Warm, ambiguous atmosphere lingering in the air, a pair of men and women in such a large office, close to each other, completely no taboo will be someone suddenly break in.

But this is the moment. Tang Tiantian's back against the door was knocked twice.

Tang Tiantian, who is in wonton state, wakes up immediately. In a hurry, she pushes her iron body away.

But Huo Tianqing is early she one step reaction comes over, not only did not let her go. On the contrary, he bent down quickly and neatly, and lifted her up. Go straight into the next lounge.

Just as the door to the lounge closes. The door of the office was just pushed open from the outside.

He, what is he doing?

Someone is looking for him outside!

In doubt, he has carried her to the inner room, gently put her on the soft bed.

The touch from below. And his own breath. This is his lounge, this is his bed!

What is he going to do?

The bottom of my heart intuitively starts a restlessness, Tang Tiantian is in the body. The moment when the body touches the mattress. That unease quickly spread into fear. She has nothing to do with anything else. Immediately flustered to the corner of the move, water Yingying eyes with fear and prevention of staring at him.


She won't!

She did not dare to think that way, but her deep eyes. But full of his undisguised passion!

Words full of humiliation. Those biting pain. That terrible morning, let her mind panic. Terrible memories are flooding in. If she saw the eagle's rabbit, she could not help but shiver and shrink to the corner. I've just dried my tears. It's full of eyes again.

No! Don't do that to her! Don't be like that

She will body. Body close to the cold wall, hands holding knees, with a weak way of self-protection.

She resisted. Let Huo Tianqing frown. blamed! What's her reaction! Is that how she hates his touch?

"Don't resist me!" He said unhappily, his heart filled with a restless anger. He grabbed her arm, pull force, effortlessly pull her to the front of the body, turn over easily will her soft delicate body pressure. Under the body.

With the irresistible domineering and strength, she suppressed her weak and delicate body, bent down and buried in her charming neck, gnawing at the white skin. The frenzied passion in the heart suddenly became more turbulent and difficult to restrain. There is only one thought in my heart: he wants her!

His domineering behavior makes Tang Tiantian's fear further escalate. That day, his cruel treatment was like a terrible nightmare, which delayed her fragile heart.

No! No! Let go, let go of her

She regretted it! I really regret it! She will not hide anything from him any more, as long as it is what he wants to know, she will tell him everything! Just ask him, just ask him not to punish her like that, don't do that to her again!

She can't bear such cruel treatment any more!

She shook her head in a panic, and her face was wet with tears. Crystal tears across her cheek, fall into the pure white sheet, delicate body like willow catkins in the wind can not stop shaking.

Her strange reaction made Huo Tianqing confused. Stop plundering her charming neck and carefully examine her tearful face. Only then can we find that her big black and white eyes are full of fear, deep fear!

Suddenly think of a hangover morning -

in the bathroom mercilessly occupy. There are, cruel punishment, vile abuse Thinking of her small face as white as death at that time, his heart was severely constricted, and a biting pain covered his atrium.

The pain of the hangover that day made him fidgety, and the anger she designed burned his reason. Only then would he do the kind of thing that birds and animals would do!

Although it was a moment of anger, but never thought it would regret! But, at the moment, he is damned regretful!

Looking at her weeping face, severe pain whipped his heart.

He carefully held her tearful face and gently cared, "don't be afraid, I won't treat you like that day! Don't cry - "

gently wipe away the tears on her cheek with thumb, and her deep amber eyes lock her tightly. She is stubborn and firm in conveying the caring friendship and giving gentle touch.

The tears were still falling and falling, but she felt that her fear filled heart was comforted. She didn't know whether it was because of his gentle touch or the low whisper.

Feeling that she was no longer so resistant and afraid, he felt a glimmer of joy in his heart. Bow down in her smooth forehead, soft print under a kiss, with pity and care of the tender.

He is very gentle this time, and never the same gentle, empty heart into a pool of warmth!

Huo Tianqing gradually deepened this kiss, gentle but determined to drive away all the fear in her heart!

His expression at the moment is so gentle that she can't believe it. Is it that he mistook her for her sister again? And then wake up and become that more terrifying man than the devil!Turning into golden bright eyes, she tightly locked her bright black eyes. It seemed that he could see through her mind. He reached for her little hand, and his slender fingertips were closely linked with her, opposite to her soft and warm palms.

"I didn't drink today, and I know exactly who you are," he said with a smile

He, he knows who she is?


Didn't he dislike her and would not touch her? Why is it that at the moment --

She puckered up in confusion, but he did not intend to give her time to think clearly.

"I want you!"

From the heart came his low and powerful voice, which hit her heart deeply!

He said, he wants her!

Not as a sister, but as her!

This sentence let her all the thought of rejection down, a turbulent wave in her heart. She clenched her fist as if to catch something.

The wedding night of the forced, later forced, she can not refuse, and now she should refuse, should resist! Because this kind of intimate and intimate things should be done with people you like! But now she didn't even want to resist!

Even the bottom of my heart has a faint expectation!

Oh, my God! Is she expecting?

What is she expecting

In the end, her thoughts were lost. Because the wave of the man who was lying on her drowned all her thoughts!

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