He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning it. Open the door and walk in.

The ward was filled with the smell of liquid medicine and the sound of instrument operation for more than two months. The only difference is the person who has been lying in the hospital bed. Now I wake up!

Yes! Even if she didn't open her eyes, the trembling eyelashes under her eyelids showed that she was really awake!

She is no longer a lifeless vegetable. It's a real wake up!

For more than two months. He asked people to take good care of her and hoped that she would wake up soon! But this moment really came, he had a rush to escape. Move!


The man lying here is his favorite! He could no longer be bewildered by the painful and desperate face in his mind!

She wakes up! All this should be over!

In the future, he will only treat her well! And the woman. He'll forget it! No matter how long, he will forget it!

It seems to be aware of someone, the sickbed. The weak man slowly opened his eyes.

Gently looked at the eyes of this handsome extraordinary. A tall man with outstanding temperament. She subconsciously gathered a pair of eyebrows. Wake up for a while, listen to the nurse said she had a car accident, coma for more than two months. And the man in front of her should be the man who saved her in the mouth of the nurse!

He - who is it? She didn't remember knowing such a person!

Such a luxurious ward. Not to mention the instruments here. It costs tens of thousands of dollars a day. What's more, she's been lying down for more than two months!

If the man in front of him is not a fool, he has his own way! And he doesn't look like a softhearted person at all. So it's the latter!

The long-term role of a protector, let her head quickly come to this conclusion. Even with a heavy head. But still can not stop her more than ten years of formation of caution! The evaluation of the man in front of him is almost subconscious!

But it also made her dizzy head more uncomfortable, a pair of slightly heroic eyebrows tightly wrinkled up.

"What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable? " Huo Tianqing frowned at her pain. Ignore the struggle in the mind, a face gentle and worried asked.

Tang Qi'er was stunned by his anxious voice and his worried eyes.

This - why is his look so strange? As if, as if she is very important to him!

Shaking God, slightly cool forehead covered with a warm big palm. She always does not like to be too close to others, even more do not like to be touched by men, even if the present man is to save her benefactor! She turned her head gently, avoiding the touch of the man.

Huo Tianqing's deep eyes flashed across a daze, slowly withdraw the abandoned palm, face and did not see any anger.

It was he who was so reckless! She just woke up and he should give her a little time to get used to it. And other things, wait for her body. A little better body to talk about it!

"You should be tired too. Take a rest first." He said softly, gazing at her eyes full of tenderness.

How similar is this face, this face and that little face which is always full of tears!

He sighed helplessly and was about to turn around and go out.

"Wait a minute." Tang Qier stopped him in time.

He turned in surprise and looked at her. This was the first word she said to him when she woke up. Although her voice was more hoarse than the duck's quack, it made his heart flutter!

Eyes even more added a bit of gentle congealing her, "what's the matter?"

Tang Qi'er can't control why his eyes are so strange, only know that there is a more important thing than her rest now!

"Do you know a man named Mai Zijun?" The pain of body and body made her speak with some difficulty. After finishing this sentence, she was panting with pain, but she was very conscious, or she was forcing herself to wake up! She wants to know and know where the damned man is!

She still remember that before the accident, the man with her was Mai Zijun! And only his sister knows about it!

You know what he did to her sister!

Her sister, her sweetness! She wanted to hurry back to stop her silly sister, but she didn't expect a car accident on the way! This lethargy is more than two months, she does not know what will happen!

Huo Tianqing listened to her wake up to find another man, a burst of anger from the heart and lung straight up, but also just anger, there is no other superfluous emotion! In the heart for this and slightly surprised, but he did not think much, cold voice asked: "why do you want to look for him?"

Different from the gentle and affectionate just now, he is only cold all over the body!

Tang Qi'er was stunned for his change faster than his face. Then he cautiously said, "thank you for saving me! I will find a way to return the medical expenses to you later! But if you know the whereabouts of Mai Zijun, would you please tell me? I must find him Because, because he must know and know my sister's whereabouts... "She said intermittently, because of the body. Body pain, also because of thinking of their own simple silly sister, and heartache!

Huo Tianqing's brow just a little relaxed, but hear her mention "sister" two words, facial expression but immediately condense.

"No! He won't know. In fact, he disappeared two months ago! " That man doesn't even have the qualification to compete with him! After knowing his identity, he disappeared!

No trace!?

Oh, my God! Then her sweetness

He frowned again when he saw that her face turned pale and looked more frail.

Why does she look -

"are you worried about your sister?" He gently asked the questions in his heart. She didn't look like she was worried about the man named maizijun, but because of her sister!

Without noticing his strange look, she nodded softly. "My sister had a car accident when she was five years old, and she lost her voice because of her excessive fright. Since then, I have determined to protect her! Who knows, who knows that silly girl... "

Said here, she stopped the voice, looked up at him, with a tentative asked: "excuse me, do you know the Huo family?"

Sister can't speak, that Huo Tianqing is not a fool, should have found her sister is pretending to be her! And this man seems to know that he is an upper class person, so he should have heard about the Huo family?

Huo Tianqing felt uneasy because of her words!

He knew Jill was kind! No matter how much the woman hurt her, she will still worry about her!

It's just -

"she's not worth your worry at all!" His voice is full of criticism and anger! If she had not been pretending to be Qi'er and married into Huo's family, things would not have come to this point today! He will not revenge her and then pay his heart!

"What do you say?" Tang Qi'er was stunned by his words. Why does he say that!?

"How can you say that about my sister? It's none of your business whether she's worth it or not She doesn't allow others to criticize her sweetness! However, the man's words let her know that he must know sweet!

Who the hell is he!?

I can't help but recall that I have ever seen this man?

"You really don't remember me?" He asked, with some irritation in his voice. He thought and always thought that she would remember himself on the heart edition like him, but she didn't remember him at all!

Should she remember him?

Tang Qi'er showed a perplexed look.

Her expression says it all! The heat in my heart seems to be quenched instantly!

He should have noticed! The estrangement just now is not unaccustomed, but she simply forgot who he is! He has been haunting her for three years, but she doesn't remember him at all! How ridiculous!?

"Do you remember that?" He said, taking a white handkerchief out of his pocket. Since that day, he has kept his handkerchief on his body. On the one hand, they are afraid of losing it again, on the other hand, they should remind themselves that they should not let their heart continue to sink. Fall into the beautiful eyes of water!

Tang Qi'er looked at the handkerchief in his hand, and his eyes were strange.

She took the handkerchief and opened it eagerly. She was surprised to find that her name was printed on it!

How could this handkerchief be in his hand?

That year, she went to school and worked in a foreign trade company! She bought a white handkerchief for her birthday and asked for her name on her birthday! And that year, she also received a piece of safety rope woven by Tian Tian herself!

It's just that this handkerchief was lost three years ago!

She will never forget that day! She secretly brought Tiantian out of the Tang family to play, but just received a call from the company to go back to deal with a document. Her sister also kindly asked her to deal with business affairs, and she went to the church where they often go! The dean of the church knew them very well, and she was very relieved, but she never thought that when she went back after dealing with business affairs, what she saw was her sister with blood all over her body!

That scene almost scared her out of her wits. Fortunately, after examination, she found that her sister was not hurt, and the blood on her body was obviously someone else's! But no matter how she asked, her sister didn't say a word. She should be scared! And the handkerchief was also lost at that time. For fear of her sister being frightened again, she never mentioned it again!

"How did you get this handkerchief? Who the hell are you? " Her voice trembled slightly, but because of worry and vigilance! Is this man related to the incident three years ago!?

Even though she didn't know what happened that day, she was sure it was not a good thing! How could her sister be covered with blood?

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