At the moment, Tang Tiantian and Xiaotong are cleaning the Buddha Hall. The master and servant are busy.

Because the storm of the news has subsided. She also continued to go back to work tomorrow, but her punishment was still a week left, so she decided to clean the Buddhist temple with Xiaotong today. After that, you just need to wipe the dust every day!

The two worked together with some of the masters and servants, so they quickly completed more than half of the work.

Tang Tiantian is cleaning up the garbage under the Buddhist altar. Suddenly came the voice of the child's exclamation: "ah! 2、 Second young master

It turned out that the boy was carrying a bucket to fetch water. However, he met Huo Tianxiang when he was walking around the corner. He was scared and fell to the ground with the bucket. Tang Tiantian quickly put down the broom. Went out.

What happened?

Tang Tiantian frowned and walked over.

Huo Tianxiang, who had not appeared for several days, appeared in front of them again!

Her eagerness slowed down for fear of scaring him away again. I don't know why he's always hiding from her! She must ask why today! Maybe she would ask why he didn't want to talk

"Are you looking for me?" She asked in sign language. Starblack's eyes were fixed on his pretty face with hope. I hope he won't run away again like last time!

Huo Tianxiang, as always, did not speak, nor did he nod or shake his head. I just glanced at the child beside my eyes.

Tang Tiantian will come to me. He doesn't like to get along with strangers! yes! To him, children are strangers. Fortunately, she is still his friend in his mind!

She pointed to the bench not far away. "Let's sit over there," he said

Then he pointed to the bucket where she was still lying on the ground. He motioned her to fetch water and then "told" her to run a pot of tea for them.

The children were stunned. But it's not that she can't understand the young lady's sign language, because she has been learning sign language recently. She just didn't expect that the young lady of her family should have something in common with the second young master, and she seemed to have a different feeling! Did the second young master communicate with her? It's not that the second young master has autism. Is it difficult for his mother and the eldest lady of the Huo family to communicate with him? Why is her young wife -

"little boy?" Tang Tiantian gently shakes her hair. The child in a daze looks at her with puzzled eyes.

The child did not dare to think about it any more, and immediately said, "Oh, I, I will go right away."

She said, picked up the bucket on one side and left in a hurry.

Looking at the children's back, Tang Tiantian can't help but smile and shake her head. Although the children are very considerate and hardworking, sometimes they can't help being impatient because of their young age.

"Can I help you?" Sitting on the bench, Tang Tiantian turns her head and stares at Huo Tianxiang and asks.

At the end of the contest, she remembered that he did not necessarily understand. Recently, she communicated with children in sign language. Only when she met some complicated children who could not understand them, she would write them with a pen. She just wanted to take out the pen and paper, but was surprised to find that he even raised his hands to her fluent sign language!

When did he learn it?

She forgot to go to see what he had compared. She was full of questions. Did he intend to go on like this all the time? That's why I'm going to learn sign language!?

"May I ask why you don't like talking?" She suddenly looked at him with a very gentle but firm look.

She asked him about this question, but he didn't want to say it at that time, and she didn't have time to look into it at that time, but now it's different! She regards him as a friend and hopes she can help him, especially after hearing about the "possible" causes of his autism!

Huo Tianxiang was obviously stunned by her question. His expression was stiff. His bright eyes flashed past, and he felt gloomy and sad.

What is the reason for such a young man who should be full of innocence?

Is that really the reason?

Tang Tiantian's black and white eyes flashed through a dark color.

There was a silence in the air, and he did not answer her question, but looked down at the ground in silence.

"Xiao Xiang, can you tell me? If we were still friends! " She quickly wrote a note and stuffed it into his arms.

Although there was no substantive tone in those two sentences, they were full of her persistence and determination. If he still regards her as a friend, he will tell her! She's forcing him to choose!

Huo Tianxiang read her note, the balance in his heart is more unstable!

Tang Tiantian could not help shaking her head when she saw that he was indecisive. Since he can't make a decision, let her help him decide!

She didn't ask him any more, just stood up and made a gesture to leave.

However, before she had time to step forward, the hem was held by a small hand. Although she only grasped a corner of her dress, it was tight and never slackened.

Tang Tiantian turned to look at him very, very seriously, "are you willing to say it?"He nodded. Although his eyes were still puzzled, they were firm.

Seeing this, Tang Tiantian sits down again and looks at him quietly.

He looked a little strange, as if it were a feeling of self loathing.

After a while, he raised his hands and said, "I hate myself!"

Sure enough, as she thought, he had a self loathing mood in his heart, so he refused to speak. He is subconsciously disgusting himself, but also punishing himself!

"Why do you hate yourself so much?" She asked again, more careful in her eyes, as if for fear of accidentally touching his wound.

Huo Tianxiang looked at her gently, and her eyes flashed complicated emotions, like self accusation and sorrow!

"Six years ago in the summer, Dad went abroad on business. I remember that they were having a seven day meeting, and it was my birthday two days before the end of the meeting. That day, my grandmother and my mother held a birthday party for me. One of my friends laughed at me that my father didn't love me because he didn't celebrate my birthday for me, and even completely forgot that it was my birthday.

I am very angry, but I am even more angry that my father does not remember my birthday at all! And then I had a fight with him. He's a year older than me, and he's bigger than me. I'm pushed by him, hit the corner of the table, and my forehead is smashed

Tang Tiantian moves her eyes to his forehead, and there is a scar that moves to the shallow. Although it has been six years, it can still be seen that the wound was not light at that time.

She did not say anything, just quietly, waiting for him to continue.

"At that time, my father was in a meeting. When he heard that I was injured and hospitalized, he immediately put down the meeting and rushed home by the fastest general plane. Knowing that my father came back home, I was both happy and worried. I was glad that my father finally came back on my birthday, and my worry was that he would scold me! Just wait until late at night, we still can't wait for him! Later, I saw on TV that the plane he was on had an accident. More than 100 passengers on the plane were killed, including my father

At this point, he stopped his hands, his eyes were full of tears.

"I killed Dad!" He said this sentence in his voice, full of remorse and guilt, but also full of grief. Tears out of control, wet his pretty face.

"No! It's not your fault. It's just an accident Tang Tiantian gently shakes her head, patting his head with one hand, comforting him.

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