After the rain, the sun rose slowly in the East.

The dazzling sunlight came into the house through the clear glass window, and it was bright and clear.

The glare of the sun hit a soft white face. Two show eyebrows gently wrinkled, silent resistance. Discussion. Two long eyelashes opened slowly, showing big black eyes. Still with some confusion just waking up.

It's morning!?

But she was sleepy and tired! Body. Body seems to be heavily run over by heavy things. Don't even want to move!

Last night Think of last night. All the pictures that made her blush suddenly came to her head. Her face turned red.

Side to side to want to turn around, but found that a heavy weight on the waist. Looking down, I saw a strong arm, with a kind of domineering occupation. Some posture across his waist. Tang Tiantian did not dare to move again. For fear of waking up the sleeping man!

She can see his perfect side face at this angle. His eyebrows were thick and slanting into the temples, and his sharp eyes were now hidden under his eyelids. Cover up some cold and sharp breath. Straight nose and thin lips. Strong jaw, such as carving deep and clear outline. But with a low-key madness and mature self-confidence!

Although sometimes really can be frightened by his cold sharp eyes, but can't deny that she likes his eyes as bright as gold!

When she's lost in her thoughts. The closed eyes were suddenly opened, revealing the amber eyes which were sharp and thrilling.

Tang Tiantian, like a child who has done something wrong, immediately put aside her sight. I dare not look into his eyes.

Huo Tianqing was stunned for a moment when he saw that day's and night's thinking face was close at hand, but then he realized what was going on, and then a burst of anger sprang up.

"Why are you here?" Angry questions exploded in an instant. Angry big palm is a grasp of her slender arm, amber eyes burning with angry fire, no longer see the gentle last night!

Tang Tiantian was startled by his sudden anger, and her bright water eyes showed a frightened look.

"You were drunk yesterday..." She wrung two eyebrows, her hands trembling at him, trying to explain to him.

But Huo Tianqing, with a disgusted face, clapped her hands waving in front of him, and said in a sharp voice: "don't tell me what to do in front of me. I'm not dumb. I can't understand what you're playing with!"

Tang Tiantian was pushed against the wall beside him, and his heart was slightly painful, not because of the collision, but because of his merciless words.

Holding back the tingling feeling in her heart, she tightly pulled the sheet on her body, pursed her mouth, picked up the paper and pen on the counter beside her, quickly wrote down a few lines and handed them to him.

After reading the note, Huo Tianqing remembered his drunken affair last night, and his face changed slightly.

Immediately saw her body that wants to cover, but how also can't cover, the depth of different impressions! He coldly raised the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with cold, "I didn't expect that you are not only a deep-seated woman, but also a shameless woman! Even when I was drunk, I automatically and consciously delivered to the door! "

He snorted coldly, and his big hand clasped her small jaw fiercely. The burning fire in his eyes staring at her was the anger after he found that he had been calculated!

How dare you plan on him! This damned woman!

The anger in the heart almost burned Huo Tianqing's reason, and the force that buckled her jaw was getting bigger and bigger, as if to break her slender skeleton!


The pain from her jaw made Tang Tiantian frown, but his sarcastic words made her heart clench!

No! What the hell is he talking about?

She didn't!

"I didn't! I didn't really... " Tang Tiantian constantly shakes her head, but the voice of grievance can only shout in the heart, black big eyes congealed with aggrieved tears.

It was him last night He was drunk

How can he turn right from wrong?

How could he put all the blame on her?

Staring at her pitiful and aggrieved appearance, Huo Tianqing felt not pity, but unprecedented anger! The hand that clasped her jaw pressed harder, and she could almost see that her white skin had been stained with a bruise!

"You shameless woman, do you want to lie? Do you think you will believe me He snorted and laughed sarcastically, "yes! You said you were innocent! Did I press you on this bed? Yeah? Say it

Tang Tiantian looked at the beautiful face full of scorn and satire in front of her, and her pain drama instantly became intense!

She said? How does she say it? Even if she could say it, he would not believe her! He won't believe her at all! But that's the truth!

A sense of helplessness and sadness spread slowly in her heart.

"To a woman like you who is vicious, cruel and shameless, even touching it is disgusting to dirty my hand!" He looked at her face coldly and let go of his hand in disgust. The eyes full of anger suddenly cooled down, leaving only contempt and disgust! Right! Only disgust and scorn!His merciless words like a cruel dagger, mercilessly inserted. Into her heart. The heart of that place instantaneous blood flow more than, aggrieved tears can no longer restrain, patter patter down. Flow, wet that beautiful face!

It's not the first time that someone has been vilified and misunderstood. She should have been used to it! isn't it?

But why did her heart ache when she heard those hurtful words from his mouth? It's like a scab, the scar is dug out again, and the wound is bleeding.

She knew he hated her, hated her!

Because she destroyed his happiness!

She has nothing to say, except for her apology!

He can humiliate her with words, anything!

But he can't! You can't slander her like that!

What happened last night was just an accident! She really didn't design him!

If you have to say who took the initiative, that person should be him!

He can't do wrong to people like this! may not!

She was aggrieved and anxious to open her mouth, but could not squeeze out a sound! That lost the ability of expression for many years, will not be restored because of her momentary impatience!

Can she just watch him misunderstand her more and more deeply and hate her more and more?

She took up her pen and paper and tried to explain it clearly. But it is obvious that Huo Tianqing has no patience to see her weak and pale explanation!

One hand to beat her hands of the work. With a frozen look at her, eyes are full of disgust, "do you feel aggrieved?"

The big hand caught her slender arm and said coldly, "put away your disgusting tears! That kind of pathetic expression will only make me hate you even more

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