462: Reattach and see (4)

“This is the only place you can go in and out.”

Major Volkov opened the door and said. Inside the two doors he opened, greased rifles and battle rations were piled up.

“rest of it?”

“It is closed. Most of these types of bases have explosive devices installed on each door to prevent intrusion, so you can’t open them.”

Cheol-woo, who was looking around the small warehouse with the guidance of Major Volkov, nodded without a word. Then I walked towards the big door at the end of the hallway.

“It is difficult to open that door, and even if you do, the time is running out to open the rest of the doors. As you said, when other SSO teams come along, there’s even less time.”

Major Volkov said as he looked at Chul-woo holding the handle of the thick iron door, which was intimidating just to look at it. As if now was not the time to do such useless things, there was a feeling of frustration mixed in his voice.

Ddu-doo-doo! Rumble!

However, contrary to his expectations, when Cheol-woo pressed the key button next to the handle, the lock was released without force. Then, with a heavy sound, the tightly closed iron door opened a gap.

“Oh, how could this be…”

Major Volkov, who had sneered at Cheol-woo’s actions, opened his mouth and made a surprised expression. Looking back at him, Cheol-woo said with a playful wink.

“Because I have a knack for opening doors. Huh!”

“…this is a closed missile base. It is impossible to open a door with leftovers…”

“Then what is this?”

Shake shake! squeaky quiver!

Cheol-woo grabbed the handle and shook the door like a wing. The iron gate, which had not been used for a while, let out a faint scream and fluttered helplessly.

“Mr. Jang. I brought the items you mentioned… uh! How did you open that door?”

Capt. Kang and a soldier entered behind Major Volkov, who was silent. They were carrying a large hardcase bag that Cheolwoo had asked them to bring.

“Knock, and it will be opened.”

Cheol-woo made a playful expression and knocked on the iron door lightly. Then, along the cavernous passage, the sound of the door unlocking could be heard everywhere.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! ···!

The sound from the depths of the building continued for a while. And after a while, the hinged doors all opened with a ‘drizzle!’ sound.

“Ears, ghosts…?”

“I just entered the access code in advance. So don’t rely on superstitions. Huh!”

The crew who followed Captain Kang rolled his eyes and stepped back. Looking at him making nonsensical noises, Cheol-woo gave an insincere explanation.

“Does Koreans know the access codes for nuclear bases? Do you think that makes sense?”

“I met Koutin before coming here. Would that make sense? Huh!”

The name Kutin lightly crushed Major Volkov’s suspicions. Again, in Russia, it was a name that displayed the power of a cheating class.

No matter what Major Volkov or the others thought, Cheol-woo took the bag that Captain Kang and his party had brought and opened it. Drones the size of a toy were piled up in a bag lying on the floor with their mouths open.

“Hey, what is this?”

“Even though it looks like this, it is a reconnaissance drone with great performance. They’re that expensive, too. Huh!”

Whoa! Boo Woong!

As if responding to Cheol-woo’s words, the drones in the bag suddenly flew into the air. Small lenses were embedded in the front of the drone, the size of an adult palm.

“I don’t have a remote controller, so how can I…”

“It’s a drone with built-in AI!”

Drones that lined up in the air dispersed and flew in all directions on their own. Passing through the entrance on the second basement level, a tunnel large enough for a large truck to pass through was connected deeper into the ground.

It looked like it was disguised as an ordinary building up to the second basement floor. However, as soon as he passed the iron gate that Cheolwoo had opened, a huge tunnel appeared, and a large and heavy sliding door was installed in each section.

“This way, you can explore the whole place at once. Manager Jang always shows us only the most amazing things.”

“So what, you want me to step on this system and deliver it to the military?”

“…I hope. haha!”

Captain Kang admired the exploration using the drone, but made a sly expression on his face. No matter how good a weapon he found, he had to go through countless stages before he was recognized by a conservative group called the military.

It would have taken at least several years if the suits that Cheol-woo gave them free of charge had been officially distributed through the system. If they had been put into operation now without wearing suits…

‘It must have all been annihilated!’

Just imagining it made my spine shiver. Although he had a sense of duty to protect his country, he had no desire to be treated as missing without a name or nationality in such a remote place.

“Go outside and gather the whole party here. Everyone, even those who stand on the border.”

“Then the intruders…?”

“About 200 people will come with the first hit. Are you confident that you can deal with them at the entrance?”

“…I’ll call you right away!”

As if there was nothing to think about, Captain Kang went out to call the party himself. Then, only Sergeant Pyo and Major Volkov, who had followed Captain Kang, were left with Cheol-woo.

“Hey, there!”

“Sergeant vote, Seo. Hwan! What do you mean?”

“What is your main specialty?”

“It’s the firearms charge.”

Sgt. Pyo took a quick-witted attitude. From the first meeting with him, he had seen Cheol-woo’s abilities directly from the training ground, so he lowered his tail and showed off his belly without hesitation.

“I’m in good shape. Have you ever fired a rocket?”

“I’ve never shot a javelin when I went to Green Beret training.”

“like! Expensive experience. Huh!”

“I gave my mentor a bottle of fine liquor and barely got the chance.”

Sergeant Pyo gave strength to his shoulders and opened his chest as if proudly. If she had shot the FGM-138 Javelin, which costs 150 million for each warhead, she would have been proud of it.

“That one?”

“Call me Major Volkov.”

“If it’s a major, is it really (Information/Operation)?”

“Actually, it’s an explosion.”

“So, I was quite fluent in English. Huh!”

In fact, you have to study a lot of things, starting with the Dokdo Law. And among the things to learn, English communication skills were also included.

“What are you going to do with everyone inside?”

“What are you doing? We have to stay inside and do guerrilla warfare.”

“If the enemy is a real SSO team, it would be too reckless to lead them into guerrilla warfare. Each of us is an expert in guerrilla warfare.”

“Well, you’ll know when you stick with it. who is stronger And don’t use the name SSO anymore. After all, the whole team was abandoned by the military. is not it?”

Major Volkov gave a poopy expression on his face. It was the most difficult reality for him, who had been a soldier all his life.

At that moment, Captain Kang led the party down. Cheol-woo, who stood in front of the huge tunnel, looked at them, and then without a word walked into the depths of the tunnel.

Boo Woong! chuck! Shoo!

A drone flew out of the large central tunnel and flew into a small tunnel that could barely fit two people. Drones scattered in all directions scanned the tunnel and sent information to the warrior, and then stuck to the ceiling of an important road and fixed his body with a sucker attached to the ship.

This idea came from Zahar. When Cheol-Woo wanted a drone suitable for a recon mission, Zahar added a surveillance camera, and Lian Young, a big fan of spy movies, was intrigued and even installed a self-destruct device.

A drone that was smaller in size even after attaching such miscellaneous functions came into Cheol-woo’s hands. Cheol-woo, who confirmed the added functions in addition to the desired functions, called for joy inside.

All of this was directly controlled by the Warrior. Each drone had a small power, but if he wanted to, he could control and explode thousands of drones at the same time.

‘Did you bring some more drones? It would have been easier if we had divided them into groups and dealt with them with drones.’

[They entered the building entrance.]

‘Turn on camera number 1!’


The drone attached to the nearest building entrance was connected to the warrior. And the image taken by the drone was immediately reflected on Cheol-woo’s retina.

‘Five! That guy is Karin. An unexpected person came in person. Huh!’

[The first 30 people are wearing a modified suit.]

‘It seems that Kutin was very determined. How are you going to do that behind the scenes? one!’

Cheol-woo was rather worried about Kutin. To be honest, I had the confidence to wipe out that much even if I fought alone.

As a result, I started thinking about what to eat from Kutin using this as an excuse. Negotiations in the Kremlin were only a sham, and from the moment he learned that he was already on his leash, Kutin didn’t have many options.

‘Wait, I have to explain this to people again. Warrior, can you connect the video to the monitor over there?’

‘Turn on the video when I press any button.’

“Attention everyone!”

Cheol-woo tied the group’s eyes and walked towards the instrument panel. They were in something like the central control room of an underground missile bunker.

There were a large number of CRT monitors on one side of the room. Now, the items that were treated as antiques or were to be received were telling the years of this place that had been neglected for a long time.

widely! supportive!! Pot!!

When Cheol-woo pressed one big button in the center, the monitors in front of him turned on with small sparks. There were some monitors that didn’t work at all.

“Hey, that’s…!”

“Isn’t that Alexander Karin?”

When the monitor turned on, the Russian soldiers reacted first. Soldiers in familiar and unfamiliar attire were looking for them with their guns pointed forward.

“As you can see, Kutin sent that man down to deal with you himself. Isn’t it?”

Anyone in Russia knew that Karin was guarding Kutin’s side. That Karin had come with her gun meant that Kutin had ordered it.

“If there is anyone who will surrender or commit suicide for the sake of their country, give them a hand!”

None of the SSO team members who became traitors raised their hands. There was no one to even look around.

“great! I hate dog death. Huh!”

“How are you going to deal with them?”

“Fortunately, I can control all the doors here. This is how it is.”

Cheol-woo pressed a button with the horse. Then, the people inside the monitor panicked and watched the door they passed through close.

The monitor did not have a speaker function. However, the sound of the heavy door closing could be heard only with the shaking of the camera and the gestures of the people.

“I’m going to split them up into groups like this. And we’ll have to divide the team and defeat each one individually.”

“No matter how much I tear them apart, our numbers are not enough!”

“What are you talking about? I don’t even want that from you. Our team will take care of them against them, so you guys just stay here. Huh!”

Cheol-woo openly ignored the SSO team members here. At best, he had no intention of inflicting casual casualties and lowering morale by sending men with similar skills to his enemies.

“We are veterans of the SSO, Russia’s most elite unit.”

“In other words, they are trash. Just look at the equipment he’s wearing and you’ll find the answer. is not it?”

Major Volkov was furious, but he was at a loss for words when he was stabbed in the core by Cheol-woo. Obviously, they were pushed back from the supply of the latest equipment, and they were being excluded from important operations in recent years.

“Koutin would have wanted to write a new version. But since the country is like this, the budget must have been tight. So, he would have had no choice but to become an elite few, and he would have pushed out the ignorant trash outright. Those who were dissatisfied with it must have worked to feed Kutin something big.”

There was nothing more to say. Each word of Cheol-woo became a bullet called truth and shot Major Volkov’s heart.

Because of the disgruntled generals, they are what they are today. They were branded a traitor against the military that, once separated, could never return.

“If you really want to do it, you risk your life. If it’s a clumsy resolution, it’s quietly crushed.”

So, Cheol-woo’s words hurt even more. This was a very personal choice that could not be wrapped up in good or evil or a cause.

The future of children and family is at stake… Major Volkov’s fist was clenched involuntarily.

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