*Good sleep. I got up early.

The man beside him is sleeping heavily. Tang Tiantian carefully moves his long arm away from his waist. Then he climbed down.

Changing her sleep and clothes, she is going to take a walk outside the garden. I haven't been to the garden for a long time.

By the way! Today is the last day of two weeks agreed with my grandfather, that is, the day of acceptance of the results. Although the child has always reported to her the growth of orchids. It's alive and growing well. But she still needs to see it for herself.

It's just that I haven't gone to the place where the orchids are placed. I met a person by accident!


The two met in a passage, one at the end.

Tang Tiantian didn't expect to meet him. He was stunned. However, at this time, Tianxiang turned his head and left!

She ran after her.

Wait a minute!

As she waved to him, she quickened her pace and ran over.

Although he is only in his teens. But Tang Tiantian still spent a lot of effort to catch up with him. No matter what politeness, directly grabbed his sleeve, not let him run away.

In fact, this kind of chasing drama. Not for the first time. I had several accidents at home before. He turned around and left. She didn't give her a chance to communicate with him.

Tang Tiantian goes directly to him and blocks his way. Then she froze. Because what she saw was not the innocent little boy she knew! Now. That pair of black eyes no longer have the kind of frankness and frankness before, only indifference and indifference!

Why is he like this? Tianxiang she knew was not like this!

"Why avoid me?"

She took hold of his sleeve with one hand. With a simple sign language that he could understand, his twinkling eyes carefully locked his small face.

Huo Tianxiang looked at her with indifference in his eyes and did not respond. Until she was about to think he would not answer. He just raised his hand and rowed to her: "I didn't hide from you."

He still looks very cold, just like the real Huo family.

"If you don't, why do you turn around every time you see me?" Tang Tiantian's eyes are accusing because of his indifferent expression. He's only a teenager. Why is he like this? Is he going to be as cold as his mother?

However, Huo Tianxiang just looked at her and chose silence.

Don't get his answer, Tang Tiantian's small face becomes dim.

"I thought we were friends." Her eyes were filled with sadness.

Although he was indifferent to her during these days, she still regarded him as her good friend! At the moment, I can no longer suppress the feeling of loss at the bottom of my heart. She really wants to be friends with him, because she likes his kindness and honesty!

Huo Tianqing saw her disappointed expression, and her bright black eyes flashed with a strange emotion.

They're friends!?

Can they really be friends?

However -

while fighting between man and nature, he suddenly found a familiar figure not far away. All the vacillation and hesitation of his eyes turned into ashes.

Tang Tiantian originally did not blink staring at Huo Tianxiang's look, observed, but also found the change of his talent. He had already begun to shake, but he didn't know why he suddenly became indifferent again!

Without time to ask the reason, he pulled back his sleeve and quickly turned away. After a while, it disappeared from her sight.


He also wants to be her friend!

Doubt, eyes inadvertently swept away that elegant dress is not far away but more Qin cool figure than the morning wind, she can not help but slightly.

Although there are still many questions in her heart, Tang Tiantian has not forgotten her identity as a younger generation. She nods and smiles to her mother-in-law and expresses her greetings.

But Yu Yinhui ignores her, or disdains her and turns away coldly.

She never dared to hope that the Huo family would accept her, so she did not have much feeling for Yu Yinhui's indifferent reaction, but she had to care about Huo Tianxiang's attitude towards her.

Because of his mother!

As she walked with her head down, she thought. Suddenly, a figure in a hurry came to meet her and almost hit her.


Tang Tiantian takes a step to one side and reaches out to stabilize the figure that almost falls.

The voice is familiar. Is it a kid?

"Young lady Bad, bad, young lady The little boy saw that it was her, and cried out in a panic.

"Don't panic." Tang Tiantian gently patted her shoulder and asked, "what happened?"

Because he had just run Taiji, the little boy gasped and said, "orchid -- orchid is dead!"

"Orchid - you said, it should not be those pots of orchids?" Tang Tiantian's eyes widened in amazement. She also forgot that the child could only understand some simple sign language. She asked quickly.The little boy didn't say much, but took her to the place where the orchids were placed.

"Young lady, when I came here, they became like this!" The little boy pointed to the place where the orchids were placed, and his face was gray.

I saw that the orchid which had been cut to the stem had already grown some green buds, but it was too late to grow, but it had already withered! Even the flower stems became fragile and dried up, as if they lost their vitality.

"Yesterday?" Tang Tiantian wrote on the ground with her finger.

The little boy came to him and immediately replied, "they were not like this yesterday! When I left, their shoots were still very green and full of vitality

For more than a week, she has taken good care of these pots of orchids according to the instructions of the young lady, for fear of making a mistake! Yesterday, I also checked and found nothing unusual before I left.

Everything was normal yesterday, so why is it like this today?

Tang Tiantian twisted two beautiful eyebrows, thinking.

But the little boy couldn't help being flustered, "what can I do? Today, the old master will come to check the results! "

Originally saw the orchid alive, they thought there was no need to worry, but did not expect this time to come out of the situation, and look at the situation should be hopeless appearance! What to do?

Tang Tiantian looked at those pots of withered orchids, but also lost his mind. Orchid has become this way, how can they save it?

Looking at each other in pairs, his face was sad.

Is everything doomed!

At this time, not far from the sound, the original is the old man acceptance results!

Together with Li Shuhe and Yu Yinhui, who has just returned.

Because the two-week appointment with the old man was not a secret matter, some servants came together to watch the fun.

"Two weeks have passed. I hope those orchids really live as you wish!" Huo Hanyang said coldly, his tone full of sarcasm and contempt.

He didn't believe that these two girls could really save those orchids which had already withered!

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian and children's facial expressions become more ugly. Originally they can be very reasonable, but at the moment they can only drop their heads in silence.

They really can't save the flowers!

They lost!

Just not willing to lose!

How can they be reconciled? I was alive yesterday! Even if it's a sudden illness, it's impossible to wilt and turn yellow!

Thinking of this, Tang Tiantian's head suddenly flashed. Seems to think of something, turned squatting in front of a few withered orchids.

But also because of this action, let Huo see the withered and yellow orchid, full of vicissitudes of life, sharp eye flash across a clear. As he expected!

Relative to Huo's natural, Uncle Li beside him was surprised with his big eyes, as if he could not believe what he saw in front of him.

Indeed! Because he has been paying close attention to this for more than a week! These orchids began to sprout six days ago. Although the growth rate was much slower than the normal, they did survive!

But - how and how did it happen?

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