Gradually also began to be confused, because of her pure smile, as well as the treatment of the next generation of tolerance and courtesy! She treats a child who has no blood relationship at all. What's more, they care about their own blood relationship? Unless she's really wronged, it's because she's too resourceful. How good at acting!

He carefully observed her every move, and even every look. But the more careful and engaged observation. The more unprepared the heart is! I don't know when he started. He was in deep trouble and didn't know it! Until just now, he suddenly woke up!

Damn it! How could he - how could he fall in love with that woman!

It doesn't matter if she's really deep. He should not fall in love with her!

He was angry. He hated her for taking his heart away easily. But he hated that he was easily taken away from his heart! Jill is still in bed. I don't know when to wake up. And he left his heart on another woman!

He fidgeted with his short hair and buried his handsome face between his elbows. At this moment, his thoughts are in disorder!

No! It shouldn't be like this!

His favorite person should be Qi'er, also can only be Qi'er!

Yes! He can only love Jill! He can't betray Jill! There can't be a third person in his relationship with Jill! He can't let himself continue to sink in!

Suddenly. He raised his head, and the deepest part of his amber eyes shot out a cruel light. Like the king of hell waiting to harvest life. With a chilling chill!

He has never been a man of indecision. Everything has to be decided. Will act immediately and never give yourself the chance to regret! So after making a decision. He strode out of the office.

It's time to make some trade-offs

"I don't want him! I won't want him! You are not qualified to have my child

Tall black shadow shrouds her, slowly approaching her, cold sight makes people tremble!

Her hind legs step by step. Until there was no retreat. There was burning pain in the neck and it became difficult to breathe.

"I don't want him! Take him off

No! No!

She subconsciously tightly protects the small. Abdomen, does not let others hurt her stomach child!

Frightened eyes full of despair, looking at the increasingly clear face -


In the dream, she cried out loud, suddenly woke up, still full of panic eyes.

It's a dream!

No! Not a dream! It's so real --

no! She can't let anyone hurt her child, she can't kill her unborn child! She wants to protect him!

That's right! She wants to protect her children! And the only way is to get out of here, out of him!

For the sake of the child, she must leave him!

Thinking of this, she did not stop for a second. She immediately went to the side of the wardrobe and began to pack her simple luggage.

She only wanted to leave here quickly, to leave the merciless man, but did not find a tall shadow behind her silently close to her!

"What are you doing?"

The roar of fury sounded behind her, and Tang Tiantian's heart almost stopped!

grabs as like as two peas, and a brute force turns her around, and looks up to the same face as the nightmare.

Suddenly, her face was full of fear, and she struggled hard to take her hand back and stay away from him.

Seeing the luggage bag in her hand, he immediately guessed her intention!

She wants to run!

How dare she escape!?

No! He won't let her escape!

The angry eyes add a touch of coldness, which makes people dare to fight and frighten, but also makes Tang Tiantian's face more miserable and bloodless!

his looks are as like as two peas in the dream. So angry, so cruel, so merciless!

No! She can't let him hurt his children! may not!

She kept shaking her head and begging in her eyes! Don't hurt her child! This is her most humble request!

"Go to the hospital with me and knock it out!"

His cold words, but she has been into hell, cold her heart are trembling! Heartache makes her seem to be about to shock in the past, but reason tells her, can't! She can't pass out! She's not going to the hospital! She's not going!

As the saying goes, poisonous tiger does not eat, but how can he be so cruel and so ruthless? This is his child too!

How could he do this to her?

No way! She won't allow it! He doesn't want children, but she does!

She forgot to be afraid, forget to panic, only know that this moment she wants to protect her children!

She struggled with all her strength, smashed him with her luggage bag, and even bit him with her mouth like a crazy woman, but his two hands were like pliers firmly holding her, and she couldn't let her break away!no I'm not going! I don't want to kill my baby! You can't do this to me!

She screamed in the bottom of her heart! If, if she can speak, maybe she can persuade him! But she couldn't shout a word!

She can't stop the tears, can only constantly shake his head towards him, just ask him to let go of himself, let go of the child in her belly!

He looked at her coldly, ignoring the heartbreaking pain and forcing himself to show his cold and merciless face, "I won't want this child! You have to go if you don't! I can't help you at this time! "

With that, he saw that her face was whiter than death, and the heartbreaking pain oppressed his heart more severely, but he refused to pay attention to it!

Instead of looking at her mourning face, he pulled it out.

He doesn't want children!

He really doesn't want their children!

Tang Tiantian only felt that the heart was bleeding, and the pain was numb already! How could she fall in love with this demon!? How could she fall in love with him?

He dragged her out, she tried to catch some cupboard doors, tables, chairs! But it can't stop him!

Tears, already can not flow out!

Who will save her? Who's going to save her baby?

Suddenly, the dark space was replaced by dazzling lights!

The child took a rest in the next room for a while. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from the next room. He was so scared that he forgot his shoes and ran over.

She thought the young lady woke up, but she turned on the light and found the frightening scene!

The young master of their family pulled the miserable young lady rudely, and didn't know what to do!

All of a sudden, she hung up her heart and rushed to the past, "young master, little lady - what are you, you going to do?"

The young master's face is very ugly, but the young lady's appearance is very miserable! An ominous premonition spread in her heart!

"It's none of your business! Go away Huo Tianqing's face showed ferocious color, mercilessly glared at the child, and his hands did not hesitate to pull the struggling man.

No! Children, children, help me, help me

At this time, she can only place her hope on the child's body, and her wrists are caught. Tang Tiantian can only use ten fingers, trembling to think of the children's performance.

Even if the child can't understand the sign language of the young lady, he knows that the matter is not simple when he sees this situation. What's more, his eyes full of despair make her heart tremble!

Regardless of the following crimes, she jumped over and tried to pull the young master's hand and persuade him: "young master! If you have something to say, you will hurt the young lady like this! "

She was afraid and anxious, and she couldn't help tears!

What's wrong with young master? How could you do such a rude thing to the young lady?

"You go away!" Huo Tianqing looked cold and fierce. He waved the child away and said coldly, "she is not your little lady! She's just a fake from the beginning to the end! You'd better recognize this fact from now on! "

The child was swung to sit on the ground, but because of the young master's words and incomparable shock!

What fake!? What does young master mean?

Yeah! In his heart, she is just a fake, just a substitute for sister! Because of this, so he can insult her at will, hurt her at will!

She doesn't care!

She just asked him not to hurt her child!

She begged him!

Her legs fell to the ground and looked at him with pleading eyes, shaking her head constantly

"don't, don't hurt my child! Please, please let him go

The child looked at this scene, shocked to speechless! This time she understood! But she couldn't believe it!

Young master, young master, he even wants to kill his own children!?

Huo Tianqing looked at her miserable face, and the pain in her heart did not know how to describe it. Almost he's about to change his mind! But in my mind, I saw the pale face lying on the hospital bed! no There is no room for this child in this world! He can't stay!

"Young master! How can you be so cruel? How can you not have your own children? You can do this to the young lady! " After knowing what is going on, the little boy has nothing to do but know that she wants to protect the young lady!

She doesn't care! No matter whether she is a fake or not, it's all right if she is unlicensed! She identified the young lady! You can't watch the young master hurt his wife!

No matter how determined her mind is, she is only a little girl under 20 years old. She can't stop Huo Tianqing, who has made up her mind.

"Get out of here Huo Tianqing big palm a wave, then pushed her to the corner again.

This time, he didn't give anyone a chance, and he didn't give himself the chance to hesitate. He dragged Tang Tiantian out with both hands.

The child was pushed hard against the wall, the head is also buzzing, but she did not have time to wait for the pain to pass, then staggered to follow out.When I went outside, I only had time to see the shadow of the young master's car!

Oh, no! It's too late!

What to do? What to do?

don't panic! She can't panic now! She needs to find a way to help her!

Yes! Get help!

She looked back at Huo's house, which had been lighted one after another, and a pair of willow eyebrows wrinkled tightly. The second young master has no ability to help, but the master and his wife have no affection for the young lady, so they may not help!

By the way! Assistant Kang!

Assistant Kang is the best helper around the young master. You can think of a way!

Thinking of this, she did not care about her bare feet, and immediately called a taxi to assistant Kang's home.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of knocking on the door was like a soul stirring sound. Destroying the silent night, Kang Xiao frowned and opened the door.

It's an ungrateful guy who knocks on other people's doors in the middle of the night. Don't you know that disturbing people's dreams is a heinous crime? The most abominable thing is that when the doorbell is not used, it is used to beat it rudely. His poor door is about to be smashed!

Opening the door, I found that the visitor was not a bad friend, but a little familiar young girl. This is a little bit because the girl's face is full of tears, and he can't recognize who it is at the moment!

"Kang, assistant Kang - help The child cried out in tears, his hands tightly grasping his sleeve.

Kang Xiao finally recognized that this is the little girl around the president's wife, as if called a child!

"Miss Tong, don't cry. What happened? Speak slowly When he saw the big eyes full of tears, he was shocked and helpless.

"No, not slowly, quickly! Young master, young master wants to kill his own children! If you go to save people, you will be less madam... "

In the middle of the night received a call from assistant Kang, Bai Chen was stunned for a moment.

He was surprised by his anxious voice. He went to pick up the car and listened to his explanation on the phone.

Listening to the whole story, he went from surprise to anger!

It's true. It's true!

That damned bastard, dare to do such a thing! He must give him a good beating in the future!

And what we have to do now is to stop them! I couldn't help stepping deeper on the accelerator.

I hope there is still time to

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