How can there be such a disgusting person in the world!

An xuege cursed that annoying ghost in the bottom of my heart for the 100th time!

Don't be angry! Today is her birthday! How could she take her birthday time to be angry with someone?

When she adjusted her mood, she turned the key and opened the door.

There was no accident that the room was pitch black. But the next second the lights in the room were all on, and then a soft little body bumped into her arms.

"Happy birthday, Mommy!"

“surprise! Happy birthday

Congratulations rang out. The sky was full of mist, ribbons and paper flowers. An xuege can only be helpless and moved to accept the baptism of people's enthusiasm. A small man in the arms, in the baby daughter pink face kiss. Then he said, "little guy. Didn't you say you don't have to celebrate mommy's birthday? "

The people in this room must also be the "masterpiece" of the little guy!

There is no need for the little guy to answer. It's time for someone to fight. "How can you do that! Snow song, you move out to live even if! How can we even deprive you of the joy of celebrating your birthday? "

The speakers are sister-in-law an xuege and her good friend Du nianqiu.

Smell speech, an xuege can't help but face helpless. "I just don't want to bother you."

"No trouble at all!" This time it was mia, another of her good friends and colleagues. An American woman of Anglo French origin.

"Mommy, Xiaotian didn't do anything!" The villain, with his innocent eyes wide open, resisted his mother's accusation. She is really innocent! Because she's only responsible for opening the door! These arrangements are all uncles and aunts. Aunt MIA. And brother, they made it!

Knowing that this group of people will not accept her "good intentions", do not want to be disliked. She had to give in.

Thank you Although I have been trying to get rid of the idea of celebrating their own birthday, but for their heart. But the bottom of my heart has to be moved!

I was still a little angry about the bad thing tonight, but I forgot it now!

"All right! Don't stand at the door, come and eat

Inside came the call of the eldest one, an Zhongxun. They moved their feet to the dining room.

"Big brother." She gave a little cry with a smile.

"Back?" An Zhongxun's gentle way. He was a deep and steady man, deep in emotion and not visible.

Although he does not seem to be very hot, in fact, an xuege knows that he is very painful to her!

"Well, I'm back." The smile on the face is more brilliant, this sentence is really warm!

An Zhongxun chuckled and patted her on the head, with doting in his eyes. Although she has been a mother for a long time, she is still his favorite sister in his heart!

"Mom and dad are still in Austria and can't come back to celebrate for you."

An xuege nodded and asked, "is grandfather still angry?"

A year ago, she suddenly announced that she would move out with her daughter. At that time, she was opposed by everyone, especially her grandfather. But later, with the support of her elder brother, she moved out and settled down. Over the past year, my parents have gradually accepted that she lives not far from an's house, and she will go back to accompany them when she is free. But only grandfather can not let go, Leng is angry for a whole year also did not see attitude soften.

Smell speech, an Zhongxun can't help but smile some helpless, "it doesn't matter, when you have time, let Xiaotian go back to accompany him more, it's good."

"But my grandparents have sent gifts to my aunt! Happy birthday, aunt Xiaotang did not know when to jump out, a smile on his face, handsome little face to do the parents of good heredity.

An xuege put down her daughter, leaned over his nephew's face, and said with a smile, "thank you Xiaotang. Wow, Xiaotang is growing tall again

When she was only 13 years old, she was almost as tall as her chest. In contrast, her daughter was four years old, but one meter was not enough!

"Because I have to take care of my sister! So we need to grow tall quickly! "

Xiaotang's children's words made an xuege smile, "OK, my little sweet will trouble you."

"No trouble. Xiaotian is very good." Praised by adults, Xiaotang couldn't help blushing.

"Wow, our handsome boy is blushing! What a surprise Mia, who always likes to tease the handsome boy, suddenly interrupts, making the little guy's face even more red.

At this time, Xiaotian stood up and stood in front of Xiaotang, with a ruddy mouth. "Auntie MIA can't bully my brother!"

Hearing the speech, everyone could not help laughing.

A room full of laughter and laughter.

Although she attended a cocktail party, she was not honored to eat as a performer, so she would eat something in advance to fill her stomach every time she went to the reception. But it's almost finished.

The food is packed from an apartment. I've been busy recently and haven't gone back to eat the dishes cooked by Mrs. Chen! The fragrance of a table is very exciting.

But just as it started to move, the doorbell rang. According to the law, it shows that the comer should be a very polite person!Thinking of this, my mind even came up with the black mask face of the rude man I met tonight! Oh! How could she think of that nasty guy?

"Who is it?" She had some doubts. Her friends are not many, except for the relatives and friends who are present, most of them are just nodding friends, and they are not good enough to be guests at home.

"Oh! By the way, I forgot to tell you that I invited Professor Fang to help you celebrate your birthday Du nianqiu giggled, but what he got was a stare from his friend and sister-in-law.

"Well! Why are you doing this? Professor Fang is also a talented young man! Moreover, he is upright and knowledgeable. He became a professor at a young age, and he treats people more politely. " Du nianqiu can't help but complain about her excellent university senior. Such a good man can't be found with a lantern now, OK! She even dislikes her sister-in-law. It's so outrageous!

"Maybe he's still a virgin." Du nianqiu whispered and winked at her.

"There are children here. Don't talk nonsense, OK?" An xuege is not angry, nor is she laughing. I don't know how she, a good friend of ancient spirit, would marry her calm and silent elder brother!

"Our birthday girl, open the door quickly!" Du nianqiu finished and winked at her dear husband and expressed her feelings.

An xuege also knows that the elder brother is also intended to match her and Professor Fang's meaning, and sister-in-law should also be approved by the elder brother!

When all the guests came, she could not keep people out of the door, so she had to go and open the door.

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