes, of course." There came a steady and pleasant male voice. At the same time, there was a very low sigh.

Finally, there was no longer the sound of browsing documents. She was a little more satisfied. Continue to the unfinished topic, "I really think senior is very suitable for snow song! But why doesn't snow song call the students? "

"Xiao Qiu," an Zhongxun called out his wife's nickname. The tone also took some helplessness, "emotion is a very mysterious thing, if they have fate. No matter what, it will always come together. But if they don't have a chance, no matter how you match them, it's just in vain! Just imagine that we didn't get together again after six years of separation? "

Of course, she knows about emotions. No one else can help! But she didn't want snow song to continue such a lonely life. She deserves to be held in the hands of men, good care!

"Well! Since you said that. Then I don't care about them anymore! But what about as like as two peas, who are like snow music? After that, she had a nightmare! I wonder if we should go back to France early! " Especially today, Huo Tianqing's fiancee even came to visit. It's not fun!

"No! Xiao Qiu, you don't have to rush back to France. I don't think that Miss Tang will have a bad influence on the snow song photos. Because I have found out something about her work as a lawyer these two days. She's a lawyer with a strong sense of righteousness. She shouldn't hurt xuege! Now you can wait and see for a while. I will try my best to finish the business of the company in these two days. Then we will fly to China to meet you, and then we will have a long-term discussion. "

An Zhongxun's voice is low and steady, which makes people unconsciously feel dependent on him. As his wife, naturally listen to him, and she has always believed in his ability, even if the sky falls down, there is still him!

"Well, it's up to you." Du nianqiu readily agreed and decided to leave the problem to omnipotent husband to solve.

"All right! It's getting late. Go to bed quickly The man on the other side is starting to push.

Du nianqiu yawned and did not hide his sleepiness! Then I'll go to bed. You should go to bed early, too. Don't get tired. Remember your body. It's mine

Finally, her overbearing announcement, but in exchange for the man over there soft smile.

"Are you the lawyer Tang Qier who wants to sue her husband for bigamy?"

In the narrow and dark alley, Tang Qi'er is stopped by three big men head and tail, and the speaker is a hoarse man, who should be the leader of the three.

After finishing the meal from the restaurant, Lei Xingfeng went to pick up the car, and the three men took advantage of this opportunity to force her into the lane.

Although she is weak and delicate, she is not the rival of three big men, but she still maintains a calm face, "who are you? Why follow me? "

"You don't have to know who we are and you don't have to be so nervous! We just come to discuss something with you. As long as you cooperate well, we won't do anything to you! But if you don't cooperate, we can't guarantee what will happen to you! " It was still the husky man's voice, and the last few laughs were hard to hear, just like a duck barking.

Smell speech, Tang Qier but cold smile up, "you want me to cancel the accusation against Huo Tianqing?"

"Good! Now that you know what we're trying to do, that's easy! As long as you withdraw the charges and promise never to rectify them in the future, we will not embarrass you and will give you a considerable amount of money The man with the sound of sand made his own attractive offer.

"Yes! The little white face who had dinner with you just now looks good. Anyway, you are also fighting for money. Why don't you take the money directly? How many little white faces do you want to raise! Why do you have to deal with the Huo family, which is rich and powerful? " Another man also took advantage of the opportunity to help the way, but also issued ugly lewdness. Smile.

"Thank you very much for your praise, but I'm not going to let her raise other white faces besides me!"

When several people were playing against each other, a man suddenly came out.

Three burly men were shocked instantly, "you, you, who are you?"

It's a vulgar man who just utters lust and laughs.

"I'm just the little white face in your mouth! Is my appearance so easy to forget? " Lei Xingfeng said, not forgetting to frown and touch his face, a pair of son confidence frustrated appearance.

Handsome, handsome this kind of shape. Rong CI has never been separated from his, how can these three people strike his self-confidence like this?"You, you even play us?" The man of the sand voice instantly became angry and red, and his look became fierce.

"Don't talk so much to them, boss! It seems that if we don't give some color to the dog man and woman, they won't know how to write fear The vulgar man yelled. Clamorous, ugly three. Corner small eyes tightly staring at Tang Qi'er's beautiful face, with evil thoughts in mind.

"Good! Two Leng and I deal with this small white face, big head, you go to catch that woman The voice of the man said, then cooperate with the side has not spoken of the hands to Lei Xingfeng rushed past.

"Don't worry, boss. I will let that damned woman know how miserable it will be if she doesn't cooperate!" The vulgar man called big head laughed.

"Qi'er..." Lei Xingfeng words just shout out, head-on then hit two people's attack, busy fighting back, he has not taken care of tangqi'er's side.

While smiling, the vulgar man approached Tang Qi'er step by step, enjoying the superiority of the eagle's hunting for white rabbits. However, he was disappointed to see that the woman in front of him did not show a look of startling or begging for mercy. Instead, he kept cold that beautiful face.

"Hum! Damned woman, how dare you! But in front of me, you don't have to pretend. Please ask me hard. Maybe I will consider being merciful He was going to rush to tangqi'er with a smile.

Even if the average man in the face of such a big opponent can not get benefits to go, not to mention Tang Qier is just a petite. Small woman?

The vulgar man has a confident look.

Although Lei Xingfeng is busy dealing with the two opponents here, he has been paying attention to that side. Seeing the vulgar man gradually approaching Tang Qi'er, he did not see the tension, but the corner of his mouth slightly raised a sneer.

Then there was a howl louder than killing a pig.

When the two men who were busy dealing with Lei Xingfeng heard the familiar voice, they turned their heads in surprise. One of their accomplices was lying on the ground, moaning and groaning in pain. Not only were their ears and noses bruised, but their hands were covering their lives and roots!

The two men looked at each other in shock, and their faces turned white.

Lei Xingfeng slowly shook his head, gently spit out two words, "really cruel!"

Taking advantage of the moment when they were shocked, he took the opportunity to give each of them a hook and a sweeping leg, and then they fell to the ground.

He patted his palm, as if he wanted to clean the dust on his hand. Then he said with a smile: "yes! I forgot to tell you that my girlfriend is a black belt in Taekwondo -- "

then he glanced at the man who was lying on the ground, whining less and less. He shook his head and said sadly," he may not be humane in the future. "

Hearing this, the two men immediately gritted their teeth and held back the howling sound, and quickly got up with their hands and feet.

"Not yet?" Lei Xingfeng gently vomited out these three words with his bright voice. It was as light as a greeting. There was no threat at all. However, the three defeated bandits looked ugly as if they saw ghosts. Although the man seemed harmless, he was actually more cruel than the woman!

"Bring something."

Once again, a light sentence floated, and they quickly took the "thing", that is, groaning in pain on the ground. The big head of moaning also rolled away.

Lei Xingfeng does not look at the three not into the stream. Hooligan one eye, strides to tangqi'er.

"I didn't know you were so well received." He knew that in the past five years, when she was free, she went to participate in Taekwondo training. She had only seen her skills in the Taekwondo Club, but she did not really see the situation of facing the enemy in battle.

"Isn't that why you left me alone?" She said with a smile.

He laughed and said nothing. In fact, they knew about being followed for a long time. He pretended to get the car, but in fact he wanted to lead those guys out! However, if you don't tell her, you believe in her ability!

"But I didn't expect you to be so cruel He shifted the subject.

Tang Qi'er just picked his eyebrows and glared at him and said, "he wants to take advantage of me. Do you think I should let him go?"

"No! You are not cruel at all! I can't make up for it until later! What a bargain, that fellow Beautiful face said to change, not to give time to prepare, and then changed to smile, "fortunately I am not color. Wolf!"

Say so on the mouth, big palm but big square's embrace beautiful woman's slender waist.

Tang Qi'er also did not resist, let him embrace himself, although this kind of weather two people lean together is a little hot, but this kind of feeling is not bad.

"The man sent by old man Huo?" She looked up at him and followed him out of the alley.

He bowed his head and stole a incense, then said: "smart! That guy is so stupid that he thinks that if someone comes to scare you, he can push you back. The more you live, the more you go back

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