Five years later,

in the afternoon, the sky was gray, and the sky was getting dark. It seemed that it was going to snow.

The streets were crowded with vehicles. In the driveway, tortoise speed forward.

"President, there seems to be a traffic accident ahead." In the luxury RV, the gentle man sitting in the driver's seat reported to the man in the back seat with a calm voice. I'm afraid it's a traffic jam!

Looking out of the window, the man slowly turned his head. There was no change at the end of the car. Only a cold mouth. "Drive the car back to the hotel."

The usual short answer, followed by a bang, heard the sound of closing the door.

Kang Xiao did not look surprised. On the contrary, it looks like you already know it.

Because it looks like it's going to snow outside.

But he couldn't help sighing.

The president of his family has become colder, but it is not the kind of coldness and arrogance in the past, but the indifference that cannot be loved. It seems that nothing can arouse his emotion!

As if he lived just to think of her!

Hope in this romantic country. Can you make something romantic!

On the street, some lovers hold hands and warm each other, and express their love with their lovers in this way. On Christmas day, there is no exotic scene!

The breeze was blowing with a biting cold. But it's not cold for these couples. Because there are people around you who can keep warm!

A touch of black tall figure in the street is not crowded walking slowly. His excellent face and outstanding temperament made him the focus of the street even among the tall, burly, blue eyed, brown haired people.

The tall figure walked along the crowded street. But it seems very lonely, give a person a single shadow of the vicissitudes of life feeling!

Foreigners have always been open. Especially for France, which has been famous for its romance, there are many beautiful and gorgeous women who want to have a romantic foreign love with a man who can be seen!

A man of such extraordinary temperament naturally attracts many beautiful girls who want to come to foreign countries or some girls who dream of meeting prince charming in other countries! But even if the beauty of the heart. Many women. But the man in the black coat has a cold and indifferent temperament, which makes people even if they admire him inexplicably, but they dare not get close, let alone chat up!

So along the way, we can see many young girls who are deeply in love with each other, just dare not come forward and talk about a word!

Huo Tianqing did not pay attention to other people, and his steps did not stop for a while. All of a sudden, he stepped at his feet and looked up at the sky!

The pedestrians who had been paying attention to him could not help looking up at the sky.

I saw the gray sky slowly dropped some white velvet things, with a cold touch!

It's snow!

White snowflakes fall slowly around people, some stick to their shoulders, some fall on the ground, and soon turn into water.

In this full of festive winter day, ushered in the first winter snow!

People are surprised at the sudden first snow, but they don't know that the conspicuous figure has already disappeared!

Pure black thick coat wrapped his slender and vigorous body. His beautiful stars and cold and resolute face were colder than the snow in the sky. Amber golden eyes in a piece of indifference, indifference makes people still feel a trace of sadness.

It was on such a snowy day that she left him!

In a flash, it's been five years!

Five years is not long, but it is not short.

In the past five years, the scale of Hoechst group has been growing, from being a big group in Asia to being a multinational enterprise! Its claws have been extended to European and American countries since three years ago. So far, it has formed a force that cannot be ignored in Europe and the United States. It is also praised as the most potential enterprise by the people of European and American countries!

And he, the president, is known as the most talented and powerful single man in the cash market!

Golden bachelor?

Yes! No one knows that he is a man with a wife, but his wife is not with him!

Five years, but he can't get used to the days when she is no longer around!

Her beautiful and picturesque smile seems to be yesterday's.

Once he thought he would not live without her. But he has lived for another five years, with missing her, living in her way!

The sky is still dark, but the wind has gradually slowed down. Snow more wantonly falling, a piece of, dotted with this lonely world.

Several naughty snowflakes were on his black hair and coat. They were pure black and white. The two colors reflected each other, reflecting the dull winter.

Snow, the world will become your favorite white, you see?


There is a feeling of love in my heartSo strong

and it seems that only yesterday

I found that I love you more than I imagined

I just miss you for a moment

whenever the night is quiet

I honestly analyze myself

it is undeniable that

I love you more than I imagined

(from "I love you more than I imagined")

the song came from a Chinese restaurant on the road.

He didn't know what song it was, but he remembered the two words.

I found that I love you more than I imagined, but I missed you by accident

Tall but lonely figure gradually away, leaving behind only a lonely, swaying in the wind, flying in the snow.

In a corner of the street, there is a boutique on the corner.

There was a jingling sound coming from the door, and the shop owner's wife subconsciously responded, "welcome --"

before the word "come" could be exported, she was surprised to open her eyes and look at the customers entering the door. To be exact, she was a little girl less than one meter high!

"Little sister, why do you come here alone? Where are your parents? " The landlady approached and asked in a soft voice.

"I'm here to buy a gift for Mommy. She doesn't know!" The little girl has a pair of moist eyes, with that pink face, it is so lovely that people have no resistance!

The shop owner's wife is one of them.

She was immediately moved by the little girl's filial piety, completely forgetting that she might be a child of some family.

But the little girl saw the boss Auntie for a long time and said, "Auntie, I have money!"

She said, holding up the pink piggy on her hand. "Here is the money I have saved for a long time, which is to buy a gift for Mommy! Auntie, please let me buy gifts here

The childish voice is full of entreaty, which makes the landlady love her more.

The landlady patted the little girl's head and said with a smile, "little sister, you are really a filial child! What kind of gift would you like to help Mommy choose? If you choose anything here, your aunt will give you a 20% discount

With that, she kindly pulled the little girl to the shelf full of exquisite goods.

Looking at so many beautiful boutiques, the little girl was a little dazzled. She couldn't help but look up and say to the boss and aunt, "Auntie, can I have a look first and then decide?"

Crisp Sheng's voice is also one of the must kill tools. Immediately, the boss's wife nodded and laughed more gently: "of course you can!"

Just at this time, the phone in the shop rang, and the landlady went back to the cashier to answer the phone.

The little girl looked up a lovely face and tried to compare the delicate goods in front of her. She only wanted to find a gift suitable for her mother.

All of a sudden, she saw a violin the size of her hand on the bottom floor, on the edge! The small person that pair of nimble big eyes, suddenly for one bright!

That's it! Mummy will love it!

The little man's heart is glad to finally find a gift for Mommy! But because she was too short, and the place where the exquisite violin was placed was too high. She tried to stand on tiptoe, just a little bit, just a little bit, she can get it!

At this time, a palm n times larger than the small hand easily took the violin down!

Small hand can only be stiff in the air, watching his violin fall into the hands of an uncle wearing a black coat!

The uncle didn't even look at her. He picked up the violin and turned to pay the bill.

The villain couldn't help flattening his mouth, "my violin..."

Soft voice full of grievances, let people listen to good life heartache.

Huo Tianqing heard that poor voice, can't help but stop body shape, doubt lowered his head, but unexpectedly on a pair of watery black eyes.

A little girl who just reached his big leg. No wonder he couldn't see her just now! The little girl has a delicate and lovely face, but at the moment that lovely little face is looking at him wrongly, that flat mouth is more people can not help but produce pity!

I was shocked by the sudden feeling in my heart!


How long hasn't he been in that mood?

But now I feel pity for a strange little girl I met for the first time!

Although incredible, but his heart does not reject this emotion! Amber eyes tightly staring at the lovely face, the face is still always indifferent, but the voice does not know to put gently asked: "you say this is your violin?"

The little girl saw that the uncle was very tall and dark, and she was a little scared at the bottom of her heart! But she had a hard time finding this gift for Mommy! Can't give up on this! So she finally overcame her fear and nodded very seriously.Seeing this, Huo Tianqing took a look at the place where the violin was placed just now. That is to say, the violin has not been sold yet!

"Children, do you know it's wrong to lie?" Huo Tianqing gently frowned, I do not know why the little girl's lying behavior is very unhappy!

The little girl was quite timid. At the moment, seeing the tall uncle angry, she couldn't help but cry!

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