"Where is he going?"

Natia looked puzzled as she walked out of the temple area towards the filthy slums.

She couldn't understand why a noble and elegant aristocratic heir would run to such a place full of beggars.

Compared to the aristocratic districts, which were clean and guarded, the slums were like the other side of the gold coin.

Dirty and poor, and the stench of all kinds of excrement, people here can't even hold on to their own lives, so naturally they don't have more energy to care about whether the door is dirty or not.

Everywhere you look, thieves and beggars are staring closely at passers-by, as if they are all waiting for an opportunity to come forward and make a move.

"It's really ...... Mess...... It's almost time for the trolls' lair!"

As a warlock who has experienced many adventures, Natia is no stranger to this situation, but she doesn't like it either!

Shelley, after walking around a corner, put on a patched and shabby hood, stooped up, and walked slowly towards the dark alley like an ordinary pauper.

Each city has its own gray area, the Thieves' Guild, the Dark Brotherhood, ...... It is even a cult formed by some cult believers.

Their purpose was either for money, or for the desire to be satisfied by killing, or to please the gods they served.

Shelley walked to a dark, deserted alleyway, observed the whispers on the wall, and knocked seven times on a dilapidated door.

A pair of cold eyes appeared in the gap in the door frame, and he observed Shelley's dress, and whispered, "Who?" "

Where there is light, there is shadow, and the world is divided into two poles. A

deliberately hoarse voice came from under Shelley's hood, and he stood silently in place.

The eyes behind the door vanished, and the door was quickly pulled open, and Shelley walked in with his head down.

The guard looked out after he entered, and then slowly closed the door.

"Gray Field, isn't he a paladin?" Natia

tilted her head to look at the dim, damp underground buildings in front of her, and shadowy figures wearing hoods and masks.

She was no stranger to these kinds of places, and Natia had been involved in these fields before she grew up, taking on tasks, getting paid, and ultimately improving herself.

Natia doesn't hate evil, and certainly doesn't like it.

But now she wondered why Shelley had come to such a place.

"It's a charm...... Is it the reason for the demonic bloodline?" Otherwise

, there is no way to explain it, a holy warrior who had just come out of the temple turned his head and ran to the territory of the gray realm with ease.

It's not to purify evil!!

if this is seen by the good god he believes in, it must be a holy light that will split him into ashes!

Shelley didn't guess Natia's inner thoughts, and brought her here because the original itinerary was like this, and it didn't change because of her.

He wanted to show Natia a relatively real self "without knowing" it, and satisfy her curiosity.

"A little flaw is the best, too perfect will make people resist! And ......"

"When a person makes a fool of himself in someone else...... Thinking

of Natia crying bitterly, Shelley's heart was also flooded with some strange emotions.

"I'll also have to give Natia a chance to grab my handle so she can balance

!" "That's the routine!"

Shaking her head slightly, Shelley walked over to the counter in the center of the hall and sat down, flicked her glass with her fingers, and said to the bartender-dressed boss

, "I'm going to post a mission." "

Haha, no problem, just say it or write it down?" The

masked bartender grinned exaggeratedly as he pulled out a blank power of attorney from under the bar.

"Just say, you write. "

The mission target is Congreve Bell, the eldest son of the old Duke Bell. The

laughter stopped, and the bartender looked down at Shelley, and said,

"This is not cheap. Shaking

his head, Shelley said flatly:

"Don't worry, don't want his life and don't want his money." "

The task is that within this day, I want him to be stunned!" and ......"

and then be stripped naked and sent to the banquet hall of the Marquis de Rupert. "

No! this can't be done!" the bartender refused directly after hearing the request, and there was no room for discussion.

This is the heir of a great nobleman! Let him make such a big scandal, he will definitely take revenge on them afterwards.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, I will guarantee that he will not have the leisure to care about you in the future. "

Duke Bell's palace will not take revenge on you.

"And, don't you want to hear the payment?" Perhaps

the desire for money was too strong, or perhaps Shelley's posture was too calm, the bartender stopped his gesture and whispered:

"What guarantee do you take, and what is your offer?"

"He will soon lose his qualifications as heir, and naturally he will not be able to take revenge on you."

Looking at the shock and greed in the bartender's eyes, Shelley laughed for the first time:

"I want to know? I can get paid for this news." "

Nonsense! This is big news!"

The bartender's throat moved, and his mind raced through the pros and cons of the news.

"The eldest son of a great nobleman is disqualified from inheritance, which will cause fluctuations in many ways!"

"We...... You can get a lot of resources through this news!, whether it's money or blending into the upper circles

!""This is an opportunity!"

Putting down the wine glass that kept wiping, the bartender propped his hands

on the bar, stared at Shelley and said in a deep voice: "Deal! We take this task!But......

" The bartender and the thugs around him all looked at Shelley, who was sitting on the stool, and stared at him with greedy and fierce eyes, and the bartender threatened viciously:

" If you dare to deceive us...... Sooner or later, your corpse will appear in the stinking ditch of the slums!" [

The thieves' union threatens]

The crowd around Shelley, whether it was the people watching the bustle or the guards of this place, all stared at Shelley with malicious eyes.

Anyone who can be threatened like this, no matter what, must be a person with secrets or strength!

Otherwise, the thieves' union is not a good man and a woman, and killing people and seizing treasures is the norm!"


the wine glass back onto the table, Shelley straightened up, glanced at the bartender, and smiled lowly

, "Luckily, you didn't choose to finish me here."


" "Your corpses will be in the stinking gutter right now."

[Shelley threatened]

"You! you ...... Ahh

Shelley stepped on the strong man's shoulder with a flat expression, pointed the machete he snatched in front of his eyes, lowered his head

and asked with a smile, "Excuse me, what did you want to say just now?"

The bartender restrained the thugs who wanted to rush up, and said in a deep voice to Shelley's back:

"Let go of my people! Get out of here!"

Ignoring the crowd behind him, Shelley still stared at the bald man on the ground and asked softly

"Don't you answer

?" "I, ask one last time, what do you want to say?" Looking at the sword that was gradually approaching him, the strong man broke out in a cold sweat, and shouted loudly:

"I! I want to say I'm sorry!

I said ......" "It's too slow~"


The tip of the knife was stuck straight in his ear, Shelley removed his foot from his body, walked towards the door, and said casually:

"Forget it, I didn't want to know, it doesn't matter.

"How much truth can you people say in your mouth?" The

door was closed again, and only the frightened gasps of the bald man could be heard in the quiet hall.

“...... Who was he?"

everyone looked at the glass that Shelley had played with, and saw that it could no longer remain intact and was reduced to a pile of pieces.

Everyone stood still, silent.

[Threat Determined Successful!].

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