Oh, my God! She never thought she would get pregnant! She did not know much about men and women, let alone avoid pregnancy, and he did not take any protective measures. It's normal to have a baby, but it's beyond her expectation!

But she did not reject at all, on the contrary, she was very happy! She's really happy! This is her and her child!

But - would he like it?

Her heart was filled with worry. She was so nervous that she didn't know what to do. She was in a mess!

Suddenly a cup of warm milk was handed to her. She looked up at the strange palm. It's assistant Kang.

"Madam President, have a cup of warm milk." He said to her faintly, although polite but unfamiliar.

She couldn't help but pull out a bitter smile.

What, Madam President? He knew she wasn't!

Except for the uncles. There is also that don't know where to go to Mai Zijun, know her true identity of people are only Huo Tianqing and the smart assistant in front of her!

She took the hot milk and gently acknowledged him. She really needed a hot drink to calm her nerves.

Kang Xiao has warm but sharp eyes. Easily will her flustered look at the bottom of the eye. For this "President's wife.". He still has a lot of doubts.

She is a beautiful woman, and kind-hearted, but cowardly! These can be seen in her big clear eyes. Maybe the expression can be faked. But the window of the mind is absolutely can't pretend! He also absolutely trusted his eyesight! So he didn't believe what Mai Zijun said!

But how did their president decide that she was such a poisonous woman?

It's just that despite the president's hatred for her. But always can not escape the love net! He can be sure that the president has long been attracted to this woman! Although the president tried to be kind, he rejected her. But still can't control the heart in which! But how to deal with Miss Tang who is still in a coma in the ward?

"Are you in love with him?" Although it is a question, it is firm.

Listen to your speech. Tang Tiantian looks up slowly and sees a pair of bright and wise eyes. She nodded gently and admitted generously.

Yeah! She has been in love with him for a long time! Three years ago. That chance encounter in the dusk, her heart has been unable to extricate himself for him!

"Will you give birth to him?" He asked again. Although know oneself should not ask like this, interfere in boss's private affairs, that is a big ban as assistant! But who told him who's business can ignore, but have to take care of the boss's affairs?

Hearing this, she suddenly nodded.

She will!

Seeing this, Kang Xiao gently raised a smile, "then tell him. I think he'll be happy

Can he?

Would he be as happy as she was at the arrival of the child?

She's not sure! But at the bottom of my heart, there was another voice telling her: he is the father of the child! Of course he will be happy!

But he doesn't love her!

He loves his sister! Would he want her baby?

Two different voices in her mind constantly refuted each other, for a time she was confused and flustered.

Knowing that he couldn't help, Kang Xiao didn't delay, and said directly, "I'll send you Huo family first!"

She knew that sitting here was not the way to do it. What's more, she needed someone to give her an opinion, but who could help her?

She nodded, and stood up from the wooden chair full of worry, and followed assistant Kang about to walk out of the hospital. On the other hand, a doctor in white robe came to him. Behind him, a young man in white nurse's uniform stopped him.

"Dr. Hao, this is an analysis of Miss Tang's situation today." The nurse had a medical record on the floor.

"Yes, thank you." Doctor Bai Pao took it and was about to turn around and leave. However, he was startled by a woman beside him. Subconsciously called out, "Miss Tang?"

The cry of surprise seemed to be unbelievable. His eyes as big as brass bell showed his shock!

And behind that nurse is also a frightened appearance, straight looking at Tang Tiantian that beautiful face, speechless.

Her heart beat faster than she could control!

She was not sure, but she was almost sure of the reaction of the doctor and nurse! yes! That doctor is the doctor who operated on my sister! The doctor is here, that is to say, my sister is also in this hospital! She has intuition. The "Miss Tang" they just mentioned must be her sister!

Because she couldn't accept the news of her sister's critical illness at that time, she was in a coma, so she didn't know which hospital her sister was placed in, but now she is almost sure!

"Miss Tang! You, how do you... "

Without waiting for Dr. Hao to finish a word, Kang Xiao, regardless of the way men and women give or take, pulls Tang Tiantian and leaves in a whirlwind. Doctors and nurses with only two big eyes.Just now, were they dazzled?

Tang Tiantian was pulled by Kang Xiao for a long time before she let go.

"People here don't know who Miss Tang is." This is an explanation as well as a warning.

It's a secret! He didn't think that he would meet the doctor who helped Tang Qi'er, and almost let Miss Tang's identity be exposed!

Tang Tiantian shook her head anxiously, took out some paper and pen in a flustered way, and wrote: "I will not tell this matter out! But could you please let me see my sister! Beg you! I really want to see her! "

She handed him the note with both hands, and her face was beseeching. She really miss her sister! I want to see her! Especially at this time, she needs her sister to give her strength! Or she won't be able to hold on!

She pulled his sleeve for a while, and then folded her hands together. The look of pleading was unbearable!

He knew that he should take back his sleeve and turn away with a cold face. But who told him that he couldn't bear it!? Although he can be as selfless as his boss in public affairs, this kind of woman with big and watery glasses seems to have the power to let others turn all the principles into nothing!

"You can only stay for ten minutes," he sighed

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian is happy and smile, also cry, constantly nod to him to thank.

A corridor different from that just now. There were no patients coming and going. It was so quiet that only the sound of electric current was emitted from overhead.

This is the corridor of the advanced ward. My sister is behind one of the doors here.

Assistant Kang leads her to the shining and thick wooden door and stops.

There's a guard here!

This is the first feeling that she stands here. The sense of being monitored can be very sensitive. Then two tall men in black suits came out to watch bodyguards dressed like those on TV!

Although this kind of strong pressure makes her a little uncomfortable, it makes her a little relieved. At least she knew her sister was safe! Huo Tianqing is really taking good care of her sister! This cognition comforted her and eliminated a lot of guilt in her heart.

The two men in suits nodded and disappeared again.

Then Kang Xiao opened the door and led her in.

This ward is different from the ward she came to before. It seems that it is a little more luxurious than that before. Of course, the medical equipment should be the best!

She walked with assistant Kang step by step, but her heart beat faster and more clearly. She could almost count it out! The longing and missing in the heart turned into tears!

Until she stood beside the hospital bed, she still could not believe that the person lying in the hospital bed was her sister who was so thin that it seemed that a gust of wind could blow away!

She has always been healthy! No matter how busy her studies and how tired she is at work, her beautiful face is ruddy and shiny! But now - now her thin face was as white as paper, and she was not angry at all!

The bandage on her body has been removed, but the needle tubes of the instrument are still inserted on her arm and mouth and nose. The sharp sound of the instrument whirring on the side seems to be the sound from her heart! That's the sound of the heart dripping blood!


Her tears hazy light lean on the edge of the bed, can't believe can see haggard into this appearance of the sister! She gently held her sister-in-law's thin, bony hand and stuck it on her face. The cold touch made her unable to control the tears in her eyes and ran down all over her small face!

Kang Xiao, standing by the porter, looks at this scene. His dark eyes flash a touch of deep meaning. Then he turns his head and walks out of the ward, leaving the space for two sisters who are in a coma and crying bitterly.

Tang Tiantian sticks to Tang Qier's thin hand and writes on her cold palm gently.

Sister! Sweetie came to see you! Open your eyes and look at me!

In the past, when they didn't want to speak or compare with sign language, they would write in each other's palms to communicate. This way of touching each other's palms makes them feel closer and closer! No matter when, as long as she writes in the palm of her sister's hand, she will get her sister's response! But at the moment, there is no movement on the bed!

Uncontrollable tears blurred her eyes, and she quickly wiped them off with the back of her hand. She wants to see her sister! She doesn't have much time. She shouldn't waste a minute!

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath to stabilize the excited mood, also put away the tears, determined not to let this rare ten minutes pass in tears.

She wrote again in her sister's palm with her index finger: "sister, I'm doing well. Don't worry about me! And sister, you're going to be a big aunt... "

She took her sister's hand to cover her still flat little belly, and felt the little life together.

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