The first time she wore this kind of professional dress, Tang Tianxin was both happy and novel. She looked in front of the mirror for more than a minute before she was willing to leave.

Since she was a child, she envied women who wear professional clothes to work. Growing up also because of various reasons, she did not have the opportunity to wear this style of clothes! This can be regarded as the realization of her childhood dream! She can go to work like a normal person!

"You seem happy?" This is not a question, but an affirmative! The look of joy on her face. It's hard not to find out! It's just that she didn't like it at all last night! Is this also the means she wants to refuse and welcome?

Tang Tiantian nods gently and takes back the line of sight. Instead of sitting in a critical position! Did she affect his driving just now?

"Why?" It's still flat. Asked in a voice that seemed to be mixed with a little pleasure.

Tang Tiantian didn't seem to expect that he would ask. She turned her head and took out her little book and wrote, "because the clothes are beautiful."

Pass the book to a place where he can easily see it.

He glanced. He didn't speak, just a slight hook in the corner of his mouth.

On the next road, Tang Tiantian didn't dare to show her excitement again. In fact, it didn't take long. I'll be in the center of the city in a short time.

The car glides smoothly into the parking lot. Although only 22 to 38 floors belong to the office floor, but because this building is originally Hawkes, so it has its own parking lot.

Tang takes a deep breath and spits it out. Although I was in a good mood just now. But the thought of waiting to face a lot of strangers I didn't know. She couldn't help feeling nervous.

I hope you don't make mistakes! She kept praying in her heart.

When the car stops, Tang Tiantian will go to untie and drive the safety belt. Just don't know the button is broken or what, she used a lot of strength can't open!

"I will." Huo Tianqing opened his seat belt. Seeing that she was still fighting with her seat belt, she could not help shaking her head.

He said and then to Tang Tiantian to lean, Angcang's body moved to her in the past. Tang Tiantian immediately felt that the space in the car became narrow, even the air became scarce, because the breath was his breath!

She had to hold her breath, hoping that he would move faster.

Fortunately, the button was stuck by the owner, and it was soon fixed.

She could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but the man who was too close to her did not immediately retreat. Instead, she put one hand on her side and his bright eyes were staring at her.

What's wrong?

Tang Tiantian's eyes are full of questions.

"It's beautiful indeed." He suddenly said a strange word.

She can't respond, his handsome face will press over to her.

It was as tender and ruddy as he imagined, and the jelly was not enough to taste.

He sucks and sucks deeply, taking advantage of the gap between her mouth which is slightly opened by her surprise, he stretches out his flexible tongue. His head breaks into her sandalwood mouth and makes waves, inviting her pink tongue to play together.

Tang Tiantian only felt his naughty tongue. Head, constantly in her mouth, so that her head became incomparably dull, whirling around, limbs also become soft and weak.

I don't know how long, until she felt that she was going to die, he just let her mouth go.

She leaned back in her chair, panting, her eyes hazy and charming, and her cerebellar pouch still couldn't understand why he was suddenly.

His chest also gently ups and downs, the big palm moved to her back of the head, she will take down the long hair from the hairpin.

Immediately that soft and smooth hair falls like a waterfall, and the image of a capable woman in the workplace has increased a bit soft!

This hairstyle is more suitable for her!

Tang Tiantian didn't come back from the kiss just now, and was stunned by his actions.

What did he do to take off her hairpin? It took her a long time to do it in the morning!

He seemed to understand the question under her eyes, and with a smile, he said, "this is more beautiful!"

With that, he ignored her and got out of the car.

Tang Tiantian's face turned red with hindsight. Was he praising her for her beauty?

Without time to think about it, she had been pulled out of the car by her powerful palm.

Good morning, president

Led by Huo Tianqing, he met two young men in suits and stopped to greet him respectfully.

"Good morning

Left a word, so that the scene of the two Hawkes staff look shocked.

They're not dreaming, are they?

Just now, their always cold president said "morning" to them!

And who is the beautiful woman just led by the president?

Because Tang Tiantian first went to Huo's, many employees didn't know that she was Huo Tianqing's newly married wife. Along the way, it also attracted many concerns.

People above the manager level of the company all know that the president of the company is in conflict with the chairman in order to marry his wife. This incident once made everyone surprised, but everyone also knew that the president of his family loved his new wife very much. But now led another young woman to appear in Huo's company!This can't help but make everyone curious!

Who is that woman?

How beautiful they are!

It is said that the newly married wife of the president of their family is also a great beauty! Is

Huo Tianqing did not let everyone guess too long, and soon introduced the identity of Tang Tiantian president's wife to his subordinates. It immediately caused a huge exclamation!

Their president's wife is so beautiful!

It's a good match for their president!

Of course, there are a few people in the bottom of my heart secretly sour, but just a little bit beautiful!

Tang Tiantian is not used to facing too many strangers. She just nods to them gently, and then she is nervous about her clothes, which makes her feel embarrassed.

Huo Tianqing noticed her small movement and picked her eyebrows, "OK! Let's get back to our seats and get back to work. Secretary Fang will come in for a moment

He said, then pulled Tang Tiantian, turned and walked into his own office.

Everyone went back to their seats, but there were still a few people who could not help complaining, "the president's wife is so arrogant! Don't talk

"That's right, even the superficial courtesy is saved! I thought she was a gentle woman, but I didn't expect to be so arrogant. Her eyes grew up to my nose

"They are the president's wife! Which onion are we! People don't even care to talk to us! "

"If you have nothing to do, I can ask the president for instructions." A deep and dignified female voice interrupted several people's complaints.

Group together said the length of several people see is secretary Fang, immediately look flustered scattered.

Secretary Fang couldn't help shaking his head, tidied up his meticulous suit, turned to the president's office and knocked twice at the door.

After hearing the voice of permission, he opened the door and went in.

"President, Madam President!" Say hello politely.

Originally sitting on the sofa, Tang Tiantian immediately stood up and nodded to the secretary.

as like as two peas in occupation, the Secretary of the more than 30 year old woman wears a dark black suit and wears a pair of black glasses. She is strict in demands and meticulous and serious.

At this time, she couldn't help but be very grateful to Huo Tianqing for removing her hair bun.

Huo Tianqing has long been immersed in reviewing the documents, and without raising his head, he said: "this morning, you are responsible for taking the president's wife to visit the company and familiarize yourself with the directors and operations of various departments of the company."

"Yes, president!" Very concise and serious response.

"Jill, try hard! We'll have lunch together later Huo Tianqing suddenly raised his head and took a look at Tang Tiantian. He recalled the smile of the soul.

Tang Tiantian could only nod to his enchanting smile, and Secretary Fang on one side seemed to be charmed by the smile of his president. However, he was a professional secretary and soon recovered. He turned to Tang Tiantian and said respectfully, "Madam President, please!"

Secretary Fang is a very conscientious secretary. She is as meticulous as her dress!

With her from the 22nd floor, a department of the introduction, not tired of saying the same thing, even the sentence pause is the same! This makes Tang Tiantian deeply convinced from the bottom of her heart!

She picked up her notebook and carefully wrote down the name of the Department, the head of the Department, and some of the matters in charge of the Department. She could almost remember all the things that she could write down. However, her serious attitude also satisfied Secretary Fang!

It turns out that Huo Tianqing has told Secretary Fang about her situation, and Secretary Fang is more prepared. There is no problem in their communication.

One morning after walking more than ten buildings, Tang Tiantian only felt a tired word. Many department names in the head are fighting. It turns out that Huo's business is not only real estate, but also other sidelines! No wonder there are so many offices!

Secretary Fang has just finished the explanation of the last department when the telephone in his pocket vibrates. For fear of disturbing other people's work, she set the phone to vibrate.

"All right! Madam President, all departments have been visited. Do you have any questions for me Secretary Fang asked in a formulaic way.

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