on the Endless Continent.

A young man in a white suit looked at the prompt in disbelief.

Jiang Ming is the angel lord of the SSS-level bloodline in everyone's mouth.

With a lord level of six, he is definitely at the top.

I thought that this first achievement would be taken off by him, but he didn't expect that someone would take it away first.

"What kind of bloodline lord is this Bai Yufeng?".

"No matter how powerful the bloodline is, it only represents growth, not invincible from the beginning!".

His own bloodline as the king of angels is naturally very clear.

Later, he was convinced that he could rule the world and conquer other ordinary lords.

But for now's words.

He's having a hard time too!

In three days, he only unlocked two classes, one E-rank, and the other worse, quasi-E-rank.

In addition to the low probability of recruiting high-level troops because the class camp is low-level.

He suspected that all his luck was spent on bloodline awakening, which is why the class recruitment was pulled like this.

"Wait...... According to the theory of racial camp division. "

"This Bai Yufeng may not be because the bloodline is strong, on the contrary, it may be because the bloodline is very weak!"

"Low-level bloodline, it's just that if you're lucky, you can draw a high-level class, D-level or around C-level, and you can easily overdo it in the early stage. "

"At the same time, low-level bloodlines are more likely to encounter their own clan forces in the wild, and then annex them, which is why they will develop so fast!"

After Jiang Ming thought of this possibility, he also felt a little more comforted.

The other party's current strength is just luck.


lead for a while is nothing.

And when the king of angels really grows up, he will swallow up the power of the angel clan in this endless world.

When the time comes, he must be the only one who is qualified to obtain the Eternal Throne!

"By the way, try it again!".

A moment later.

Jiang Ming edited a message and sent it to the chat group.

Jiang Ming: @白玉枫, buddy, I have formed a Holy Light Alliance, do you want to join in, and I will let the forces of the Angel Clan protect you in the future!

Jiang Ming: All the lords who have entered our alliance can get this favor, all they need to do is show your bloodline to our internal members.

If you come in, you'll know your hole cards.

If he didn't dare to come in, there was a high probability that it would be as he guessed, and it would definitely not be a powerful bloodline!

What's more, most of the lords with strong bloodlines have formed alliances and started to build their own forces!

And this Bai Yufeng didn't form a force, so he can't look down on everyone because of him, right?

So I definitely don't want to expose my blood.

"Damn, Brother Jiang personally came out to invite someone?"

"I'd like to join in, too, the protection of the Angels!"

"Don't think about it, the Holy Light Alliance only needs a lord of A-level or above bloodline!".

"It's a pity, I'm just a B-rank Ancient Titan bloodline ......."

"Brother upstairs, do you want to join our [brotherhood], don't ask for blood level, come in and be brothers!".

"@白玉枫, if the big guy wants to join the brotherhood, if you come in, the president will give you the responsibility!"

"[Goddess Alliance] officially invites @Bai Yufeng to join, little brother, do you want to come to the alliance established by my Ning Rourou, there are benefits every day~~~".

"Wow! Wasn't Ning Rourou the famous school flower of Blue Star University before she crossed over, and it was also rated as the highest quality school flower in the past ten years!".

"Goddess Rou Rou, can I join, I am willing to give you half of the resources I get every day~!".

"I'm going to enter the Goddess Alliance, by the way, I swear to God, it's definitely not for the welfare of the Goddess of Rou Rou!"

"Tsk~ What did such a woman licked by 10,000 people before, and the goddess alliance, she would really put gold on herself!".

"Hehe, what's upstairs!".

"I think you're just envious and jealous, you don't even have a chance to lick it!".

"Goddess Rou don't care about these stinky slings, we will all support the best Goddess Rourou in the world!".


Except that Angel Lord Jiang Ming would have this idea.

Others naturally have this approach to a greater or lesser extent.

It's just that some people are tempting, and some people really want to invite high-level people to join.

But Bai Yufeng is sure of it.

This Ning Rourou is definitely not a sincere invitation.

Because of the condition for joining the alliance, it turned out to be 10%-50% of the resources handed over to her every day.

And the benefits are ......

It's just her own personal level of affiliate membership.

The more advanced ......

The more welfare photos you can get.

So much so that this goddess alliance has joined the people inside.

There is only one woman, Ning Rourou, and the others are all men, and it seems that the first group of people to join are the licking dogs who were already in the same school as her before the crossing.


"Hehe, men are just easy to deceive. "

"It just so happens that I have awakened the bloodline of the SS-level Succubus Empress, and it is easier to control these stinky men~!".

Ning Rourou looked at the lord's channel.

As soon as she speaks, countless men will tout her.

If someone dares to speak ill of her, there will be a group of men who defend her.

The mood is incomparably good.

Not to mention, in the alliance she formed, a large group of men rushed to send her resources so that she could develop easily.

"This Bai Yufeng, I haven't heard of it before, probably from other cities. "

"And in addition to being strong...... It's so handsome, it's not bad for you to be my exclusive man!".

After a moment, though, he froze.


"This man actually rejected me directly?!".


[One-click rejection].

Bai Yufeng suddenly found that there were so many more people @ him in the lord channel.

And sent invitations to various alliance guilds and the like.

He refused all without saying a word.

Coalition or something.

In addition to dragging its feet.

The number of people who can really share the hardships can be counted with one hand.

It's all about the dangers together, and the benefits are just taken by yourself.

Although he refused this wave.

made many people think that he was because of his low bloodline and didn't want to expose his bloodline.

But Bai Yufeng doesn't care, whatever others think.

It was enough for him to continue to develop anyway.


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