The best way to communicate with a horse is to help it take a bath!

And Tang Tiantian is doing this right now, but she should have no talent in communicating with animals. One of the people around her had a good time, but she was covered in water by Xiaobai. It's a mess.

But I really did not expect that he would also have such a side, completely like a big boy who loves to play, and does not see the deep and indifferent shadow at ordinary times!

Which one is the real one?

"What are you doing?"

The tip of his nose was touched by his index finger. The handsome face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, overturning her mind full of wishful thinking!

She shook her head gently. Put the face away. Dare not with his good-looking let the person easily sink in the eye opposite.

Looked at the embarrassed she and the side of that same body of embarrassed horse, Huo Tianqing couldn't help laughing and shaking his head, "brush horse is not such a brush."

How about that?

Tang Tiantian looks at him suspiciously. Don't you understand? Bathing a horse is like bathing a dog?

Seeing her like this, he knew she didn't understand at all. He took the brush on her hand.

"You have to gently brush the horse's hair so it feels comfortable." He said as he spoke. Gently brush the horse's hair as white as snow.

And I didn't really like it. Xiaobai, who is moving around, stood there obediently and let him clean. And it looks very enjoyable!

No wonder Xiaobai didn't let her comb it just now. It turns out that her method is wrong!

She couldn't help blushing. He can do anything, but she can't! What a shame!

Huo Tianqing didn't find her face which was red with shame. Instead, he took her little hand and put the brush in her hand. Encouraging way: "very simple, try."

Tang Tiantian according to his just way, with the brush gently along the horse's hair brush. Miraculously, I found that the horse was not as restless as before!


She happily compared a thumb to him, the bright smile on her face was extraordinarily beautiful in the reflection of the setting sun!

The evening breeze ruffled her hair in front of her forehead. He reached for her hair and pulled it behind her ear to get a good view of her beautiful dimple, and a smile line appeared in the corner of his mouth.

After getting on the bus, Tang Tiantian was so tired that she finally succumbed to the surging sleepiness.

Seeing her tired sleeping face, Huo Tianqing carefully put his coat on her body, and then turned down the air-conditioning in the car. The car went steadily like home.

The sleeping man trembled gently. His curly eyelashes opened his hazy eyes.

He was wearing a suit coat with his own smell on it. She unconsciously took a deep breath, that unique fragrance is also mixed with the grass flavor of the horse farm!

Yeah! It smells good!

All of a sudden, she remembered that she was just in the car, and she fell asleep in a daze! The smile at the corner of her mouth froze. She moved her eyes to the side, and looked at herself with amber eyes!

She seemed to have been sleeping for a long time - because the car was already in the Huo's garage!

Suddenly, she felt embarrassed!

He's been sitting around for a long time, hasn't he?

"Sorry! I fell asleep by accident She apologized in a simple sign language that he understood, and recalled when she fell asleep.

However, Huo Tianqing did not see the slightest annoyance, but gently raised the corners of his mouth, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, it looks like sleeping beauty. People are also a good pastime."

In fact, without her action, he could see her thoughts in her apologetic eyes!

Tang Tiantian was obviously stunned for a while, and then her face turned red.

He gazed at her rosy white cheek for a long time, then took his eyes back, "OK! It's getting late. Let's go up. "

He said that he had taken the lead to get out of the car and went around to the other side to help her open the door.

Tang Tiantian was not comfortable with his gentlemanly consideration. She found that she still had his coat on her body. She took the coat and handed it back to him. He took the coat and didn't put it on. Instead, she put it on her again. "It's cold at night."

A warm heat flow across the heart, she did not refuse, let him take his hand to the Huo family mansion.

What a happy day today! I wish I could keep this happiness until 12 o'clock!

However, her little wish was not pitied by God.

There is an unusual atmosphere in the hall of Huo's house. Master Huo Hanyang, the head of the Huo family, was sitting in the hall with a gloomy face. The housekeeper beside him showed his joy at his young master and his wife, but then turned to worry.

Yu Yinhui, sitting on another sofa, looks at the two people who walk into the hall hand in hand. Her indifferent eyes seem to have some light. Seems to be waiting for a good show to come on!But the small Huo Tianxiang did not appear in the hall, what will happen next is not suitable for children!

Such a strange atmosphere makes Tang Tiantian's happy mood instantly cool down.

What happened?

"Grandpa, we're back." Huo Tianqing steadily takes Tang Tiantian's hand and says hello to the elders in the family.

Although Tang Tiantian was not able to be born to say hello, she also bowed down to pay homage to the old man sitting on the sofa. And the corner of the eye also secretly glanced at the side of Yu Yinhui, Huo Tianqing seems to have no intersection with his stepmother, and has never put her in the eye, even a simple greeting has never been!

The hall was still quiet.

Huo Hanyang did not speak, just a gloomy face staring at the two people in front of him. The anger in that eye is condensing, waiting to explode!

However, Huo Tianqing didn't know whether it was a real beauty, or deliberately ignored his grandfather's ugly face, only a light way: "if nothing happened, I'll go back to my room with Qi'er first."


How dare he say that!

The old man of Huo family is obviously eager to roar over the roof of Huo family. He dare to say that there is nothing wrong with him!

Seeing that Sun Tzu turned a blind eye to his anger, Huo Hanyang was even more angry, and his face turned blue and white. However, he also knew that he could not "care" about himself, why his face was so black! His grandson is always smart!

"Stop for me!" Full of anger from the four words squeezed out of the teeth, Huo Hanyang a pair of black eyes full of wind and frost issued a fierce cold light.

How dare you go upstairs for him! Do you really want to piss him off?

Huo Tianqing's calm eye wave did not have the slightest fluctuation because of his grandfather's anger. He just stopped, turned his head, and asked faintly, "what's the matter with grandfather?"

Knowing his grandson's temper well, if he had to wait for his conscience to find out and repent, it would be impossible to wait until next year, so he decided to give up waiting and take the initiative.

"Today is your birthday!"

Too much anger and blame make this sentence seem to accuse "you are too much"!

"I know." Huo Tianqing slightly raised the corner of the mouth's response. Of course he knew that today was his birthday, and he had a good time!

It turns out that today is his birthday, no wonder - no wonder he is so different today!

Tang Tiantian finally found a reason for all his actions today.

"Then you should know that I have held a birthday party for you at home today!" Huo's face was very angry, and his voice was full of blame. Now that I know it, I still lost him all night! He couldn't find a figure, which also made him look bad in front of the guests!

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