My name is Huo Xiaotian. I was born in France and grew up in China!

I have a father who loves his wife very much. And a very, very gentle mother. Their love story is very complicated, until now I don't quite understand why they separated for five years, but that's not the point. The point is that I grew up. I'm 16 years old at last!

Today, I got my first birthday gift of 16 years old, which is the ID card sent by the police! I finally have my own ID card. Finally I can go to France myself!

As for why I am going to France?

This is my own girl's secret!

"Sister. What is this? Let me see Suddenly, I don't know where to run out of a little devil and take away the ID card in my hand.

That's right. Forget to introduce this mischievous little guy, is younger than my brother. Brother!

"Xiao Xu, give it back to me!" Everyone praised me except for inheriting my mother's beauty. Still a clever and sensible girl. But I don't know why Mommy will give birth to a mischievous brother in six years. It has always been a question, and no one can answer it.

Although the little ones are growing fast. But anyway, I'm six years older than him. So it's easy to get the ID card back.

"Car. It's just an ID card! Why are you so nervous! " Xiao Xu showed a rare look, but his big eyes were staring at her sister's face. Look at her expression, as if to see through some clues.

"It's none of your business." Put the ID card back in your pocket. Looking around the room, "where's Mommy?"

"Practice in the piano room." Xiao Xu knew that he couldn't find out what, and went back to his room.

I came to the piano room. The sound of the piano comes from inside!

Oh! I forgot to introduce my mother. She is a famous violinist, but now she seldom performs in public. Sometimes she plays a few songs in the piano room, and sometimes she plays to Daddy! Their love did not fade with the passage of time, or turned into a pool of stagnant water as others said, but turned into a light feeling of thin water flowing with each other for a long time!

"Why, Xiaotian, are you out of school?" Tang Tiantian finds her daughter standing at the door, puts down her violin and walks over.

Although mummy is over 30, she is very well maintained. As daddy often said, her skin is as white and tender as a woman in her twenties!

"Well. Mommy, I got my ID card! "

"Really? Show it to Mommy. "

"In fact, there's nothing to see..." I said that, but I took out my ID card from my pocket and handed it to mummy.

Xiaotian really grew up! This photo is very good, very beautiful... "

Mummy is still studying my ID card, but I falter and haw, "Mommy, I have something to tell you..."

"What's the matter Your father is back Tang Tiantian heard her husband's voice from the living room, "let's go. Let's go out. Today is Xiaotian's birthday. I've agreed with your dad that we'll go out to dinner and celebrate your birthday. "

"Actually In fact, you don't have to go out to dinner to celebrate your birthday. I just want you to promise me a condition!

Don't wait for her to finish speaking, Tang Tiantian has pulled her daughter out of the piano room.

"Husband, you are back!" Tang Tiantian used to give her husband a kiss.

"Well, today is my baby daughter's birthday. Of course, I want to come back early!" Huo Tianqing said back to kiss his wife, and in the daughter's forehead kiss.

"It's almost time. We should go out." Tang Tiantian looks at the time and says so.

Huo Tianqing nodded, "well, I'll go back to my room and change my clothes first."

"Then I'll call Xiao Xu and Xiao Tian. You can also change the school uniform. Mommy has picked out a new skirt for you. On the bed, go and change it."

The family came to the pre ordered restaurant, where the atmosphere was very good and the birthday was also celebrated with other people. Their family is also happy.

But in the second half of the year, the atmosphere suddenly went down.

Because Xiaotian's birthday wish is to go to France alone!

Huo Tianqing, who loves his daughter so much, can't agree. His daughter is only 16 years old. How can he rest assured that she can go so far to France alone?

Father and daughter do not give up, took a good birthday dinner, the final impasse.

After returning home, Xiaotian will shut himself in the room, tears keep flowing. It was the first time she had a fight with her father, and it was so fierce!

Why not? She just wants to go to France! She lived in France before she was five years old, and she went back and forth to France no less than five times in the past eleven years! Why doesn't Daddy let her go to France alone?

When the door is pushed open, you will come to her at this time. Of course, it is only mummy.

"Xiaotian, Mommy didn't eat much for dinner, so she specially helped you cook a bowl of noodles..." Tang Tiantian found her daughter crying eyes red, heartache, "little fool, what are you crying about?""Mommy, why doesn't Daddy let me go to France? I have grown up, I can take care of myself

"Silly child, because Daddy loves you, he won't let you go to France alone. When daddy is not so busy, we'll go to France to see your grandparents and uncles and aunts. How about that? " Tang Tiantian gently coax the way.

"No, I don't want to wait!" She has been waiting for two years. She can't wait any more!

Tang Tiantian can't help but doubt her daughter, "what are you so anxious to France for?"

"I, I miss my grandfather and grandmother I want to go back and meet them... " I lowered my head to hide the uneasy look on my face, but I never kept it from my mother.

"I think you are anxious to see your brother Tang?" She knows that this daughter has a good relationship with her brother Tang since she was a child, but she doesn't have to rush to see him for a while!

Now that my mother has seen through her mind, I don't intend to hide it. "Mommy, I haven't seen brother Tang for nearly two years. Now it's hard to get my ID card. Daddy doesn't want people to go to France. You can help me to talk good to Daddy

What daddy listens to most in his life is mummy's words. I know very well that one sentence from Mommy is more useful than the ten words I said myself.

"Although your father usually listens to me, you know how much he loves you. How can he let you go to France alone?" She patted her daughter's cerebellar pouch. In a flash, the little girl at that time has grown up to be a graceful girl. However, no matter how old she is, in the eyes of her parents, she is still just a little girl who needs to be cared for!


Xiaotian also wanted to say something, but was blocked by her mother, "OK, don't say it again. I'll talk about going to France later. Now you can eat noodles and sleep. I'll wake up tomorrow and apologize to my father. Your father will certainly forgive you


"All right, dear!" Tang Tiantian prints a kiss on her daughter's forehead and turns away from her daughter's boudoir.

Xiaotian looks at the soup noodles on the table top which is also emitting the hot Tengteng fragrance. Her sight turns to the ID card on the side. She has made a decision in her big eyes.

In the morning, Tang Tiantian's scream broke the peace of the house.

"What's the matter? Wife, what happened? " Huo Tian Qing shaved his beard in the bathroom, but when he heard his wife screaming, even the foam on his face had not yet been erased, he ran out.

"Xiaotian, Xiaotian, she..."

"Xiaotian, what's wrong with her?" Huo Tianqing listened to her daughter's name and looked dignified.

"My sister has run away from home!" Xiao Xu, who answers from Xiaotian's room, still holds a note in his hand.

"She said she wanted to go to France alone, so we don't have to worry about her! She's so old that she's never tried to travel alone. How can we not worry about her Tang Tiantian is blue with worry.

"Don't worry, she shouldn't be far away. I'll go to her right now!" Huo Tianqing immediately made a decision, in the heart of his daughter's worry is no less than his wife.

"I'll go with you, too." Tang Tiantian said in a hurry.

Huo Tianqing knew that it was a torment for Huo Tianqing to let her wait for news at home. He nodded and said, "well, Xiaoxu is waiting at home. If her sister comes back, he will call us immediately."

once again, he ordered, once again, wipe off the foam on his face and change clothes quickly.

"I know. You can go without worry." Know home. Big things, usually love to make trouble of the little guy is very sensible.

The whole family here is very anxious, and Xiaotian over there is not easy!

I ran away without saying a word. My parents must be very worried! But if they don't, they won't let me go to France! If you can't go to France, you won't see brother Tang! Then her birthday present is

No matter, go to France first, and then admit your mistakes to your parents when you come back!

Finally, the heart of brother Tang defeated the reason. Holding the ID card in her hand and the passport she got back with the ID card, she strengthened her faith in her heart!

It's just that there's no taxi passing by? Time is running out. If daddy finds me, he will lock me in the room! She has to do something about it!

"Huo Xiaotian!"

A familiar and hearty voice suddenly came from behind, but Xiao Tian could not help wrinkling a pair of willow eyebrows when she heard the voice, "Kang Ziyi!"

She is kangziyi, the son of Uncle Kang, father's assistant director. She is also her classmate!

"Why are you here?" Kang Ziyi is always in trouble with her, but he didn't expect to meet him at this juncture.

"Why can't I be here? Today is a holiday. I'm here to walk my dog He grinned close to Xiaotian, a pair of black eyes shining.

Xiaotian saw that he had a dog rope in his hand. It was a very tall golden dog. She is most afraid of this kind of big dog with powerful attack message all over her body! So it automatically jumps two steps.Kang Ziyi knew that she was afraid of dogs, so he didn't get close to her. He just asked, "what about you? Why are you here? "

She is a good girl. She usually goes to the library or at home on holidays. How can she appear here?

"I, you, you care about me!" I turned my face, in fact, I was afraid that he would see the guilty heart on my face. Fortunately, at this time, there was a taxi, "taxi!"

I quickly got on the car and left Kang Ziyi behind.

I couldn't help thinking that if his father was not my father's right-hand man, we would be like two balance lines, and there would never be a day when they intersect.

When she arrived at the airport, she was lucky to have a seat on the fastest flight to Paris. She bought the ticket without saying a word. But the time is a little urgent, she has to run, or the gate is closed, she can't get on the plane!

"Give way, please give way..."

Carrying simple luggage, she dodged from left to right all the way. She saw that the gate to the gate was in front of her eyes, but she was hit by a ghost, and her certificates and plane tickets were scattered all over the place!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry sorry! I didn't mean to! "

"No Oh, wait a minute Wait a minute At this time, the entrance gate began to close. In front of my eyes, I watched helplessly.

"Miss, the gate is closed, you can't go in!"

The airport staff stopped me.

"I'm on this flight. I have a ticket. Please let me in! Please

Xiaotian begged the staff, but they refused to let her in.

In the end, of course, it turned out that we couldn't catch the plane!

Am I destined not to go to France! Why? Why

I was sitting alone in the waiting area of the airport, and my sad tears were dripping down my face. I believe that daddy will find me soon, and then I will not be able to go to France! The more I thought about it, the more sad I was, holding my backpack, burying my face on it, and crying bitterly.

Suddenly, I was patted on the shoulder by an uncle.

"Little sister, do you want to buy tickets? I'll sell them to you cheaper to England."

It turned out to be the scalpers!

"I don't want you to go away!" I ignored him and continued to cry.

After a while, someone patted me on the shoulder again. I thought it was the uncle who sold the ticket of scalpers. He continued to ignore him, but he seemed to refuse to give up. He kept patting me on the shoulder. I was annoyed.

"I said don't buy it. If you don't leave, I'll call the police." I was clutching my head and yelling. I was a polite girl since I was young. This is the first time I yelled at people. When I was in a bad mood!

"Is it Xiaotian?"

This voice rings, my body. Body can't help but stiff! How, how

I thought I had heard something wrong. I looked up and the figure in front of me was blurred. Originally my tears covered my sight, I quickly wipe with both hands. She could almost dream of seeing this beautiful face!

It's really him!

"It's really you! Xiaotian, why are you here? "

"Brother Tang!" It's really brother Tang!

The morning sun almost dazzles my eyes, but I can see clearly that the person in front of me is really her brother Tang!

"Little fool, why are you sitting here crying alone?" He reached out to me and said, "get up

Looking at his long hands as artists, I slowly put my hands on his palms.

He tightened his palms and pulled me up.

I looked up at him, slowly approaching him.

At this moment, the time seems to be slowed down a hundred times, my heart fluttering, closer to the man I miss.

I know that my love story will start here

(the full text is over!)

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