A year later, Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.

Charles de Gaulle Airport is the main aviation center in Europe and the largest airport in France. Many international flights take off and land here, with a daily passenger flow of more than 150000 and a continuous stream of people 24 hours a day!

Pick up. A pair of mother and son did not dare to blink at the gate, because they were afraid that they would miss the person to be picked up!

"Oh! Why it hasn't come out yet. Did I remember the flight by mistake Mother read it fragmentary. One side wrinkled a pair of willow eyebrows.

One side of the son looked at his mother, very calm way: "if it is you, then it is possible that you remember the wrong flight! But I'm here. That's impossible

The mother was so angry that her teeth were itching and gnashing her teeth! Stinky boy. What are you talking about? Is your mother such an idiot

The son was still calm. The calmness inherited from my father has always been unmatched. "I don't know who insisted that they arrived on that flight last night, and I lost my bet..."

I still don't admit it after losing

After the words because by a slender jade hand to cover the mouth. And I couldn't say it.

"Hello. boy! There are so many people here. Give me some face, no matter how to say I am you too. Mommy

"No, no, no, no..." Is the mother going to murder her own son

"Well. I think I saw them! You see if it's them Mother pointed to the familiar figure at the gate. His eyes were bent with laughter.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" How can I talk if you don't let me go

"Well. Ha! Sorry, ha ha Mother was embarrassed to let go.

But this time no longer need the son's answer, because they have recognized their mother and son!

"Aunt, brother Tang!" A small figure was shouting excitedly, and ran to this side.

"Wow, Xiaotian is here at last! My aunt miss you so much Du nianqiu immediately left his son and hugged his little niece. "Little boy, kiss your aunt first!"

"Xiaotian miss you so much The little guy smiles and prints a loud kiss on his aunt's beautiful face.

"Dear Eh, Xiaotian seems to have grown taller It's been more than half a year since they last met. I didn't expect that the little guy has grown a lot!

"Sister in law, didn't I say you don't have to pick up our plane? It's not that we don't know how to get there! " Tang Tiantian said while pushing the baby carriage over. Behind him, of course, is the inseparable husband, pushing two boxes of luggage!

Du nianqiu waved his hand and said with a smile, "I have nothing to do anyway. I'm going to be bored crazy at home."

"Auntie, if you don't let her come, she'll drive me crazy!" Xiao Tang complains to his aunt about his mother's inhumane behavior.

"Hello! Kid, do you know that it is extremely immoral to speak ill of others in front of the client? Well? " Du nianqiu hated his more and more steady son, so whenever he was free, he would try his best to destroy his son's calm face.

Xiaotang was not afraid of his mother's threat, shrugged and said, "this is not bad news, I'm just saying the truth!"

"No, this boy -" Du nianqiu was so angry that she was just about to start to teach her son a good lesson. At this time, the baby's cry came.

It turned out that the baby in the pram woke up.

"Oh, Xiao Xu is awake." Tang Tiantian said and picked up the crying baby from the pram.

"This is my little nephew! Come on, let me have a hug This little nephew, she hasn't met yet! Before the full moon wine, she wanted to go, but later I was afraid that my grandfather would be angry!

"Wow, Xiaoxu is so handsome! Daddy and mummy are all beautiful men. How can women not be handsome? Xiaoxuxu, do you think so? " After holding the little guy, I began to play with him.

Unfortunately, the little guy did not give face, or kept crying.

"Oh, the little guy is still crying. I think he is hungry."

"It should be. Xiao Xu is really hungry." Tang Tiantian holds her son back with a soft voice. Her beautiful face is full of the soft light of maternal love.

"Well, let's get in the car first and then feed this little guy." Huo Tianqing reached out and patted his son's hair. The light of father's love overflowed his handsome face.

"Yes, I drove. Come this way Du nianqiu said, pulling the pram, he also told his son, "Xiaotang, take Xiaotian's hand, don't lose your sister!"

This does not need her to explain, Xiaotang has been holding Xiaotian for a long time. The two people who haven't seen for a long time have many whispers to tell each other!

The party finally arrived at the Anjia mansion in Paris, the capital.

Although here is France, but the decoration style of home is very Chinese style. One can see that the host here must be a Chinese who misses his hometown very much and is proud of his hometown!"Oh, you are here at last Ann's father and mother knew that Tang Tiantian and his party had arrived and went out to meet them in person.

"Dad, mom, big brother, I miss you so much!" Tang Tiantian gives her parents and big brother a hug, and her long lost familiarity comes to her heart. After leaving France for two years, I am in a different mood.

"Husband, your son bullies me!" As soon as Du nianqiu saw her husband, she immediately went forward to sue her son!

An Zhongxun smiles and shakes his head, turns his head and says to his son: "son, you let your mother."

Xiao Tang glanced at her mother and said, "I try my best."

"Well, come on in, everyone. It's cold outside." The housekeeper came out and urged the people to enter the house.

Although it is expected, but did not see the grandfather, still let her some sad.

The delicate an Zhongxun noticed her expression, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "it doesn't matter. You go to have a rest and adjust the time difference. He will be very happy and forgive you for coming back from China to celebrate his birthday tomorrow

Seeing this, Tang Tiantian only nodded.

Finally, in the evening, an unusual atmosphere spread over the dining table.

Of course, old man Ann appeared, so the atmosphere became unusual.

"Why did someone come to my house and nobody told me?" The old man snorted with anger.

"Er, yes, yes..." The old man was angry, and the housekeeper was scared to death.

Ann mother see long sleep make a little stiff, hastily export to explain, "it is like this, sweet is her own person, the family has a meal together, what notice does not notice?"

"What family? They are a family there. They have already moved out and married others. They are other people's family! " The old man snorted coldly, his face smelly and his stubborn temper could be seen from his square face.

"Well, Dad, what are you talking about? Even if Tian Tian is married, she is still our family! " Ann's father can't help talking to sweetie.

But the old man's face didn't get any better. He was still holding his old face and didn't intend to give in.

"Tiantian, would you like to pour a cup of tea for Dad and apologize? Dad is so generous, he will forgive you! " Ann mother side said, side will prepare ginseng tea to Tang Tiantian, also keep winking, let her hurry.

Tang Tiantian was grateful for their help. She quickly picked up the tea, went to her grandfather and knelt down, "grandfather, I'm wrong! Don't be angry, will you forgive me

"Ah Hua, if I don't forgive her, I'm mean?" Old man an puffed his cheek bun and hummed coldly.

Tiantian quickly explained to Ann's mother, "grandfather, mom certainly doesn't mean that. It's Tiantian who made a mistake. I should be angry with my grandfather."

"Hum! Do you know what you did wrong

"I shouldn't go to China without saying a word, let alone marry to China without my grandfather's permission!" Although she had no blood relationship with the people who settled down, the people who settled down for her were all like relatives, and her grandfather loved her more! When he did not say a word to go to China, but also married to China, grandfather must be angry, so now refused to forgive her, is her own sin!

Smell speech, the old man's face just slightly improved, but still silent.

Just listen to her say so, Huo Tianqing is not calm, "Tiantian married me, how can it be a mistake?"

"Tianqing, just bear with it." An Zhongxun winked at Huo Tianqing and motioned him to be quiet and not to annoy his grandfather any more.

Let him endure anything, but he can't bear to admit that it was a mistake for Tian Tian to marry him!

"Tianqing..." Tang Tiantian stops her husband. It's rare to see that her grandfather's face is a little better. She should not be defeated!

But everything was late, and old man an was already infuriated, "hum! I have no appetite. You can eat it yourself. "

"Grandfather, don't be angry. Tianqing doesn't mean that --"

the old man put down his angry words and didn't listen to the explanation, so he went back to his room red necked.

Du nianqiu couldn't help but blame him and said, "Oh, why can't you bear it when Tianqing is in this broken eye?"

Everyone knows that grandfather is hard spoken and soft hearted. After such a long time, just give him a step down and he won't be angry! Did not expect Huo Tianqing but in this fracture eye drag hind legs!

"Anyway, it's impossible for me to admit that it's a mistake for Tian Tian to marry me, and that's impossible in my life." Although he also wants Tiantian to be forgiven by her grandfather as soon as possible, his position on this point is very firm! No one can waver!

"Tianqing, you let me down Tang Tiantian glared at him, "everyone slowly eat, I have no appetite, go back to the room first."

"Sweet!" Huo Tianqing took her, but she broke away from his hand, did not look at him, went back to the room.

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