"I I... " Tang Tiantian made a comparison, but afraid that he could not understand, he took the paper and pen that people used to compose music. Quickly wrote: "I didn't cheat you! My name is really sweet

Although knowing that he may be Yu Yinhui's son, and doing so may reveal her secret with Huo Tianqing, she still has no way to deceive him! A child's heart is the most vulnerable. She didn't want to, and didn't want to hurt!

"Then why are you your brother's wife?" Tian Xiang asked in a voice. There was a certain urgency in the voice.

"Because I have to do something." Tang Tiantian looks at him with sincere eyes. I hope he can forgive her.

After silence for a while, Tianxiang asked again, "can you tell me what the trouble is?"

Tang Tiantian's heart was a little happy, because she saw from his eyes that he had forgiven himself! But for his request. She could only sigh and shake her head! I can't tell you why for the moment, because I have an appointment with others. You don't want me to be a man who doesn't believe me, do you? "

After reading her words. Tianxiang slightly tilted his head. After thinking for a while, he nodded again, "OK. I don't want to be friends with someone who doesn't believe his word. "

"Can you keep this secret with me?" Tang Tiantian asked again. There was pleading and trust in his eyes.

Tianxiang sees himself trusted. A strong sense of responsibility rose in my heart. Very careful to nod to her.

They looked at each other with a smile and reached an agreement.

"I have a question for you." Tang Tiantian stops smiling. There is a sense of inquiry in the eyes. Just now he said that she was his brother's wife, so he had confirmed his identity! He is really the second young master of Huo family who suffered from autism!

Tianxiang did not answer. Just with that pair of bright eyes do not blink at her, as if waiting for her question.

Tang Tiantian saw this, carefully and carefully wrote: "why don't you want to talk?"

This question. She asked last time, but he chose to leave without responding. This time, will he be willing to tell her?

Smell speech, Tianxiang that pair of bright eyes suddenly become dim, a touch of pain sadness in his eyes.

She did not understand why a child in her teens had that complicated look, but she was sure that the reason might be an extremely painful one. She didn't want to hurt him, so she quickly added, "if you don't want to answer, you can't answer."

After reading her words, Tianxiang nodded gently, took the ratio in her hand, and wrote: "don't worry, I will help you to protect that secret."

Suddenly, Tang Tiantian couldn't help laughing. He thought she asked him about it in order to keep it a secret!

She did not explain, but wrote softly on the paper, "I know."

Direct trust is more persuasive than explanation!

Seeing this, Tianxiang's shy face turned red and dizzy. I feel sorry!

Tang Tiantian gently patted his head melon, with a smile in her eyes. Such a kind and lovely child, it is difficult to imagine his mother is that kind of cold people!

"What happened, Jill?"

Behind her came the gentle voice, Tang Tiantian couldn't help but wonder. Because he was just in a hurry to chase Tianxiang, he didn't pay attention to Bai Chen following them, but he was hit by someone when he turned the corner, so that he lost their trace later. It took a long time to find this instrument room!

Tang Tiantian turns her head in doubt and sees Bai Chen's graceful figure approaching them. At the same time, Tianxiang seems to be frightened. She hides behind her and looks at the stranger who suddenly breaks in.

"You scared him!" Tang Tiantian immediately shook his head at him and felt Tianxiang's thin body and body tightened up.

White Chen immediately frowned, some doubt looking at the little boy behind her, thinking about the identity of this little boy who is a little familiar.

For a moment, Bai Chen's expression was full of surprise, as if he couldn't believe it and asked, "is he Tianxiang?"

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian can't help but nod with a smile. Obviously, Bai Chen has also seen Tianxiang!

Bai Chen is not surprised that she will nod, he is surprised that Tianxiang should be close to strangers! Huo Tianxiang since suffering from autism, even his mother also resisted to approach, but now accept Tang Qier's approach! How could it not surprise him?

"How could you..."

Although Bai Chen's words did not ask the exit, but the meaning is very obvious.

Tang Tiantian could not help but smile and said: "because we have a unique way of communication."

One of them can't talk, the other doesn't like to talk, which is really special!

Bai Chen realized her special and unique way of communication. She couldn't help but also aroused a faint smile. Then she sighed: "you run away without saying a word, it will make people very worried!"

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian bowed her head and looked at Tianxiang, then pointed at him again: "I'm sorry! It's just It's a bit noisy in that place. "Of course, this is Tianxiang's idea, but for Tang Tiantian, she doesn't like that kind of party with many people, which will make her at a loss!

Bai Chen can't help but sigh, "so you are going to spend the party here?"

That's not a good idea!

"It seems like a good suggestion." Tang Tiantian also followed with a smile, but glimpsed a small box in the corner.

It was

Her eyes twinkled for an instant, as if she had found something precious, and walked by.

Bai Chen can't help but raise eyebrows, the box contains a small violin!

"Can you play the violin?" He asked in doubt.

Tang's former violin teacher nodded gently

In fact, from the age of four, she and her sister began to practice violin with their mother until their parents died in a car accident, and their lives have changed dramatically. The second uncle robbed his father's company and took over their house. Because he was afraid of being said that they were heartless, he took them in. Of course, they couldn't continue to practice violin, but she didn't give up learning by relying on some notes left by her mother.

Anything can be given up! But this can not give up, because this is their way to commemorate their mother!

Bai Chen doesn't know much about Tang Qi'er, but she knows about her father and mother when she is young. It is not good to continue to ask, open the topic of the way: "how about playing a song?"

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian nods. That's what she meant!

She used to practice with the violin left by her mother, but she didn't take it to Huo's house. She hasn't played it for a long time. It's a little tricky!

She looked at the white piano behind Tianxiang, and made a gesture to Bai Chen and asked, "can you play the piano?"

"A little bit." Bai Chen said modestly, the steps have gone to the piano.

Tianxiang, who was afraid of strangers, immediately walked aside and avoided him.

Bai Chen can't help but shake his head and smile, sitting gracefully in front of the white piano.

Today, he is dressed in a white suit, which is elegant and elegant. Sitting in front of the white piano at the moment, with that elegant bearing, people can't help but admire.

Prince charming should describe such a graceful man!

His mouth with a smile, bright eyes quietly looking at her, as if a very intimate accompanist, waiting for her to say the music played!

Tang Tiantian was captured by this scene! He looks very good-looking, the gentle temperament on his body, and Huo Tianqing's domineering and aggressive temperament is completely different! At the moment, the smiling face even let her see the lost soul!

How similar is this gentle look to "he"?

"What's the matter? Can't you think of any music to play? " White Chen picks eyebrow to ask a way, although her daze lets him doubt, but he did not feel impatient at all.

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian just return to God, can't believe oneself unexpectedly stare at white Chen Hair Flower crazy!

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