"Sister in law, how can you..." An xuege did not agree with the words have not finished, then Du nianqiu to reject.

"Why not? We are all friends. What's wrong with helping each other? Don't you treat people as friends? " Du nianqiu's words are just right, so that an xuege can't say anything to refute.

"We are friends, of course." Facing Fang Huairen's silly smile, an xuege can't say no.

Listen to your speech. Fang Huairen was surprised and pleased. He never thought that the harvest would be so great tonight! He has known an xuege for more than a year. But still stay in the nodding acquaintance. If it wasn't for Xuemei's help, he might never have said a word with his long-time lover!

And now snow song admits they are friends! Finally willing to accept his friend! His heart is like a thousand waves, let him seem to cheer ah!

It's just because snow song shows that beautiful and moving smile again. Let him can only be in situ staring at the hair. Leng.

Seeing everyone off, seeing it was very late, he put the bath water and took a bath with her daughter.

Mother and daughter are sitting in the bathtub with the right temperature. Ann snow has a little bath after her hands are foaming. Then apply it to her fair skin.

"Mummy, so many bubbles! How beautiful The villain sits in the bathtub, but restlessly wants to catch the bubble flying into the air.

This little man plays every night. As a mother, she is not easy to stop. She had to fix her body with one hand. "Be careful," he said

"Well, don't play. Be careful of catching cold. And it's very late. Xiaotian wants to go to bed Let her daughter play for a while. She rinsed the foam of two people with warm water, then dried her daughter's towel with a towel and dried up the towel. He put on his bathrobe and carried him back to the room where the heating was turned on in advance.

To her daughter to sleep. Clothes, but found the villain staring at her big black eyes.

"What's the matter? Is there anything you want to talk to Mommy How could she not see her daughter's simple mind?

Her big black eyes rolled around, which was her hesitation.

"Nothing to say? Then go to sleep An xuege looks indifferent.

"No! Xiaotian has something to say! " The little man raised his hand in a hurry, his face anxious.

See this, an xuege secretly smile. Although it's immoral to cheat your daughter like this, it's good to let her ask her questions from the bottom of her heart.

"Mommy, do you like Uncle Fang?" The villain asked his doubts very, very implicitly.

An xuege was stunned because of her daughter's problem. She didn't expect that it was this problem that troubled her daughter.

"Does Xiaotian like Uncle Fang?" An xuege does not answer questions.

Xiaotian nodded, "yes, he gave me dolls!"

It means that she likes him because he gives her dolls!

The villain looks sincere, but does not know if this sentence is heard by her uncle Fang, how sad it will be!

"If Uncle Fang moved in with us, would Xiaotian like it?" Although he knew that it was impossible for him and Fang Huairen, it would be good to take this opportunity to ask her daughter's opinion.

"Why did Uncle Fang move in with us?" The villain now showed a puzzled expression.

"Doesn't Xiaotian want to have a father?" She continued to explore carefully.

"Yes Xiaotian nodded suddenly, then wrinkled her face again, "but Uncle Fang is not Daddy."

In her innocent world, uncle Fang is uncle Fang, not a man named daddy!

"Can't uncle Fang be Xiaotian's father?"

"Uncle Fang is uncle Fang, not Daddy." The villain is very insistent.

Hearing this, an xuege couldn't help laughing and said, "good, good. Daddy's never good, all right

"Well! Uncle Fang is not Daddy. " The villain heard the affirmative answer and was satisfied at last. Yawn and start to feel sleepy.

An xuege hugs her daughter. The bed is covered with quilts, and she is half lying beside her. She is about to start telling the story of today's bedside. However, she hears the strong questioning of the little man's sleeping sound.

"Mommy hasn't answered Xiaotian's question yet." Another yawn.

An xuege smiles gently, knowing her daughter's persistence, she puts down her voice and says, "mommy likes uncle Fang, of course. Because Uncle Fang is a friend of Mommy's

"Oh." The daughter answered softly, thinking that she was already asleep. Unexpectedly, she said vaguely, "Mommy Will, miss Daddy... "

The heavy eyelids can't hold on.

An xuege gently pull the quilt, kiss on the daughter's red cheek, then get out of bed and walk out of the door.

I poured a glass of water for myself in the kitchen, but I didn't rush back to my room. Instead, I held myself on the sofa and fell into meditation.

Will she miss him?It should be!

Since the shipwreck five years ago, she has been seriously ill. After waking up, she didn't remember the past very clearly. Even the news that her husband had died in the shipwreck was told by her family! Her only memory is very vague, can only roughly piece together the incident of the shipwreck, but it is a bit like watching a movie, there is no sense of reality.

Especially after these years, she seems to be about to forget everything before, even her husband's face can not remember clearly. But it's strange that she remembers what happened in the past five years! Especially after Xiaotian was born, she even remembered when she drank milk for the first time and ate for the first time.

The doctor said that this may be due to the relationship between the autonomous subconscious. The shipwreck was a terrible thing for her, so she chose to forget. And Xiaotian is her most important person, so she also chooses to remember everything about Xiaotian!

Although the doctor's statement is some special, not so easy to believe, but the fact is that, she can not believe it!

But even her husband has been forgotten, it must be that the shipwreck is really terrible, so her subconscious will have this so-called choice!

Now she can still think of her husband's body, but in another two years, she will not even be able to remember it.

No matter, in this life, she just needs to have her little sweetheart!

It's not that she's heartless, it's just - she really can't remember!

In the huge hotel suite, Huo Tianqing sits quietly in a single chair like a statue, with calm eyes only watching the snowflakes falling out of the window, falling one after another, and then stopping.

It's morning!

A new day is about to start, but his missing is still in yesterday!

If time can slow down, waiting for those who can not keep up with the pace, that would be good. It's a pity that time never stops for anyone, even pauses for a second!

Outside the door came a regular knock. It was his assistant Kang Xiao.

"Come in." Short two words, but the voice with * sleepless husky.

With permission, Kang Xiao outside the door opened the door and came in. Seeing that the president of his family maintained the posture before he went out last night, he couldn't help frowning.

He didn't sleep last night!

Although he didn't agree with his abusive treatment of his body, he didn't say much. Instead, he took out his schedule and began to explain to his boss today's itinerary. However, Huo Tianqing had been sitting in that position and didn't turn around.

“…… After signing the contract, we will fly back home at 2 p.m When he said this, he ended his schedule for today. However, after thinking about it, he said, "the old man called in the morning and said that he had decided to hold the engagement ceremony between the president and Miss Cheng at the beginning of next month."

For Huo Tianqing's reaction, Kang Xiao has no chance to study, can only quietly stand aside, waiting for the boss's instructions.

It was only for a long time that his boss said, "go and prepare the contract and leave at ten o'clock."

His voice was so flat that he couldn't hear any emotion. Did he really have no feelings, or was he suppressing his own feelings?

He thought it should be the former!

"Yes Gently answer the sound, turned out.

There was only silence in the room. It was loneliness!

"Mummy, what kind of place is China?"

"China! It's a place with lots of uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters with black eyes and black hair like Xiaotian

"Then why are we going to China?"

"Because China is our hometown, we will come back to visit our hometown when we are free."

"However, there is no great grandfather, no grandparents, no uncles and aunts, not to mention no brother and aunt MIA..."

Finally I know the reason why the villain is not happy.

An xuege gently laughed and patted her daughter's soft head, "although there are no familiar relatives and friends here, Xiaotian can still make new friends here! And wait a minute. My aunt's friend will come to pick us up. Oh, my aunt. My friend is also Xiaotian's friend, right? "

"Yes Little sweet nods, but still can't raise a smile.

"Don't be unhappy! Besides, my uncle, aunt and brother will come to China to see us later. Then you can play with your brother again She dragged the suitcase with one hand and her daughter's little hand in the other. She did not forget to comfort her daughter.

"Will my brother really come to us?" When it comes to loving her brother, the little man's eyes suddenly brighten up.

No wonder she has little time with her. Most of them give her to her sister-in-law to play with Xiaotang. In particular, Xiaotang is too painful for her, so she has a special dependence on Xiaotang.

"Of course." She gave her daughter a positive answer very readily.Only when he saw this little man, did he smile.

When I came to China, I didn't know where I was. Fortunately, her sister-in-law, her good friend Du nianqiu, got rid of her high school friend to pick up their plane.

Although she didn't want to trouble others, it would be better to have someone familiar with her in this strange country than a person in a country with many people! What's more, she still takes Xiaotian! So I have to accept the kindness of my sister-in-law!

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